The goal of this project is to serve as both a basic introduction to the explainable reinforcement learning (XRL) world and a sandbox for other XRL students/researchers to try out running XRL techniques with as little pre-running work as possible.
This was done through the implementation of two different XRL techniques (Belief Maps and VIPER) in a single codebase with non-technique-specific functions and classes being as generic as possible.
More information about contents, running instructions and project structure/architecture can be found in the repo wiki.
Repository created for the INF2102 discipline in the PUC-Rio Informatics MSci program.
Creating environment from environment.yml file:
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
To activate resulting environment:
conda activate xrlpucrio
To run with default configuration:
The -h option can be added to the above command line in order to get more info about running options. Note that results are saved in the "results" folder as the program is executed but the folder is completely erased at the start of each run - if the user wants to keep their results, they should be moved elsewhere on end of execution.
To run all tests:
python -m unittest discover -v
The "main" tests (in files "" and "") take quite a while to run (around 10 minutes).
This codebase was inspired by multiple sources and other repositories.
For general RL code (such as training loop), see the "Solving Blackjack with QLearning" tutorial by Gymnasium.
For the Belief Map/H-values technique, see the What Did You Think Would Happen? Explaining Agent Behaviour Through Intended Outcomes paper and the rl-intention repo for the paper source code.
For the VIPER technique, see the Verifiable Reinforcement Learning via Policy Extraction paper and the viper repo for the paper source code.