Opinionated and customizable components for angular using tailwindcss.
All components are standalone components and do not require importing via mododules.
Syntax | Description |
@ngtw/accordion | Collapsible accordion component. |
@ngtw/range | Range input slider. |
Install the range component:
npm install @ngtw/range
Add the range component to your template:
<ngtw-range labelClasses="text-green-500 bg-gray-800 p-1 px-6 rounded"
inputClasses="h-2 accent-indigo-900 appearance-none bg-gray-800"
[minLabel]="the mininmum!"
minClasses="font-bold text-gray-400"
[maxLabel]="the maximum!"
maxClasses="font-bold text-fuchsia-500"
(valueChange)="update(i, $event)"></ngtw-range>
Example implementation: