Extracted from Azure Portal version on 2025-02-23.
Icons used with permission from Microsoft.
Icon | Type |
Application Insights | microsoft.insights/ components |
Azure Monitor Private Link Scope | Microsoft.Insights/ privateLinkScopes |
Availability test | microsoft.insights/ webtests |
Azure Workbook | microsoft.insights/ workbooks |
Azure Workbook Template | microsoft.insights/ workbooktemplates |
Azure Spring Apps | Microsoft.AppPlatform/ Spring |
Redis Enterprise database | Microsoft.Cache/ RedisEnterprise/ Databases |
Azure Cache for Redis | Microsoft.Cache/ Redis |
Azure DevOps organization | |
Azure DevOps organization | microsoft.visualstudio/ account |
Astro Organization | Astronomer.Astro/ organizations |
Confluent organization | Microsoft.Confluent/ organizations |
Datadog | Microsoft.Datadog/ monitors |
Dell APEX File Storage, An Azure Native Service | Dell.Storage/ filesystems |
Dynatrace | Dynatrace.Observability/ monitors |
Elastic | Microsoft.Elastic/ monitors |
Informatica Organization | Informatica.DataManagement/ organizations |
Logz.io | Microsoft.Logz/ monitors |
Logz sub account | Microsoft.Logz/ monitors/ accounts |
New Relic | NewRelic.Observability/ monitors |
Azure Native Arize AI Cloud Service | ArizeAi.ObservabilityEval/ organizations |
Commvault Cloud Account | Commvault.ContentStore/ cloudAccounts |
Commvault Overview | |
Azure Native LambdaTest Cloud Service | LambdaTest.HyperExecute/ organizations |
MongoDB Atlas Organization | MongoDB.Atlas/ organizations |
Azure Native Pinecone Cloud Service | Pinecone.VectorDb/ organizations |
Azure Native WeightsAndBiases Cloud Service | Microsoft.WeightsAndBiases/ instances |
Neon Serverless Postgres Organization | Neon.Postgres/ organizations |
NGINXaaS | NGINX.NGINXPLUS/ nginxDeployments |
Cloud NGFW by Palo Alto Networks | PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/ firewalls |
Global Rulestack | PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/ globalRulestacks |
Local Rulestack for Cloud NGFW by Palo Alto Networks | PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/ localRulestacks |
Azure Pilot | Microsoft.LiftrPilot/ organizations |
PureStorage.Block storage pools avs storage container | purestorage.block/ storagepools/ avsstoragecontainers |
Azure Native Pure Storage Cloud Service | purestorage.block/ reservations |
Storage pool | purestorage.block/ storagepools |
Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service | Qumulo.Storage/ fileSystems |
Sample Partner Resource | Microsoft.SamplePartner/ organizations |
SolarWinds Observability | SolarWinds.Observability/ Organizations |
Split Experimentation Workspace (preview) | SplitIO.Experimentation/ experimentationWorkspaces |
Resource Explorer | |
Resource Graph query | Microsoft.resourcegraph/ queries |
Resource | |
Recent | |
Resource Graph Explorer | |
Shared dashboard | Microsoft.Portal/ dashboards |
Private dashboard | microsoft.portal/ virtual-privatedashboards |
Deployment | |
Resource group | Microsoft.Resources/ subscriptions/ resourceGroups |
Tag | |
Azure AD B2C | |
Guest Usage | Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ guestUsages |
External Configuration Tenant | Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ ciamDirectories |
B2C Tenant | Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ b2cDirectories |
Microsoft Entra Password protection | |
Microsoft Entra Named locations | |
Microsoft Entra Authentication Strengths | |
Microsoft Entra Conditional Access | |
Cross-tenant Synchronization | |
Verified ID | |
Microsoft Entra Domain Services | Microsoft.AAD/ domainServices |
Identity Governance | |
Users | |
Workload Identity | |
Workflow | |
Workbook | |
Web Filtering Policy | |
VPN Connectivity | |
User Risk Policy | |
Resource Assignments for a User | |
User Registration Detail | |
Traffic Logs | |
Conditional Access Terms Of Use | |
Microsoft Entra ID | |
Risk Policy | |
Log | |
Verified ID Setup | |
Workflow Settings | |
Microsoft Entra Application Activity | |
Multifactor Authentication Server Status | |
Multifactor Authentication Server Setting | |
Security Getting Started | |
Identity Protection Overview | |
Session Management | |
Health | |
Enterprise State Roaming | |
Access Review | |
Registration Campaign | |
Registration and Reset Event | |
Privileged Identity Management Quickstart | |
Create Quick Access configuration | |
Microsoft Entra Connect Get Started | |
Provisioning Logs | |
Multifactor Aunthentication Provider | |
Feature Preview | |
Policies Overview | |
Policy | |
Welcome to Permissions Management | |
Phone Call Setting | |
Users Registration | |
Password Resets Notification | |
Helpdesk Link Customization | |
Password Reset | |
Password Protection | |
Connected Organization | |
Lifecycle Management Overview | |
Password Reset On-premises Integration | |
One-time Bypass | |
Notification | |
New Support Request | |
Named Location | |
Mobility (MDM and WIP) | |
Multifactor Authentication Registration Policy | |
Logging with Global Secure Access | |
Local Administrator Password Recovery | |
Linked Subscription | |
License | |
Verified ID Settings | |
Identity Protection Documentation | |
Weekly Digest | |
Users At Risk Detected Alert | |
Identity Secure Score | |
Identity Protection Overview | |
OATH Token | |
Group Setting | |
Multifactor Authentication Getting Started | |
Get started with Global Secure Access | |
Fraud Alert | |
Traffic Forwarding | |
Policy Profile | |
External Identity Getting Started | |
External Collaboration Setting | |
Enterprise Application Overview | |
Enterprise Applications User Setting | |
Enterprise Applications Collection | |
Enriched Microsoft 365 Logs | |
Domain Name | |
Group Naming Policy | |
Group Expiration | |
Diagnostic Settings | |
Diagnose and Solve Problem | |
Device Overview | |
All Devices | |
Device Settings | |
Devices Overview | |
Deleted Workflow | |
Deleted User | |
Deleted Group | |
Delegated Admin Partner | |
Welcome to Identity Governance | |
Custom Control | |
Custom Attribute | |
Custom Attribute | |
Cross-Tenant Synchronization Overview | |
Cross-Tenant Synchronization Configuration | |
Cross-tenant Access Setting | |
User Consent Setting | |
Permission classification | |
Admin Consent Setting | |
Company Branding | |
Client | |
Policy | |
Certificate Authority | |
Catalog | |
Credentials | |
Caching Rule | |
Bulk Operation | |
Remote Network | |
Block/Unblock User | |
BitLocker Key | |
Microsoft Defender for Cloud | |
Authentication Strength | |
Authentication Methods Setting | |
Authentication Methods Activity | |
Authentication Context | |
Activity Report | |
Audit Log | |
Privileged Identity Management Browse | |
Admin Consent Request | |
Application Credential Activity | |
Microsoft Entra Application Activity | |
App Launchers Setting | |
Administrator Policy | |
Auth Method | |
Account Lockout | |
Microsoft Entra Connect | |
Microsoft Entra ID Security | |
Security | |
Microsoft Entra Identity Secure Score | |
Microsoft Entra ID risky users | |
Microsoft Entra ID risky sign-ins | |
Microsoft Entra ID risky workload identities | |
Microsoft Entra ID risk detections | |
Microsoft Entra password protection | |
Multifactor authentication | |
Microsoft Entra ID Protection | |
Microsoft Entra authentication methods | |
Private Link for Microsoft Entra ID | microsoft.aadiam/ privateLinkForAzureAD |
Groups | |
Tenant properties | |
User settings | |
Microsoft Entra Connect | |
Create custom Microsoft Entra roles | |
External Identities | |
Microsoft Entra ID | |
Microsoft Entra roles and administrators | |
Administrative units | |
Enterprise application | |
App proxy | |
App registration | |
EngageHub Portal | |
Azure Stack Preview | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ edgeNodePools |
Azure Local | |
Azure Local Gallery image | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ galleryImages |
Azure Local Logical network | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ logicalnetworks |
Azure Local Marketplace Gallery image | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ marketplacegalleryImages |
Azure Local VM Network Interface | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ NetworkInterfaces |
Azure Local Network Security Group | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ networkSecurityGroups |
Azure Local | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ clusters |
Azure Local Storage path | Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/ storagecontainers |
Azure Local Virtual Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.All/ hciVirtualMachines |
Edge Center | |
AszLabHardware Lab Server | private.aszlabhardware/ labservers |
AszLabHardware Reservation | private.aszlabhardware/ reservations |
AszLabHardware Server | private.aszlabhardware/ servers |
Activity log | |
Microsoft Entra Connect Health | |
Device Update for IoT Hub | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ Accounts |
Front Door and CDN profile | microsoft.cdn/ profiles |
Azure Data Manager for Agriculture | Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/ farmBeats |
Agriculture data solutions | Microsoft.AgriculturePlatform/ agriServices |
Analysis Services | Microsoft.AnalysisServices/ servers |
Fabric Capacity | Microsoft.Fabric/ capacities |
Verifier Workspace | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ verifierWorkspaces |
Attached Data Network | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ packetCoreControlPlanes/ packetCoreDataPlanes/ attachedDataNetworks |
Packet Core Control Plane | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ packetCoreControlPlanes |
Data Network | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ mobileNetworks/ dataNetworks |
Packet Core Data Plane | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ packetCoreControlPlanes/ packetCoreDataPlanes |
Mobile Network | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ mobileNetworks |
Radio Access Network Insights | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ radioAccessNetworks |
Service | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ mobileNetworks/ services |
SIM | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ simGroups/ sims |
SIM Group | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ simGroups |
SIM Policy | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ mobileNetworks/ simPolicies |
Mobile Network Site | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ mobileNetworks/ sites |
Slice | Microsoft.MobileNetwork/ mobileNetworks/ slices |
API Center | Microsoft.ApiCenter/ services |
Gateway | Microsoft.ApiManagement/ gateways |
API Management service | Microsoft.ApiManagement/ service |
Workspace | Microsoft.ApiCenter/ services/ workspaces |
App Compliance Automation Tool for Microsoft 365 | |
Service catalog managed application definition | Microsoft.Solutions/ applicationDefinitions |
Managed applications center | |
Managed application | Microsoft.Solutions/ applications |
Visual Studio Online Plan | Microsoft.VSOnline/ Plans |
App Protect Policy | Microsoft.AppSecurity/ Policies |
Azure Arc | |
Azure Arc enabled resource | Microsoft.Arc/ allFairfax |
Azure Arc enabled resource | Microsoft.Arc/ all |
Arc Load Balancer | microsoft.kubernetesruntime/ loadbalancers |
Attestation provider | Microsoft.Attestation/ attestationProviders |
Automanage | |
Automation Account | Microsoft.Automation/ AutomationAccounts |
Guest Assignment | Microsoft.Compute/ virtualMachines/ providers/ guestConfigurationAssignments |
Guest Assignment | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machines/ providers/ guestConfigurationAssignments |
Azure Update Manager | |
App Configuration | Microsoft.AppConfiguration/ configurationStores |
Compute Fleet | microsoft.azurefleet/ fleets |
Compute Fleet | microsoft.azurefleet/ fleetsComputehub |
Batch account | Microsoft.Batch/ batchAccounts |
Business Continuity Center | |
Subscription | microsoft.resources/ subscriptions |
Subscription | |
Cost Management + Billing | |
Free service | |
Bot Service | Microsoft.BotService/ botServices |
Quotas | |
Origin | microsoft.cdn/ profiles/ endpoints/ origins |
Endpoint | microsoft.cdn/ profiles/ endpoints |
Custom domain | microsoft.cdn/ profiles/ endpoints/ customdomains |
Front Door and CDN profiles | microsoft.cdn/ profiles |
Change Analysis | |
Chaos Experiment | microsoft.chaos/ experiments |
Chaos Studio | |
Agent Private Access | microsoft.chaos/ privateaccesses |
Domain Name | |
Disk (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicStorage/ storageAccounts/ disks |
OS image (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicStorage/ storageAccounts/ osimages |
VM image (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicStorage/ storageAccounts/ vmimages |
Virtual machine (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicCompute/ VirtualMachines |
Transparency log | microsoft.sovereign/ transparencylogs |
Regulated Environment Management | |
Landing Zone Registration | microsoft.sovereign/ landingzoneregistrations |
Landing Zone Configuration | microsoft.sovereign/ landingzoneconfigurations |
Landing Zone Registration | microsoft.sovereign/ landingzoneaccounts/ landingzoneregistrations |
Landing zone accounts | microsoft.sovereign/ landingzoneaccounts |
Landing Zone Configuration | microsoft.sovereign/ landingzoneaccounts/ landingzoneconfigurations |
Azure Cloud HSM | Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/ cloudHsmClusters |
Azure Load Testing | Microsoft.LoadTestService/ LoadTests |
Cloud service (classic) | microsoft.classicCompute/ domainNames |
Cloud service role (classic) | microsoft.classiccompute/ domainnames/ slots/ roles |
Cloud service (extended support) | Microsoft.Compute/ cloudServices |
1ES | |
CloudTest Account | Microsoft.CloudTest/ accounts |
1ES Build Cache | Microsoft.CloudTest/ buildcaches |
1ES Hosted Pool | Microsoft.CloudTest/ hostedpools |
1ES Image | Microsoft.CloudTest/ images |
CloudTest Pool | Microsoft.CloudTest/ pools |
Code Optimizations | |
Trusted Signing Account | Microsoft.CodeSigning/ codesigningaccounts |
Communication Service | Microsoft.Communication/ CommunicationServices |
Communications Gateway Test Line | Microsoft.VoiceServices/ CommunicationsGateways/ TestLines |
Communications Gateway | Microsoft.VoiceServices/ CommunicationsGateways |
Community Training | Microsoft.Community/ communityTrainings |
Virtual machine scale set | Microsoft.Compute/ virtualMachineScaleSetsComputehub |
Virtual machine scale set | Microsoft.Compute/ virtualMachineScaleSets |
Virtual machine | Microsoft.Compute/ VirtualMachineComputehub |
Virtual machine | Microsoft.Compute/ VirtualMachines |
Virtual machine | Microsoft.All/ virtualMachines |
SSH key | Microsoft.Compute/ sshPublicKeys |
Proximity placement group | Microsoft.Compute/ ProximityPlacementGroupsComputehub |
Proximity placement group | Microsoft.Compute/ ProximityPlacementGroups |
Instance | microsoft.compute/ virtualmachineflexinstances |
Standby pool | microsoft.compute/ standbypoolinstance |
Virtual machine scale set | microsoft.compute/ computefleetscalesets |
Instance | microsoft.compute/ computefleetinstances |
Host | |
Host | Microsoft.Compute/ hostgroups/ hosts |
Host group | Microsoft.Compute/ hostgroupsComputehub |
Host group | Microsoft.Compute/ hostgroups |
Capacity Reservation Group | Microsoft.Compute/ capacityReservationGroupsComputehub |
Capacity Reservation Group | Microsoft.Compute/ capacityReservationGroups |
Availability set | Microsoft.Compute/ availabilitySets |
Recommendations | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ AdvisorCost |
Recommendations | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ AdvisorOperationalExcellence |
Recommendations | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ AdvisorPerformance |
Recommendations | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ AdvisorReliability |
Recommendations | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ AdvisorSecurity |
All resources | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ all |
Backup job | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ Backup |
Compute infrastructure | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ ComputeHubMain |
Health events | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ HealthEvents |
Linux OS | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ LinuxOSType |
Microsoft defender | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ MicrosoftDefenderFreeTrialSubscription |
Microsoft defender | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ MicrosoftDefenderStandardSubscription |
Outages | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ Outages |
Power states | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ PowerStateDeallocated |
Power states | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ PowerStateRunning |
Power states | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ PowerStateStopped |
Provisioning states | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ ProvisioningStateFailedResources |
Provisioning states | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ ProvisioningStateSucceededResources |
Windows OS | Microsoft.ComputeHub/ WindowsOSType |
Confidential Ledger | Microsoft.ConfidentialLedger/ ledgers |
Managed CCF App | Microsoft.ConfidentialLedger/ ManagedCCFs |
Solution Manager | |
Container registry | Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/ registries |
Container registry replication | Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/ registries/ replications |
Container registry scope map | Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/ registries/ scopeMaps |
Container registry token | Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/ registries/ tokens |
Container registry webhook | Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/ registries/ webhooks |
GitOps configuration | Microsoft.ContainerService/ managedClusters/ Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/ fluxConfigurations |
GitOps configuration | Microsoft.Kubernetes/ connectedClusters/ Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/ fluxConfigurations |
Kubernetes namespace | Microsoft.ContainerService/ managedClusters/ Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/ namespaces |
Kubernetes - Azure Arc namespace | Microsoft.Kubernetes/ connectedClusters/ Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/ namespaces |
Container instances | Microsoft.ContainerInstance/ containerGroups |
Kubernetes service | Microsoft.ContainerService/ managedClusters |
Kubernetes service extension | microsoft.containerservice/ managedclusters/ microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/ extensions |
Kubernetes service extension | microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/ extensions |
Kubernetes fleet manager | microsoft.containerservice/ fleets |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster | Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/ OpenShiftClusters |
Container storage | Microsoft.ContainerStorage/ pools |
Copilot in Azure admin center | |
Cost exports | |
Cost Management | |
Cost analysis | |
Cost alerts | |
Cost Management for AWS | |
Budgets | |
Deploy a custom template | |
Deployment Stack | |
Extension Deployment | Microsoft.PortalServices/ Extensions/ Deployments |
Portal Extension | Microsoft.PortalServices/ Extensions |
Extension Slot | Microsoft.PortalServices/ Extensions/ Slots |
Extension Version | Microsoft.PortalServices/ Extensions/ Versions |
Pipeline | Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/ Pipelines |
Flow | Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/ Connections/ Flows |
Connection | Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/ Connections |
Azure Data Transfer | |
Azure Lighthouse | Microsoft.ManagedServices/ registrationDefinitions |
My customers | |
Service providers | |
Azure Managed Grafana | Microsoft.Dashboard/ grafana |
Database watcher | Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/ watchers |
Access Connector for Azure Databricks | Microsoft.Databricks/ accessConnectors |
Azure Databricks Service | Microsoft.Databricks/ workspaces |
Activity | |
Table | |
Data factory | Microsoft.DataFactory/ dataFactories |
Data factory (V2) | Microsoft.DataFactory/ factories |
Pipeline | |
Slice | |
Data Lake Analytics | Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/ accounts |
Data Lake Storage Gen1 | Microsoft.DataLakeStore/ accounts |
Resource Guard | Microsoft.DataProtection/ resourceGuards |
Backup vault | Microsoft.DataProtection/ BackupVaults |
Backup center | |
Data Share | Microsoft.DataShare/ accounts |
Data Share Invitation | |
ClusterStor | Microsoft.ClusterStor/ nodes |
Security Detonation Chamber | Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/ chambers |
Project | Microsoft.DevCenter/ projects |
Pool | Microsoft.DevCenter/ projects/ pools |
Dev center plan | Microsoft.DevCenter/ plans |
Network connection | Microsoft.DevCenter/ networkconnections |
Azure Deployment Environment | |
Microsoft Dev Box | |
Dev center | Microsoft.DevCenter/ devcenters |
Dev Box definition | Microsoft.DevCenter/ devcenters/ devboxdefinitions |
Microsoft Code Studio | |
IoT Schema Registry | microsoft.deviceregistry/ schemaRegistries |
IoT Device | microsoft.deviceregistry/ devices |
IoT Asset Endpoint Profile | microsoft.deviceregistry/ assetEndpointProfiles |
IoT Asset | microsoft.deviceregistry/ assets |
Device Update Account | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ updateAccounts |
Device Update | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ updateAccounts/ updates |
Device Update Device Class | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ updateAccounts/ deviceClasses |
Device Update Deployment | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ updateAccounts/ deployments |
Device Update Agent | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ updateAccounts/ agents |
Device Update Active Deployment | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/ updateAccounts/ activeDeployments |
Managed DevOps Pool | Microsoft.DevOpsInfrastructure/ pools |
Custom image | |
DevTest Lab | Microsoft.DevTestLab/ labs |
Virtual machine | Microsoft.DevTestLab/ labs/ virtualMachines |
Dev Tunnels Domain | microsoft.devtunnels/ tunnelplans |
Azure Digital Twins | Microsoft.DigitalTwins/ digitalTwinsInstances |
Snapshot | Microsoft.Compute/ snapshots |
Azure compute gallery | Microsoft.Compute/ galleries |
Restore Point Collection | Microsoft.Compute/ restorePointCollections |
Restore Point | Microsoft.Compute/ restorePointCollections/ restorePoints |
VM image version | |
VM image version | Microsoft.Compute/ galleries/ images/ versions |
Image template | Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/ imageTemplates |
Image | Microsoft.Compute/ imagesComputehub |
Image | Microsoft.Compute/ images |
VM image definition | Microsoft.Compute/ galleries/ imagesComputehub |
VM image definition | Microsoft.Compute/ galleries/ images |
VM application version | Microsoft.Compute/ galleries/ applications/ versions |
VM application definition | Microsoft.Compute/ galleries/ applications |
Disk Encryption Set | |
Disk Encryption Set | Microsoft.Compute/ diskEncryptionSets |
Disk Access | Microsoft.Compute/ diskAccesses |
Disk | |
Disk | Microsoft.Compute/ disks |
Community image | Microsoft.Compute/ locations/ communityGalleries/ imagesComputehub |
Community image | Microsoft.Compute/ locations/ communityGalleries/ images |
Azure Database Migration Service (classic) | Microsoft.DataMigration/ services |
Azure Database Migration Project | Microsoft.DataMigration/ services/ projects |
Azure Database Migration Service | microsoft.datamigration/ sqlmigrationservices |
DNS zone | Microsoft.Network/ dnsZones |
Traffic Manager profile | Microsoft.Network/ trafficmanagerprofiles |
DNS forwarding ruleset | Microsoft.Network/ dnsForwardingRulesets |
DNS private resolver | Microsoft.Network/ dnsResolvers |
DNS Domain List | Microsoft.Network/ dnsResolverDomainLists |
DNS Security Policy | Microsoft.Network/ dnsResolverPolicies |
Azure Cosmos DB account | Microsoft.DocumentDb/ databaseAccounts |
Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra | Microsoft.DocumentDB/ cassandraClusters |
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cluster | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/ serverGroupsv2 |
Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB (vCore) | Microsoft.DocumentDB/ mongoClusters |
Reporting & Analytics | |
Microsoft Defender EASM | Microsoft.Easm/ workspaces |
Microsoft Defender EASM (Preview) | Private.Easm/ workspaces |
Impact Reporting | |
Impact Reporting Connector | microsoft.impact/ connectors |
Edge Action | Microsoft.Cdn/ edgeactions |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Azure Stack Edge / Data Box Gateway | Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/ dataBoxEdgeDevices |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Azure Edge Hardware Center Address | Microsoft.EdgeOrder/ addresses |
Site Key | microsoft.edgeorder/ bootstrapConfigurations |
Azure Edge Hardware Center | Microsoft.EdgeOrder/ orderItems |
Device | Microsoft.EdgeOrder/ virtual_orderItems |
Azure Edge Hardware Center | |
Education | |
Elastic SAN | Microsoft.ElasticSan/ elasticsans |
Logic app | Microsoft.Logic/ workflows |
Managed Connector | Microsoft.Logic/ integrationServiceEnvironments/ managedApis |
Integration Service Environment | Microsoft.Logic/ integrationServiceEnvironments |
Integration account | Microsoft.Logic/ integrationAccounts |
On-premises data gateway | Microsoft.Web/ connectionGateways |
Logic apps custom connector | Microsoft.Web/ customApis |
API Connection | Microsoft.Web/ connections |
Email Communication Services Domain | Microsoft.Communication/ EmailServices/ Domains |
Email Communication Service | Microsoft.Communication/ EmailServices |
Azure Center for Epic solution | |
Virtual Instance for Epic solution | Microsoft.Workloads/ epicVirtualInstances |
Event Grid Topic Space | Microsoft.EventGrid/ namespaces/ topicSpaces |
Event Grid Topic | Microsoft.EventGrid/ topics |
Event Grid Subscriptions | Microsoft.EventGrid/ systemTopics/ eventSubscriptions |
Event Grid System Topic | Microsoft.EventGrid/ systemTopics |
Event Subscription | Microsoft.EventGrid/ namespaces/ topics/ eventSubscriptions |
Event Grid Namespace | Microsoft.EventGrid/ namespaces |
Event Grid Partner Topic | Microsoft.EventGrid/ partnerTopics |
Event Grid Partner Registration | Microsoft.EventGrid/ partnerRegistrations |
Event Grid Partner Namespace | Microsoft.EventGrid/ partnerNamespaces |
Event Grid Partner Destination | Microsoft.EventGrid/ partnerDestinations |
Event Grid Partner Configuration | Microsoft.EventGrid/ partnerConfigurations |
Event Grid Namespace Topic | Microsoft.EventGrid/ namespaces/ topics |
Event Grid | |
Event Grid Subscriptions | |
Event Grid Domain Topic | Microsoft.EventGrid/ domains/ topics |
Event Grid Domain | Microsoft.EventGrid/ domains |
Event Grid Channel | Microsoft.EventGrid/ partnerNamespaces/ channels |
Event Hubs Geo-DR Alias | Microsoft.EventHub/ namespaces/ disasterrecoveryconfigs |
Schema Group | Microsoft.EventHub/ namespaces/ schemagroups |
Event Hubs Instance | Microsoft.EventHub/ namespaces/ eventhubs |
Event Hubs Cluster | Microsoft.EventHub/ clusters |
Event Hubs Namespace | Microsoft.EventHub/ namespaces |
Experiment Workspace | Microsoft.Experimentation/ experimentWorkspaces |
Advisor | |
Azure Data Box | Microsoft.DataBox/ jobs |
Fairfield Gardens | Microsoft.FairfieldGardens/ ProvisioningResources |
Provisioning policy | Microsoft.FairfieldGardens/ ProvisioningResources/ ProvisioningPolicies |
File share | Microsoft.FileShares/ fileshares |
Microsoft Firmware Analysis | microsoft.iotfirmwaredefense/ workspaces |
Fluid Relay | Microsoft.FluidRelay/ fluidRelayServers |
Front Door and CDN profiles | Microsoft.Network/ frontdoors |
Global view | |
Microsoft Graph Data Connect | |
Cost Management + Billing | |
Invoice | |
Billing subscription | |
Billing access control (IAM) | |
Azure HDInsight on AKS cluster pool | Microsoft.HDInsight/ clusterpools |
Azure HDInsight on AKS cluster | Microsoft.HDInsight/ clusterpools/ clusters |
HDInsight cluster | Microsoft.HDInsight/ clusters |
Service Health | |
Healthcare agent service | Microsoft.HealthBot/ healthBots |
De-identification Service | Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/ DeidServices |
Health Model (preview) | Microsoft.HealthModel/ healthmodels |
Resource bridge | Microsoft.ResourceConnector/ Appliances |
Azure Arc Kubernetes cluster | Microsoft.Arc/ kubernetesResources |
Kubernetes - Azure Arc | Microsoft.Kubernetes/ connectedClusters |
Kubernetes - Azure Arc extension | Microsoft.Kubernetes/ connectedClusters/ Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/ extensions |
Kubernetes hybrid - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridContainerService/ provisionedClusters |
Azure Arc virtual machine | Microsoft.All/ arcVirtualMachines |
Virtual machine | Microsoft.All/ virtualMachines |
Azure Local virtual machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.AzureStackHci/ virtualMachines |
Custom location | Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/ CustomLocations |
Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ arcServerWithWac |
Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machines |
Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machinesSovereign |
Microsoft.AwsConnector ec2 instance | microsoft.hybridcompute/ machines/ microsoft.awsconnector/ ec2instances |
Multicloud connector | Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/ publicCloudConnectors |
Azure Arc Private Link Scope | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ privateLinkScopes |
SCVMM virtual machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.scvmm/ virtualMachines |
SCVMM management server | Microsoft.ScVmm/ vmmServers |
Arc gateway | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ gateways |
Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machinesEsu |
Extended Security Updates - Windows Server 2012/R2 | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ licenses |
Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machinesPayGo |
Machine - Azure Arc | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machinesSoftwareAssurance |
VMware vCenter | Microsoft.connectedVMwareVSphere/ vCenters |
VMware + AVS virtual machine | Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/ VirtualMachines |
VMware + AVS virtual machine | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ Machines/ Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/ virtualMachineInstances |
Azure Arc data controller | Microsoft.AzureArcData/ dataControllers |
PostgreSQL server – Azure Arc | Microsoft.AzureArcData/ postgresInstances |
SQL managed instance - Azure Arc | Microsoft.AzureArcData/ sqlManagedInstances |
SQL Server ESU license | microsoft.azurearcdata/ sqlserveresulicenses |
SQL Server - Azure Arc | Microsoft.AzureArcData/ sqlServerInstances |
SQL Server database - Azure Arc | Microsoft.AzureArcData/ SqlServerInstances/ Databases |
SQL Server License | microsoft.azurearcdata/ sqlserverlicenses |
Microsoft.Network network virtual appliance | microsoft.network/ networkvirtualappliances |
Virtual WAN | Microsoft.Network/ virtualWans |
Azure Cortex | |
Route Server | |
Microsoft.Network/virtualHub | Microsoft.Network/ virtualHubs |
Virtual network gateway | Microsoft.Network/ virtualNetworkGateways |
Route filter | Microsoft.Network/ routeFilters |
Mesh VPN | Microsoft.NetworkFunction/ meshVpns |
Local network gateway | Microsoft.Network/ localnetworkgateways |
IP Group | Microsoft.Network/ ipGroups |
Firewall Policy | Microsoft.Network/ firewallPolicies |
Firewall Manager | |
ExpressRoute traffic collector | Microsoft.NetworkFunction/ azureTrafficCollectors |
ExpressRoute provider | |
Microsoft.Network express route gateways express route connection | Microsoft.Network/ expressRouteGateways/ expressRouteConnections |
ExpressRoute Direct | Microsoft.Network/ expressRoutePorts |
ExpressRoute circuit | Microsoft.Network/ expressRouteCircuits |
Connection | Microsoft.Network/ connections |
Firewall | Microsoft.Network/ azureFirewalls |
Bastion | Microsoft.Network/ bastionHosts |
Application gateway | Microsoft.Network/ applicationGateways |
Application Gateway for Containers | Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/ trafficControllers |
Infrastructure as Code Automation | Microsoft.DevHub/ iacProfiles |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
IoT Central Application | Microsoft.IoTCentral/ IoTApps |
Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS) | Microsoft.Devices/ ProvisioningServices |
IoT Hub | Microsoft.Devices/ IotHubs |
Azure IoT Operations | Microsoft.IoTOperations/ instances |
Microsoft Defender for IoT | |
IP address pool | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ ipamPools |
Storage Sync Service | Microsoft.StorageSync/ storageSyncServices |
Certificate | |
Key | |
Key vault | Microsoft.KeyVault/ vaults |
Secret | |
Kubernetes fleet manager | microsoft.containerservice/ fleets |
Data Explorer Database | Microsoft.Synapse/ workspaces/ kustopools/ databases |
Data Explorer pool (preview) | Microsoft.Synapse/ workspaces/ kustopools |
Azure Data Explorer Database | Microsoft.Kusto/ clusters/ databases |
Azure Data Explorer Cluster | Microsoft.Kusto/ clusters |
Azure Maps Creator Resource | Microsoft.Maps/ accounts/ creators |
Azure Maps Account | Microsoft.Maps/ accounts |
Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Azure | |
Maintenance Configuration | Microsoft.Maintenance/ maintenanceConfigurations |
Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | Microsoft.KeyVault/ managedHSMs |
Lab | Microsoft.LabServices/ labs |
Lab account | Microsoft.LabServices/ labAccounts |
Lab plan | Microsoft.LabServices/ labPlans |
Azure Lab Services | |
Lab | Microsoft.LabServices/ labAccounts/ labs |
Virtual Network Manager | |
Network manager | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ routingConfigurations |
Network manager | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ securityUserConfigurations |
Network manager | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ securityAdminConfigurations |
Network manager | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ networkGroups |
Network manager | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers/ connectivityConfigurations |
Network manager | Microsoft.Network/ networkManagers |
Managed Identity | Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/ userAssignedIdentities |
kubernetes 1 - Azure Arc | microsoft.kubernetes/ connectedClusters |
SaaS | Microsoft.SaaS/ resources |
Software as a Service (classic) | Microsoft.SaaS/ applications |
SaaS (classic) | Microsoft.SaaS/ saasresources |
Template | Microsoft.Gallery/ myareas/ galleryitems |
Marketplace | |
Marketplace | |
Professional Service | Microsoft.ProfessionalService/ resources |
Migration project | Microsoft.Migrate/ projects |
Azure Migrate | |
Migrate Assessment | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Nixtla | |
Model Provider | |
Mistral | |
Azure Machine Learning workspace | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/ workspaces |
Llama2 | |
Core42 | |
Cohere | |
Azure AI Foundry | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/ aistudio |
Azure Machine Learning registry | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/ registries |
Machine learning online endpoint | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/ workspaces/ onlineEndpoints |
Machine learning online deployment | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/ workspaces/ onlineEndpoints/ deployments |
Chamber | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers |
Chamber Data Pipeline File | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers/ files |
Chamber Data Pipeline File Request | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers/ fileRequests |
Chamber License | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers/ licenses |
Modeling and Simulation Workbench | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches |
Chamber Connector | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers/ connectors |
Shared Storage | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ sharedStorages |
Chamber Storage | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers/ storages |
Chamber VM | Microsoft.ModSimWorkbench/ workbenches/ chambers/ workloads |
Azure Monitor Dashboard | Microsoft.Dashboard/ dashboards |
Azure Monitor Dashboard (PrivateRP) | Private.MonitorGrafana/ dashboards |
Azure Monitor pipeline (preview) | Microsoft.monitor/ pipelineGroups |
Autoscale | |
Monitor | |
Diagnostic settings | |
Diagnostic settings | microsoft.eventhub/ namespaces/ providers/ diagnosticsettings |
Diagnostic settings | Microsoft.Insights/ diagnosticSettings |
Metrics | |
Managed Prometheus | |
Data collection endpoint | microsoft.insights/ datacollectionendpoints |
Data collection rule | microsoft.insights/ datacollectionrules |
Azure Monitor workspace | microsoft.monitor/ accounts |
Prometheus rule group | microsoft.alertsmanagement/ prometheusrulegroups |
Action group | microsoft.insights/ actiongroups |
Activity log alert rule | microsoft.insights/ activitylogalerts |
Alert processing rule | microsoft.alertsmanagement/ actionrules |
Alerts | |
Log search alert rule | microsoft.insights/ scheduledqueryrules |
Metric alert rule | microsoft.insights/ metricalerts |
Smart detector alert rule | microsoft.alertsmanagement/ smartdetectoralertrules |
NetApp account | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts |
Backup vault | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ backupVaults |
Capacity pool | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ capacityPools |
Snapshot | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ capacityPools/ volumes/ snapshots |
Snapshot policy | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ snapshotPolicies |
Volume | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ capacityPools/ Volumes |
VolumeGroup | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ volumeGroups |
User and group quota | Microsoft.NetApp/ netAppAccounts/ capacityPools/ volumes/ volumeQuotaRules |
Application security group | Microsoft.Network/ applicationSecurityGroups |
Network security group (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/ networkSecurityGroups |
Virtual network (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/ virtualNetworks |
Custom IP Prefix | Microsoft.Network/ customIpPrefixes |
DDoS protection plan | Microsoft.Network/ ddosProtectionPlans |
DNS zone | Microsoft.Network/ dnsZones |
Guest Assignment | Microsoft.Compute/ virtualMachines/ providers/ guestConfigurationAssignments |
Guest Assignment | Microsoft.HybridCompute/ machines/ providers/ guestConfigurationAssignments |
Guest Assignment | Microsoft.Compute/ virtualMachineScaleSets/ providers/ guestConfigurationAssignments |
Guest Assignment | Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/ virtualMachines/ providers/ guestConfigurationAssignments |
Load balancer | Microsoft.Network/ LoadBalancers |
Load balancing and content delivery | |
Load balancing - help me choose | |
NAT gateway | Microsoft.Network/ natGateways |
Network interface | Microsoft.Network/ networkinterfaces |
Network security group | Microsoft.Network/ NetworkSecurityGroups |
Network Watcher | |
Network Watcher | microsoft.network/ networkwatchers |
Flow log | microsoft.network/ networkwatchers/ flowlogs |
Private endpoint | Microsoft.Network/ privateEndpoints |
Application Gateway | Microsoft.Management/ managementGroups/ providers/ privateLinkAssociations |
Private Link | |
Private link service | Microsoft.Network/ privateLinkServices |
Public IP address | Microsoft.Network/ PublicIpAddresses |
Public IP Prefix | Microsoft.Network/ publicIpPrefixes |
Reserved IP address (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/ reservedIps |
Resource management private link | Microsoft.Authorization/ resourceManagementPrivateLinks |
Route table | Microsoft.Network/ routeTables |
Service endpoint policy | Microsoft.Network/ serviceEndpointPolicies |
Virtual network | Microsoft.Network/ virtualNetworks |
Virtual network terminal access point | microsoft.network/ virtualnetworktaps |
Application Gateway WAF policy | Microsoft.Network/ ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies |
Content Delivery Network WAF policy | Microsoft.Cdn/ CdnWebApplicationFirewallPolicies |
Front Door WAF policy | Microsoft.Network/ FrontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies |
Volume (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ volumes |
Virtual Machine Console (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ virtualMachines/ consoles |
Virtual Machine (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ virtualMachines |
Trunked Network (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ trunkedNetworks |
Storage Appliance (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ storageAppliances |
Operator Nexus | |
Route Policy (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ RoutePolicies |
Network Tap Rule (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ networkTapRules |
Network Tap (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ networkTaps |
Network Rack (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NetworkRacks |
Network Packet Broker (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NetworkPacketBrokers |
Network Interface (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NetworkDevices/ networkInterfaces |
Network Fabric Controller (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ networkFabricControllers |
Network Fabric (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NetworkFabrics |
Network Device (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NetworkDevices |
Neighbor Group (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NeighborGroups |
Network to Network Interconnect (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ NetworkFabrics/ networkToNetworkInterconnects |
Layer 3 Isolation Domain (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ l3IsolationDomains |
Layer 2 Isolation Domain (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ l2IsolationDomains |
IP Prefix (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ ipPrefixes |
IP Extended Community (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ ipExtendedCommunities |
IP Community (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ ipCommunities |
Internet Gateway Rule (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ internetGatewayRules |
Internet Gateway (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ internetGateways |
Internal Network (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ l3IsolationDomains/ internalNetworks |
External Network (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ l3IsolationDomains/ externalNetworks |
Access Control List (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ accessControlLists |
Kubernetes Cluster (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ kubernetesClusters |
Layer 3 Network (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ l3Networks |
Layer 2 Network (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ l2Networks |
Compute Rack (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ racks |
Cluster Metrics Configuration (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ clusters/ metricsConfigurations |
Cluster Manager (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ clusterManagers |
Cluster Bare Metal Machine Key Set (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ clusters/ bareMetalMachineKeySets |
Cluster Baseboard Management Controller Key Set (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ clusters/ bmcKeySets |
Cluster (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ clusters |
Cloud Services Network (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ cloudServicesNetworks |
Bare Metal Machine (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ bareMetalMachines |
Agent Pool (Operator Nexus) | Microsoft.NetworkCloud/ kubernetesClusters/ agentPools |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Network Security Perimeter | Microsoft.Network/ networkSecurityPerimeters |
Network Security Perimeter | Microsoft.Network/ networkSecurityPerimeters/ profiles |
Global Secure Access | |
Notification Hub Namespace | Microsoft.NotificationHubs/ namespaces |
Notification Hub | Microsoft.NotificationHubs/ namespaces/ notificationHubs |
Resource Graph Visualizer | Microsoft.Resources/ resourceGraphVisualizer |
Change Analysis (preview) | Microsoft.Resources/ resourceChange |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
OneMigrate | |
Online Experimentation Workspace | microsoft.onlineexperimentation/ workspaces |
Azure Data Manager for Energy | Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/ energyServices |
SCOM managed instance | |
SCOM managed instance | Microsoft.Scom/ managedInstances |
Cloud Access Router | Microsoft.Orbital/ cloudAccessRouters |
Cloud Access Terminal | Microsoft.Orbital/ terminals |
Azure Orbital Cloud Access | |
SDWAN Controller | Microsoft.Orbital/ sdwanControllers |
Contact | Microsoft.Orbital/ spacecrafts/ contacts |
Contact Profile | Microsoft.Orbital/ contactProfiles |
Edge Site | Microsoft.Orbital/ EdgeSites |
GeoCatalog | Microsoft.Orbital/ geoCatalogs |
Ground Station | Microsoft.Orbital/ GroundStations |
L2 Connection | Microsoft.Orbital/ l2Connections |
Azure Orbital | |
Spacecraft | Microsoft.Orbital/ spacecrafts |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/ flexibleServers |
Azure Database for MySQL flexible server | Microsoft.DBforMySQL/ flexibleServers |
Task Hub | Microsoft.DurableTask/ Schedulers/ TaskHubs |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Integration Environment | Microsoft.IntegrationSpaces/ spaces |
Durable Task Scheduler | Microsoft.DurableTask/ Schedulers |
Business Process | Microsoft.Logic/ businessprocesses |
App Space | Microsoft.App/ spaces |
Peering | Microsoft.Peering/ peerings |
Peering Service | Microsoft.Peering/ peeringServices |
Peering Service Prefix | Microsoft.Peering/ peeringServices/ prefixes |
Registered ASN | Microsoft.Peering/ peerings/ registeredAsns |
Registered prefix | Microsoft.Peering/ peerings/ registeredPrefixes |
Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management | |
Playwright Testing | Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/ accounts |
Blueprint | |
Policy | |
Dashboard hub | |
Shared dashboard | Microsoft.Portal/ dashboards |
Shared dashboard (preview) | Microsoft.Portalservices/ dashboards |
Power BI Embedded | Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/ capacities |
Power Platform | |
Catalog | Private.AiForScience/ catalogs |
Private DNS zone | Microsoft.Network/ privateDnsZones |
APC Operator API Plan | Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/ operatorApiPlans |
APC Operator API Connection | Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/ operatorApiConnections |
APC Gateway | Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/ gateways |
Microsoft Purview account | Microsoft.Purview/ Accounts |
Azure AI services | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseAIServices |
Azure AI services multi-service account | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseAllInOne |
Anomaly detector | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseAnomalyDetector |
Azure AI services | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ accounts |
Computer vision | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseComputerVision |
Content moderator | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseContentModerator |
Content safety | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseContentSafety |
Custom vision | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseCustomVision |
Face API | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseFace |
Document intelligence | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseFormRecognizer |
Health decision support | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseHealthDecisionSupport |
Health Insights | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseHealthInsights |
Immersive reader | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseImmersiveReader |
Language understanding | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseLUIS |
Metrics advisor | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseMetricsAdvisor |
Azure OpenAI | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseOpenAI |
