The creepMiner is a client application for mining Burst on a pool or solo. For more informations about Burst follow this link. It is written in C++ and therefore can be compiled on different operating systems. It is designed multi-threaded to reach the best performance.
This is a (standalone) fork of the burst-miner found on this github repository.
Platform | Master | Development |
Linux | ||
Windows |
- POCO C++ libraries (Boost Software License 1.0)
- OpenSSL (Apache style license)
We are glad about every contribution to the project. Dont hesitate to open an issue, if you found a bug (with or without fix) or have an idea for a new feature!
If you want to share your own code, please follow these steps:
- create a fork of this repository
- add a new branch for your changings
- add your changes to the code
- dont forget to mention the issue number in the commit messages (just write something like
<message> #<id>
) - open a pull request and try to describe what the change is for
- done :)
The orignal author is uray meiviar (
If you want to support him, you can donate to:
- [ Burst ] BURST-8E8K-WQ2F-ZDZ5-FQWHX
- [ Bitcoin ] 1UrayjqRjSJjuouhJnkczy5AuMqJGRK4b
If you want to support me, you can donate to:
- [ Burst ] BURST-JBKL-ZUAV-UXMB-2G795