An experimental Parser and Java-Interpreter for a functional language inspired by SML
This is a toy project that I've created to learn more about functional programming languages and particularly Standard ML. Although this interpreter lacks some key features of SML like compile-time type checking and type inference, I've implemented much of the language's core features and added means to interact with Java-Objects.
I'm not actively working on this project and did never have any serious plans with it. If you're interested in functional programming on the JVM take a look at Scala that has been influenced by SML.
Build from source:
mvn clean install
Run the interactive read-eval-print-loop:
java -jar target/jml-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Now type in expressions and declarations separated by ";" and terminated by ";;"
Define the function "factorial"
fun factorial 0 = 1
| factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)
and then call it factorial 10 ;;
The function that append an element to a list might be implemented like this:
val rec append = fn
(list,x) =>
case list of
nil => x::nil
h::t => h::(append(t,x))
append ([1,2,3],4)
will then return [1,2,3,4]. Note that nil is a synonym for the empty list [], [1] equals 1::nil and [1,2] equals 1::2::nil and so on.
The language's grammar is defined in FL.g.
See test.fl and global.fl to get a glimpse of the supported syntax and functionality.