Personalizer | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowsePersonalizer |
QnA maker | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseQnAMaker |
Speech service | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseSpeechServices |
Language | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseTextAnalytics |
Translator | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/ BrowseTextTranslation |
Project Sustainability Calculator (Preview) | Microsoft.SustainabilityServices/ calculations |
Quantum Workspace | Microsoft.Quantum/ Workspaces |
Azure Quantum | |
Intelligent Recommendations Account | Microsoft.RecommendationsService/ accounts |
Modeling | Microsoft.RecommendationsService/ accounts/ modeling |
Service Endpoint | Microsoft.RecommendationsService/ accounts/ serviceEndpoints |
Backup Item | Microsoft.RecoveryServices/ vaults/ backupFabrics/ protectionContainers/ protectedItems |
Recovery Services INTD2 | Microsoft.RecoveryServicesINTD2/ vaults |
Recovery Services INTD | Microsoft.RecoveryServicesINTD/ vaults |
Recovery Services BVTD2 | Microsoft.RecoveryServicesBVTD2/ vaults |
Recovery Services BVTD | Microsoft.RecoveryServicesBVTD/ vaults |
Recovery Services vault | Microsoft.RecoveryServices/ vaults |
Replication job | |
WCF Relay | Microsoft.Relay/ namespaces/ WcfRelays |
Relay | Microsoft.Relay/ namespaces |
Hybrid Connection | Microsoft.Relay/ namespaces/ HybridConnections |
Reservation | |
Savings plan | |
Incentive Schedule | Microsoft.Billing/ billingAccounts/ incentiveSchedules |
Incentive Schedule | |
Incentive Schedule | Microsoft.BillingBenefits/ incentiveSchedules |
Reservation | Microsoft.Capacity/ reservationorders/ reservations |
Savings plan | Microsoft.Billing/ billingAccounts/ savingsPlanOrders/ savingsPlans |
Savings plan | Microsoft.BillingBenefits/ savingsPlanOrders/ savingsPlans |
Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment | Microsoft.BillingBenefits/ maccs |
Milestone | Microsoft.Billing/ billingAccounts/ incentiveSchedules/ milestones |
Milestone | Microsoft.BillingBenefits/ incentiveSchedules/ milestones |
Reservation order | Microsoft.Capacity/ reservationorders |
Savings plan order | Microsoft.Billing/ billingAccounts/ savingsPlanOrders |
Savings plan order | Microsoft.BillingBenefits/ savingsPlanOrders |
Azure Resource Mover | |
What's new | |
User privacy | |
Service group member relationship | microsoft.relationships/ servicegroupmember |
Dependency Relationship | microsoft.relationships/ dependencyOf |
Resource Manager | |
Resource change | Microsoft.Resources/ resourceChanges |
Recycle Bin | Microsoft.Resources/ deletedResources |
Quickstart Center | |
Operation log (classic) | |
Management group | |
GitHub | |
Azure Data Boundaries | |
Deployment | |
Deployment stack | Microsoft.Management/ managementGroups/ Microsoft.Resources/ deploymentStacks |
Deployment stack | Microsoft.Resources/ deploymentStacks |
Rollout | Microsoft.DeploymentManager/ Rollouts |
API Playground | |
Preview features | microsoft.features/ featureprovidernamespaces/ featureconfigurations |
Preview features | |
Microsoft SaaS (Preview) | Microsoft.SaaSHub/ cloudServices/ hidden |
Azure Large Instance | Microsoft.AzureLargeInstance/ azureLargeInstances |
BareMetal Instance | Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/ bareMetalInstances |
SAP HANA on Azure | Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/ hanaInstances |
App server instance for SAP solutions | Microsoft.Workloads/ sapVirtualInstances/ applicationInstances |
Central service instance for SAP solutions | Microsoft.Workloads/ sapVirtualInstances/ centralInstances |
Database for SAP solutions | Microsoft.Workloads/ sapVirtualInstances/ databaseInstances |
Azure Center for SAP solutions | |
Virtual Instance for SAP solutions | Microsoft.Workloads/ sapVirtualInstances |
Search service | Microsoft.Search/ searchServices |
Microsoft Defender for Cloud | |
Security Alert | microsoft.security/ locations/ alerts |
Microsoft Sentinel | |
Microsoft Sentinel incident | |
Microsoft Sentinel | microsoft.securityinsightsarg/ sentinel |
Azure Iot Hub Security | |
Service Bus Topic | Microsoft.ServiceBus/ namespaces/ topics |
Service Bus Subscription | Microsoft.ServiceBus/ namespaces/ topics/ subscriptions |
Service Bus Queue | Microsoft.ServiceBus/ namespaces/ queues |
Service Bus Geo-DR Alias | Microsoft.ServiceBus/ namespaces/ disasterrecoveryconfigs |
Service Bus Namespace | Microsoft.ServiceBus/ namespaces |
Service Fabric cluster | Microsoft.ServiceFabric/ clusters |
Service Fabric managed cluster | Microsoft.ServiceFabric/ managedclusters |
Resource Provider as a Service | Microsoft.ProviderHub/ ProviderRegistrations |
Resource Type | Microsoft.ProviderHub/ ProviderRegistrations/ ResourceTypeRegistrations |
Resource Type | Microsoft.ProviderHub/ ProviderRegistrations/ ResourceTypeRegistrations/ ResourceTypeRegistrations |
Rollout | Microsoft.Providerhub/ providerRegistrations/ customRollouts |
Rollout | Microsoft.Providerhub/ providerRegistrations/ defaultRollouts |
Web PubSub Service Replica | Microsoft.SignalRService/ WebPubSub/ replicas |
Web PubSub Service | Microsoft.SignalRService/ WebPubSub |
SignalR Replica | Microsoft.SignalRService/ SignalR/ replicas |
SignalR | Microsoft.SignalRService/ SignalR |
Site configuration | Microsoft.Edge/ Configurations |
Site manager - Azure Arc | Microsoft.Edge/ sites |
Azure Sphere Catalog | microsoft.azuresphere/ catalogs |
Azure Sphere (Legacy) | |
Storage browser | |
Storage account | Microsoft.Storage/ StorageAccounts |
Storage account (classic) | Microsoft.ClassicStorage/ StorageAccounts |
HPC cache | Microsoft.StorageCache/ caches |
Azure Managed Lustre | Microsoft.StorageCache/ amlFilesystems |
Storage mover | Microsoft.StorageMover/ storageMovers |
Storage task - Azure Storage Actions | Microsoft.StorageActions/ storageTasks |
Azure Storage Action | |
Stream Analytics cluster | Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/ clusters |
Stream Analytics job | Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/ StreamingJobs |
Support Request | microsoft.support/ supporttickets |
Help + support | |
Surface Management Portal | |
Carbon optimization | |
Synapse private link hub | Microsoft.Synapse/ privateLinkHubs |
SCOPE pool | Microsoft.Synapse/ workspaces/ scopePools |
Apache Spark pool | Microsoft.Synapse/ workspaces/ bigDataPools |
Dedicated SQL pool | Microsoft.Synapse/ workspaces/ sqlPools |
Synapse workspace | Microsoft.Synapse/ workspaces |
Built-in template spec | Microsoft.Resources/ builtInTemplateSpecs |
Template spec | Microsoft.Resources/ templateSpecs |
Template spec | Microsoft.Management/ managementgroups/ providers/ templatespecs |
Template spec | |
Deployment Script | Microsoft.Resources/ deploymentScripts |
Azure Toolbox | |
Azure Toolbox | |
Microsoft.UsageBilling accounts pipelines output selector | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts/ pipelines/ outputselectors |
Microsoft.UsageBilling accounts pipeline | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts/ pipelines |
Microsoft.UsageBilling accounts pav2output | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts/ pav2outputs |
Microsoft.UsageBilling accounts metric export | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts/ metricexports |
Microsoft.UsageBilling accounts input | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts/ inputs |
Microsoft.UsageBilling accounts data export | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts/ dataexports |
Microsoft.UsageBilling account | microsoft.usagebilling/ accounts |
Workload | Microsoft.Mission/ virtualEnclaves/ workloads |
Enclave | Microsoft.Mission/ virtualenclaves |
Transit hub | Microsoft.Mission/ communities/ transitHubs |
Enclave endpoint | Microsoft.Mission/ virtualEnclaves/ enclaveEndpoints |
Enclave connection | Microsoft.Mission/ EnclaveConnections |
Community endpoint | Microsoft.Mission/ communities/ communityEndpoints |
Community | Microsoft.Mission/ communities |
Catalog | Microsoft.Mission/ catalogs |
Azure Virtual Enclaves | |
Approval | Microsoft.Mission/ approvals |
