NexSync, a Go tool to synchronize repositories and artifacts to and from Nexus2/Nexus3 Artifact Servers. Able to synchronize Maven2 artifacts and artifact versions between repositories.
Currently capable of:
- synchronizing artifacts between repos in Nexus3
- synchronizing artifact versions from repos in Nexus2/Nexus3 to repos in Nexus3
Tool was originally created for automatic artifact mirroring.
Inspired by N3DR.
Build from source.
git clone
cd nexsync
go build -o ./ ./..
./nexsync -h
nexsync is a tool to synchronise Maven repositories and artifacts from and to Nexus2/Nexus3
nexsync [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
sync Synchronize repositories
syncartifact Synchronize artifact
--config string Path to config file; default is ~/.nexsync
-d, --debug enable debug
--dir string Directory to store artifacts in during sync (default "/tmp")
-h, --help help for nexsync
--nexus2from nexusFrom is Nexus2
--nexus2to nexusTo is Nexus2
--nexusfrom string Nexus endpoint to sync from (default "http://localhost:8080")
--nexusto string Nexus endpoint to sync to (default "http://localhost:8080")
--passfrom string Password for Nexus user in nexusFrom
--passto string Password for Nexus user in nexusTo
--repofrom string Repository to sync from in nexusFrom
--repoto string Repository to sync to in nexusTo
--userfrom string Nexus user to authenticate with in nexusFrom
--userto string Nexus user to authenticate with in nexusTo
Use "nexsync [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Sync repos between Nexus3 servers.
./nexsync sync --urlfrom="<repo URL to sync from>" --repofrom="<repo to sync from>" \
--userfrom="<user with download permissions>" --passfrom='<password for userFrom>' --tmpdir="./tmp" \
--urlto="<repo URL to sync to>" --repoto="<repo to sync to>" \
--userto="<user with upload permissions>" --passto='<password for userTo>'
Sync artifact versions fron Nexus2 to Nexus3 server.
./nexsync syncartifact --urlfrom="<repo URL to sync from>" --repofrom="<repo to sync from>" \
--userfrom="<user with download permissions>" --passfrom='<password for userFrom>' --tmpdir="./tmp" \
--urlto="<repo URL to sync to>" --repoto="<repo to sync to>" \
--userto="<user with upload permissions>" --passto='<password for userTo>' \
--artifact="<groupID>/<artifactID>" --fromnexus2
No tools that I could find (N3DR, nexus_cli, repositorytools, nexus3_cli) are capable of mirroring artifacts between Nexus Artifact Servers of different versions.