tomuto is a simple, open source tomato timer app. It features sound and runs on Windows, Linux, and possibly macOS (please test it and tell me!).
Please use the button below to be redirected to the latest release of tomuto.
- 'Boop' sound effect and break icons by myself
- Tomato icon by Icongeek26 (
- Volume/info icons by Google (
Feel free to contribute! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
tomuto is a free tool that can be used with the Pomodoro Technique®. Pomodoro Technique® and Pomodoro® are registered and filed trademarks owned by Francesco Cirillo. tomuto is not affiliated by, associated with nor endorsed by Francesco Cirillo.
Francesco Cirillo offers a comprehensive website where you can read all about the technique and get official books, courses and software. Check it out at: