A Schedule Web Service created from NodeJS + ExpressJS
- NodeJS v.10.x.x
- MongoDB v.4.x.x
Install dependencies
sudo npm i
Install PM2
sudo npm i -g pm2
Install NGROK
sudo npm i -g ngrok
Start index.js with PM2
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
Start NGROK to give access to your localhost
ngrok http _port_
Install node-pre-gyp
npm install -g node-gyp node-pre-gyp
Then re-install bcrypt
npm install bcrypt --unsafe-perm
export / set
wpm_db=_mongodbURL_ // mongodb://localhost:27017/wpm
wpm_jwtPrivateKey=_yourPrivateKey_ //1234
- [start][stop][reload][delete]
- [CMD] pm2 kill -> to kill process if pm2 can't start.