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317 lines (251 loc) · 10.9 KB
Source and Documentation
Copyright © 2018 Kyebego. Code released under GNU GPLv3 (or any later version); documentation released under CC BY-SA 4.0. For more information, see the license notice at the bottom of this document.


🌄🎼 A scripting engine for dialogue and text


This folder contains all of the source code for Kyrie. Kyrie is written in Literate CoffeeScript, which means that each source file can be read as Markdown, and serves as its own documentation. The code blocks (indented with four spaces) in each file are the CoffeeScript code. This file is the README, and is, in fact, a file in the engine's source.

Browser compatibility

The anticipated (ie, untested) browser compatibility for Kyrie is as follows:

Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
7 4.0 9 12 5.1


How to read this source:

Kyrie is broken into two components: the parser, which reads a KyrieScript file and outputs a data structure that the engine can understand, and the engine, which provides the public API for interacting with scripts. The sources for these components can be found in Parser/ and Engine/, respectively. You should read the former if you are looking to write KyrieScript files, and the latter if you are looking to build a technology which interacts with them.

It is not necessary to understand all of the code behind Kyrie in order to put it into use. In fact, the extensive documentation provided exists precisely to make it accessible without forcing users to dig through code. When browsing the source, each block of code is usually explained in the paragraphs immediately preceding or following it, so feel free to skim over code blocks when you have a decent idea of what is going on.

Kyrie is still under active development, and errors in the code are likely present. Issues may be submitted through GitHub should any bugs be discovered.

Document structure:

Each source file is split into two main parts. The first, titled "Description", outlines and documents the features defined in the file and how to use them. The second, titled "Implementation", provides and explains the source code. Readers looking to use Kyrie need largely only concern themselves with the first section, but readers aiming for a deeper understanding of how Kyrie operates under the hood should read both.

Formatting conventions:

Source files are written in GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM), utilizing fenced code-blocks for non-compiled source.

This is a paragraph. It is in a section titled “Formatting conventions”. This is a code excerpt, this is emphasis, and this is important. Here is a link.

  • This is a short unordered list
  • In the source, there is minimal padding between and around lines

Note : This is a note.

  1. This is a short ordered list
  2. Here is item #2
  3. Short list items like these don't end in periods

Issue ## : This is a note regarding a known issue.

  • This is a list with paragraph content. For these kinds of lists, there is more padding in the source and each sentence ends with a period.

  • Note that each list item may contain at most one paragraph, because the CoffeeScript compiler will otherwise try to interpret the second as code.

  • Although this is an unordered list, an ordered list with paragraph content would be formatted in much the same way.

This is a sample block of CoffeeScript code.
It will not appear in the compiled source.
Usually, though, documentation examples are written in plain
This is a plain-text code block, used (for example) to present
KyrieScript code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample html</title>
<p> And here is a block of HTML.

The following is a line break:

The following is a subsection titled “Case conventions and variable names”.

Case conventions and variable names

Kyrie uses camelCase for all variables, and for functions which are not intended to be used as a constructor. PascalCase is used for functions which are intended as constructors. In the source, parentheses should never be used to provide arguments for functions; for example:

do myFunction                                #  No arguments
new myConstructor                            #  No arguments
myFunction (1 + 2), "three"                  #  Two arguments
new myConstructor (callback) -> do callback  #  One argument

Don't be confused!

This source uses Unicode characters in some variable names.

The letter U+01C3 ǃ LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK is used in function names to denote a function that either throws an error or returns undefined. This is not the same character as U+0021 ! EXCLAMATION MARK, which will never appear in this source directly following a variable name.


This is the first file in the Kyrie source. (For the complete source order, see the INSTALL file.) We start things off by entering into strict mode.

"use strict"

Getting the global object:

Kyrie is designed to be useäble in (virtually) any browser without any fancy compilation or features—just include /Build/Kyrie.min.js, and the various objects are made available to you on the window object. However, it also supports CommonJS exports, and will attempt to set its properties there if self and window are not defined. The global variable stores this object for convenience.

global = self ? (window ? (exports ? null))
unless global?
  throw new ReferenceError "Unable to find global object."

Special constructors:

Kyrie makes use of two special kinds of constructor functions: functions which must be called as constructors, and constructor functions which cannot be called.

Functions which must be called as constructors

Many Kyrie functions can only be called as constructors. We define the constructǃ function locally to make checking for this easy. For a function MyConstructor which must be called as a constructor, constructǃ @, MyConstructor, "MyConstructor" should be the first line in its source.

constructǃ = (theThis, constructor, type) ->
  throw new TypeError "#{type} must be called as a
    constructor." unless theThis?
  throw new TypeError "This is not a
    #{type}." unless theThis instanceof constructor

Kyrie's definition of a "constructor" does not require the use of new. For example, Object.create MyConstructor:: counts as a constructor call, because the this value passed to the constructor implements the correct prototype. This enables constructor subclassing without depending on ES2015 features like class and super.

Constructor functions which cannot be called

The generator function Ø generates uncallable constructors. This is used when publicly exposing the prototype of objects which should not be constructable by external scripts. Ø takes as its arguments an identifier, which will be inferred as the function name (not actually in ES 5.1, but potentially in later versions), and a prototype, which is the (real) prototype for the (fake) constructor.

Ø = (identifier = "anonymous", prototype = Object::) ->
  obj = [identifier]: -> throw new TypeError "Illegal constructor."
  Object.defineProperty obj[identifier], "prototype",
    configurable: no
    value: prototype
    writable: no

The kyrie object:

All Kyrie constants, objects, and constructors are made available through the kyrie global object. The kyrie object is technically an instance of Kyrie—but this constructor doesn't do anything and can't actually be called.

Object.defineProperty (Kyrie = ->)::, "constructor",
  configurable: no
  value: Ø "Kyrie", Kyrie::
  writable: no
kyrie = new Kyrie

Kyrie targets vanilla ES 5.1, so it doesn't use modules or similar. It simply attaches itself to the global object at "kyrie". For the adventurous, you can also access the kyrie object from the emoji sequence "🌄🎼".

Object.defineProperties global,
    configurable: yes
    value: kyrie
    configurable: yes
    value: kyrie

Identity Information:

The global kyrie object identifies itself using a number of properties, so that one can easily tell which version they are using (and build tools which support multiple versions!)

Object.defineProperties kyrie,

The property provides an identifying URI for the API author of this version of Kyrie. If you fork Kyrie and change its API, you should also change this value.

: value: ""

The property provides the version number of this version of Kyrie as an object with three parts: major, minor, and patch. It is up to the API author (identified above) to determine how these parts should be interpreted. It is recommended that the toString() and valueOf() methods be implemented as well.

: value: Object.freeze
    major: 0
    minor: 0
    patch: 0
    toString: -> "#{@major}.#{@minor}.#{@patch}"
    valueOf: -> @major * 100 + @minor + @patch / 100

License notice

This file is a part of Kyrie.

Kyrie is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify the code sections of this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Similarly, you can redistribute and/or modify the documentation sections of this document under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Kyrie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License along with this source. If not, see and