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This repository contains a minimalist version of a REST API application that was created for recruitment processes to demonstrate and validate skills related to, among other things:

  • Python programming,
  • Django and DRF,
  • Docker, docker-compose,
  • Redis,
  • Celery, celery-beat,
  • Creating unit tests (pytest, factory-boy),
  • CI/CD (github workflows, pre-commit)


Application allows for creating user accounts. Users are authenticated via JWT Authentication tokens. Each user can create Budgets and share it with any number of other users. The Budget consists of CashFlows (incomes or expenses). They can be grouped into categories CashFlowCategories witch belongs to Budget.

Project is still under development. Not all functionalities are covered by unit tests yet.

Database diagram


Run application

Clone repository

git clone

Environment variables

Create .env file in main folder with environment variables according to .env-sample file.

Run docker containers

sudo docker-compose up

Application is running on

Running tests

Check docker web container (budgetapi_web) id (CONTAINER ID) using command:

sudo docker ps

Run tests using command:

 sudo docker exec -t {CONTAINER ID} pytest -vs app/tests/ users/tests/



  • Any user can create budget.

  • Only budget creator can share it to another user.

  • Adding/updating categories or cash flows requires being budget creator or having editor role.

  • Retrieving objects details requires being budget creator or having editor/read only role.

Method Endpoint Description Parameters (*required)
POST /register/ Create new account username* , password*, email
POST /api/token/ Takes a set of user credentials and returns an access and refresh JSON web token pair to prove the authentication of those credentials. username* , password*
POST /api/token/refresh/ Takes a refresh type JSON web token and returns an access type JSON web token if the refresh token is valid. refresh* (refresh token)
POST /api/token/verify/ Takes a token and indicates if it is valid. This view provides no information about a token's fitness for a particular use. token*
GET /budgets/ List all user's budgets -
POST /budgets/ Create new budget name*, description
GET /budgets/{budget_id}/ Retrieve budget details -
PUT /budgets/{budget_id}/ Update budget object name*, description
PATCH /budgets/{budget_id}/ Partial update budget object name, description
DEL /budgets/{budget_id}/ Delete budget object -
GET /categories/?budget={budget_id}/ List categories in budget object budget* (id of budget object)
POST /categories/ Create new category budget* (id of budget object), name* (category name), description
GET /categories/{category_id}/ Retrieve category object -
PUT /categories/{category_id}/ Update category object name* (category name), description
PATCH /categories/{category_id}/ Partial update category object name (category name), description
DEL /categories/{category_id}/ Delete category object -
GET /cash-flows/?budget={budget_id}/ List cash flows in budget budget* (id of budget object)
POST /cash-flows/ Create cash flow in budget budget* (id of budget object), amount* , name* (cash flow name), type* (1: income, 2: expense), description (cash flow description)
GET /cash-flows/{cashflow_id}/ Retrieve cash flow object -
PUT /cash-flows/{cashflow_id}/ Update cash flow object amount* , name* (cash flow name), type* (1: income, 2: expense), description (cash flow description)
PATCH /cash-flows/{cashflow_id}/ Partial update cash flow object amount, name (cash flow name), type (1: income, 2: expense), description (cash flow description)
DEL /cash-flows/{cashflow_id}/ Delete cash flow object -
POST /budget-share/ Share budget to another user budget* (id of budget object), shared_with* (id of user), role* (1: editor, 2: read-only)
PUT /budget-share/{budget_share_id}/ Update budget share with budget_share_id budget* (id of budget object), shared_with* (id of user), role* (1: editor, 2: read-only)
PATCH /budget-share/{budget_share_id}/ Change role of sharing role* (1: editor, 2: read-only)
DEL /budget-share/{budget_share_id}/ Unshare the budget -


No description, website, or topics provided.






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