Simple mouse mover which can be controlled from the REPL shell.
Each time the board is reset, the state of enablement of the mover will toggle.
I'm using it with the RP2040 USB-A development module from AliExpress and I'm quite happy with the results so far
You can also change this manually in the REPL shell and the board will reboot:
from ctrl import toggle_mouse_mover
By default, USB storage is not presented unless booting in safe mode which can be entered by typing the below:
from ctrl import safe_mode
To disable auto toggling of the mouse mover on reset, you can run the below:
from ctrl import auto_toggle_mouse_mover
Set MOVE_INTERVAL and MOVE_STEP with the below code Set reset=False to not reset the board after setting the values so you can set both at once
from ctrl import set_move_interval, set_move_step
set_move_interval(250) # 0.25 second in milliseconds
set_move_step(2) # 2 pixels at a time