Virtual machine scale set | Microsoft.Compute/ virtualMachineScaleSets |
Virtual Appointments Builder | |
Azure Network Function Manager – Network Function | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ networkFunctions |
Azure Network Function Manager – vendor | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ vendors |
Azure Network Function Manager – Device | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ devices |
Site Network Service | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ siteNetworkServices |
Site | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ sites |
Publisher | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers |
Publisher Artifact Store | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ artifactStores |
Publisher Artifact Manifest | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ artifactStores/ artifactManifests |
Network Service Design Version | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ networkServiceDesignGroups/ networkServiceDesignVersions |
Network Service Design | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ networkServiceDesignGroups |
Network Function Definition Version | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/ networkFunctionDefinitionVersions |
Network Function Definition | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ networkFunctionDefinitionGroups |
Azure Operator Service Manager | |
Configuration Group Schema | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ publishers/ configurationGroupSchemas |
Configuration Group Value | Microsoft.HybridNetwork/ configurationGroupValues |
Wave Migration | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Winfield Preview | private.edgeinternal/ winfields |
Microsoft.Workloads insight | microsoft.workloads/ insights |
Azure Monitor for SAP Solutions (classic) | Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/ sapMonitors |
Azure Monitor for SAP solutions | Microsoft.Workloads/ monitors |
Azure Virtual Desktop | |
Workspace | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/ Workspaces |
Scaling plan | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/ ScalingPlans |
Host pool | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/ HostPools |
Application group | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/ ApplicationGroups |
App attach package | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/ appAttachPackages |
Segmentation Manager | Microsoft.ZeroTrustSegmentation/ segmentationManagers |
Bing Resource | Microsoft.Bing/ accounts |
Health Model | Microsoft.CloudHealth/ healthmodels |
Remote Rendering Account | Microsoft.MixedReality/ remoteRenderingAccounts |
Connected Cache for Enterprise & Education | Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ enterpriseMccCustomers |
MCC CacheNode for Enterprise | Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ enterpriseMccCustomers/ enterpriseMccCacheNodes |
Connected Cache for ISP | Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ ispCustomers |
Managed Desktop | |
FHIR service | Microsoft.HealthcareApis/ workspaces/ fhirservices |
MedTech service | Microsoft.HealthcareApis/ workspaces/ iotconnectors |
Azure Health Data and AI Services | Microsoft.Test/ healthDataAIServices |
Health Data Services workspace | Microsoft.HealthcareApis/ workspaces |
Azure API for FHIR | Microsoft.HealthcareApis/ services |
DICOM service | Microsoft.HealthcareApis/ workspaces/ dicomservices |
Devices | |
Intune | |
Intune | |
Intune | |
Troubleshooting + support | |
Tenant administration | |
Devices | |
Apps | |
Intune for Education | |
Microsoft Entra | |
Alert | |
App | |
Barcode scanner | |
Delegation | |
Devices | |
Documentation | |
Enrollment manager | |
Intune | |
Group | |
Reports | |
School Data Sync | |
Service health | |
Manage subscriptions | |
Help + support | |
Tenant setting | |
Term of Use | |
Users | |
Express configuration | |
Reports | |
Security Baselines | |
Endpoint security | |
Factory Operations Agent in Azure AI | Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/ ManufacturingDataServices |
My Resource | Providers.Test/ statefulIbizaEngines |
Skylarc | |
Grip | |
AzPubSub | |
Log Analytics dedicated cluster | microsoft.operationalinsights/ clusters |
Solution | Microsoft.OperationsManagement/ solutions |
Log Analytics workspace | Microsoft.OperationalInsights/ workspaces |
Log Analytics query pack | Microsoft.OperationalInsights/ querypacks |
Microsoft Security Copilot compute capacity | Microsoft.SecurityCopilot/ capacities |
Services Hub Connector | Microsoft.ServicesHub/ connectors |
Azure AI Video Indexer | Microsoft.VideoIndexer/ accounts |
Oracle Database@Azure | |
Oracle Exascale VM Cluster | Oracle.Database/ exadbVmClusters |
Oracle Exascale DB Storage Vault | oracle.database/ exascaledbstoragevaults |
Oracle Exadata VM Cluster | oracle.database/ cloudvmclusters |
Oracle Exadata Infrastructure | oracle.database/ cloudexadatainfrastructures |
OracleSubscription | Oracle.Database/ oracleSubscriptions |
Autonomous Database | oracle.database/ autonomousdatabases |
ScanX Management | |
ESRP Scan | Microsoft.AzureScan/ scanningAccounts |
Service Linker | |
Virtual cluster | Microsoft.Sql/ virtualClusters |
SQL virtual machine | Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/ SqlVirtualMachines |
SQL server | Microsoft.Sql/ servers |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL single server | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/ servers |
Azure Database for MySQL single server | Microsoft.DBforMySQL/ servers |
Azure Database for MariaDB server | Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/ servers |
SQL managed instance | Microsoft.Sql/ managedInstances |
Managed database | Microsoft.Sql/ managedInstances/ databases |
Instance pool | Microsoft.Sql/ instancePools |
tier | Microsoft.DatabaseFleetManager/ fleets/ tiers |
Fleetspaces | Microsoft.DatabaseFleetManager/ fleets/ fleetspaces |
Fleet Managed Database | Microsoft.DatabaseFleetManager/ fleets/ fleetspaces/ databases |
Database fleet manager | Microsoft.DatabaseFleetManager/ fleets |
SQL elastic pool | Microsoft.Sql/ servers/ elasticpools |
Elastic Job agent | Microsoft.Sql/ servers/ jobAgents |
Database service | |
SQL database | Microsoft.Sql/ servers/ databases |
Azure SQL resource | Microsoft.Sql/ azuresql |
Universal Print | |
My Resource | |
My Resource | |
Approvals | |
My Cases & Support | |
VLCentral Help | |
VLCentral Home | |
My Resource | |
My Resource | |
My Resource | |
Deals | |
Reporting & Analytics | |
User Management | |
Azure VMware Solution private cloud | Microsoft.AVS/ privateClouds |
Data Transfer Agent | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ dataTransferAgents |
Exclusion | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ exclusionTemplates |
Migration | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ liveDataMigrations |
Metadata Migration | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ metadataMigrations |
Metadata Target | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ metadataTargets |
Verification | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ verifications |
LiveData Migrator | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators |
Path Mapping | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ pathMappings |
Target | Wandisco.Fusion/ migrators/ targets |
App Service (Slot) | Microsoft.Web/ sites/ slots |
App Service | Microsoft.Web/ sites |
App Service plan | Microsoft.Web/ serverFarms |
Web App | |
Static Web App | Microsoft.Web/ StaticSites |
App Service Certificate | Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/ certificateOrders |
Mobile App | |
Container App Session Pool | Microsoft.App/ sessionPools |
Container App Job | Microsoft.App/ jobs |
Container Apps Environment | Microsoft.App/ managedEnvironments |
Container Apps Connected Environment | Microsoft.App/ connectedEnvironments |
Container App | Microsoft.App/ containerApps |
App Service Kubernetes Environment | Microsoft.Web/ KubeEnvironments |
App Service Environment | Microsoft.Web/ HostingEnvironments |
App Service Domain | Microsoft.DomainRegistration/ domains |
Api App |