An electric train system incorporating open-loop and closed-loop H-Bridge motor control using the PICAXE microcontroller for the ELEC3204 major project.
- Martin Abeleda
- Aminah Thipayawat
- Haibo Wang
This project is programmed in the BASIC programming language for the PICAXE.
The train has an open loop and a closed loop mode. In the open loop mode, the speed is changed using a potentiometer and drives forwards and reverse. In closed loop mode, there is a fixed speed setpoint. Feedback is implemented by operating a DC motor as a generator. The generator output is fed through a voltage divider and low-pass filter to step-down the voltage and remove high frequency noise.
- H-Bridge board
- 2x DC Motors
- 1x Button
- 2x LEDs
PICAXE documentation: Getting Started BASIC Commands