Based on FlapPyBird and flappybird-qlearning-bot.
To run the game you need the following packages to install:
- python2.7
- python-tk
And in Python, you need to install the following libraries:
- numpy
- pygame
- sklearn
- matplotlib
- tensorflow (guide to install)
To install the libraries you can use, for example, the python-pip
package and run the following commands:
pip install numpy pygame sklearn matplotlib tensorflow
The codes have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.
To run the game with graphics interface (if not set SHOW_SCREEN=False
), run:
python -B
To run the game without graphics interface, run:
python -B
The following subsections describe contents of files and subdirectories.
The file
contains importing of all the bots available in the sources (the directory bots
). In variable BOT
loads the imported class you want to use.
The file
contains constants to run the game Flappy Bird. Meaning of the constants is as follows:
represents frame rate in the game. 30 is the default value and the higher value is, the faster is the game. By using 0, the game is as fast as possible.PLAY_SOUNDS
to play sounds of the game.SHOW_SCREEN
to show the screen of the game.FREEZ_AT_THE_END
to wait for the player to press a key after the death of the bird to start a new game.
The file
contains the sources of the game with the graphical interface. You can change the variable USE_OWN_PIPES
to True
if you want to use your own pipes and defined the folder where the pipes are saved in the PIPES_FOLDER
variable. In the variable NUMBER_OF_GAMES
you can specify how many games should be played. After that number is reached the game is terminated. You can also set the variable to a special value INFINITE_GAMES
which means that the game is only terminated by the user (by closing the window or pressing CTRL+c
The file
contains the sources of the game without the graphical interface. This file is usually used when a bot is trained (to train faster). Meanings of the variables USE_OWN_PIPES
are the same as it is in the previous subsection.
The file
contains three functions which are prepared to be run by the runp
program (installation, ex. pip install runp
visualizes the input data of scores to an output image with trend accuracy set in the variableTREND_ACCURACY
visualizes the input scores to an output image with the highlighted average score.plot_scores_with_average
visualizes individual games with the highlighted average score of the input score files from the variableFILES
The file
is a bash script which runs multiple instances of the
script with tags defined in the file in the part seq x y
where x
is the beginning tag and y
is the ending tag (for example for seq 1 3
the script will run three instances python -B 1 &
, python -B 2 &
and python -B 3 &
The directory assets
contains files for the game itself (audio, sprites, other static data, etc.).
The directory bots
contains an abstract class Bot
in the file
. The class contains three methods act
, dead
and stop
. All of these methods should be implemented to define a new bot.
The already implemented bots:
- A greedy bot in the file
. - Another greedy bot in the file
. - A bot implementing the Q-learning algorithm with parameters:
defining whether the bot should be trained or not,VERTICAL_ACCURACY_OF_STATES
representing the rounding number for the vertical positions,HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY_OF_STATES
representing the rounding number for the horizontal positions,ALIVE_REWARD
representing the positive and negative rewards in the game,Q_FILE_BASE
representing the base for the name of the file where Q-values are stored,DATA_FILE_BASE
representing the base for the name of the file where scores of the played games are stored,DISCOUNT
representing the parameter discount factor of the Q-learning algorithm,LEARNING_RATE
representing the parameter learning rate of the Q-learning algorithm,EPSILON_POLICY
defining whether ϵ-greedy policy is used or not,DUMPING_RATE
representing the number after how many iterations the Q-values in the file should be updated,LAST_STATES_PENALIZED
representing the number of the last states to be penalized,STEPS
representing the number of future steps taken into account when picking a new action.
- A bot implementing the Deep Q-learning algorithm with parameters:
defining whether the bot should be trained or not,REWARD
representing positive and negative rewards in the game,DATA_FILE
representing the name of the file where scores of the played games are stored,EPSILON_POLICY
defining whether ϵ-greedy policy is used or not,DUMPING_RATE
representing the number after how many iterations the Q-network is updated in the file,LAST_STATES_IGNORED
representing the number of the last states which are ignored during training the Q-network,STEPS
representing the number of future steps taken into account when picking a new action,REPLAY_MEMORY_CAPACITY
representing the capacity of the replay memory,MINIBATCH_SIZE
representing the size of the mini-batch used for training the Q-network,REPLAY_STEPS
representing the number of repetitions for training the Q-network with the initial data,TRAIN_STEP
representing the number of repetitions for training the Q-network with the all other data collected during training,PROBABILITY_TO_FLAP
representing the probability to flap when taking a random action,GREEDY_PROBABILITY
representing the probability of taking a greedy action during initialization,NETWORKS_COUNT
representing the number of trained networks when using more Q-networks.
The directory models
contains two folders:
containing a pre-trained model for the Deep Q-learning algorithm,QLearning
containing a pre-trained model for the Q-learning algorithm.
The directory scripts
contains four files:
The file
contains a script to create the heatmap of decisions of a bot. To run the script first load the bot, you want to use, in the bot
variable. Then set the velocity you want to visualize in the variable VEL
and set the name of the output file in the variable OUT_IMAGE
and other parameters respectively. Run the script by:
To crop the images use one of the following commands:
convert -crop 854x1954+1106+285 name.png
mogrify -crop 854x1954+1106+285 *.png
where X=1106
, Y=285
, Width=854
and Height=1954
An example output from the file scripts/ql10.png:
The file
contains functions to generate and compare initial Q-networks by using Q-values generated by the Q-learning algorithm. The meaning of the significant constants:
represents the number of Q-networks to generate.OPTIMIZERS
represents used optimizers for Q-networks (ith network will use (i modlen(OPTIMIZERS)
)th optimizer).
The meaning of the public functions is as follows:
returns Q-values stored in the file with namefile_name
prints the number of positive and negative values of the given Q-values,max_min_value
prints the max and min Q-value,get_data_for_training
returns data in a format for learning,save_decisions
enriches the Q-values with the actions which are taken by Q-learning for each state,train_networks
trains the inputnetworks
compares decisions of Q-values and Q-networks.
An example of using the defined functions could be as follows:
from init_train_functions import *
q = get_q_values("q")
inn, outt = get_data_for_training(q)
count = len(inn)
networks = [FNN(OPTIMIZERS[i % len(OPTIMIZERS)], i) for i in range(NETWORKS_COUNT)]
networks = train_networks(networks, inn[:count], outt[:count], 100)
compare_computation(networks, q, 100)
The file
generates pipes for the Flappy Bird game (for example to use the same situations when comparing the performance of algorithms). The parameter PIPES_IN_ONE_GAME
defines how many pipes are in one generated game, NUMBER_OF_GAMES
defines the count of generated games and FOLDER
represents the folder where the generated games are stored.
The file
plots multiple scores stored in files for individual instances in folders defined in the files
variable. TESTS_COUNT
defines how many scores in each folder should be taken into account. FOLDER_BASE
defines the root folder where subfolders with the data are stored. The indices
variable defines strings for the legend - ith string is used for the ith file in files
. The output image is stored in FOLDER_BASE
+ ".png" file and the highest score and highest average score and the highest score and the highest average score of the worse instance are stored in the file FOLDER_BASE
+ ".txt".
An example output from the file scripts/lr.png: