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C implementation to symbolically solve Connect4 game for given board size with binary decision diagrams.

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Connect4 Strong Solver

This project is an open-source implementation of the symbolic search approaches described in

Edelkamp, S., & Kissmann, P. (2011, August). On the complexity of BDDs for state space search: A case study in Connect Four.
In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 18-23).


Edelkamp, S., & Kissmann, P. (2008). Symbolic classification of general two-player games.
In KI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23-26, 2008. Proceedings 31 (pp. 185-192). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

to count the number of unique positions and to produce a strong solution of a Connect4 game of a given board size, respectively.

The number of positions for the conventional 7 x 6 board can be computed in ~3h with 16 GB RAM.

The strong solution of the 7 x 6 instance takes ~47 hours and 128 GB RAM. It is published on Zenodo.


Binary Decision Diagrams Library

In src/bdd, you can find a simple library to work with binary decision diagrams.
It is designed to give the user great control over memory.
The user specifies the number of all allocatable BDD nodes with the log2_tablesize parameter.
For instance, log2_tablesize=28 fits into 16 GB RAM and allows you to allocate 2^28 = 268,435,456 nodes simultaniously.
If you increase, log2_tablesize by one, it doubles the required RAM and number of allocatable nodes.
The maximum number is log2_tablesize=32.

The user has to manually keep track of BDD node references and manually perform garbage collection to free and reuse nodes, see src/bdd/uniquetable.h.


To demonstrate the usage of the library, we also include an implementation of the n-queens puzzle.

Go to its directory, cd src/queens, and compile it with make.
Run with queens.out log2_tablesize N, where N is the board size. E.g. queens.out 22 8 or queens.out 27 12.
You may play around with trading of speed versus memory usage. E.g. queens.out 24 12.


Go to src/connect4.


There are multiple ways to encode a Connect4 position with Boolean variables. Edelkamp and Kissmann use 2 * width * height + 1 variables: one variable denotes the side-to-move and there are two variables per board cell indicating whether it is empty, occupied by the first player, or occupied by the second player. For this cell-wise encoding, Edelkamp and Kissmann proved that the algorithmic complexity of counting all unique positions is exponential in min(width, height), independent of variable ordering. We have implemented their encoding for both a row-wise and column-wise order. To encode transititoins, we need two sets of variable, i.e. two boards. While they have not explicitly mentioned how to order the variables belonging to the same cell we take following approach: player-1-board-1, player-1-board-2, player-2-board-1, player-2-board-2, as illustrated below on the left. connect4_encoding

Inspired by bitboard representations~\cite{tromp2008solving,Herzberg}, we have also implemented a more compressed encoding with only width * (height + 1)variables, illustrated above on the right. In this encoding, each cell has only one variable. The lowest available cell per column is always true. All cells below the lowest available cell are occupied and true if the disc belongs to the first player else false (the disc belongs to the second player). To facilitate this logic, we need an additional row. This encoding outperforms the standard encoding for the 7 x 6 board configuration, but performs poorly if the number of rows is large.

Counting number of unique positions

Compile with make count. Options:

  • COMPRESSED_ENCODING: whether to use compressed encoding (default: 1)
  • ALLOW_ROW_ORDER: whether to sort variables by row instead of column if heigth > width. Is irrelevant if height <= width (default: 0)
  • FULLBDD: whether to compute BDD that represents all unique positions (= union of positions per ply, default: 0)
  • SUBTRACT_TERM: whether to use Connect4 termination criterion (default: 1)
  • ENTER_TO_CONTINUE: whether to require to press enter to start computation (default: 0)
  • WRITE_TO_FILE: whether to write results to .csv file (default: 1)
  • IN_OP_GC: whether to allow automatic garbage collection during BDD operations (default: 1)
  • IN_OP_GC_THRES: fill-level of node pool above which garbage collection is triggerd if IN_OP_GC=1 (default: 0.9999)
  • IN_OP_GC_EXCL: whether to exclusively perform automatic garbage collection instead of at manually set points (default: 0)

Run with ./build/counts.out log2_tablesize width height.

Generally, if you have enough memory available, log2_tablesize should be chosen such that the maximum fill-level of the node pool does not exceed 50 %. Otherwise, performance degrades. If the garbage collection manually set program points is not enough, then you may encounter a uniquetable too small error, i.e. there are no more nodes available to allocate. In this case you may try to set IN_OP_GC=1. Then, if the fill level exceeds IN_OP_GC_THRES during a BDD operation, garbage collection will be triggered. This wrecks performance, because all caches are also cleared, which are heavily used during operations. For IN_OP_GC=1 (and gariage collection in general) to work, the program has to be written in a way such that all BDD nodes that are used later on will be kept alive with reference counting, i.e. keep_alive(node). Lastly, setting FULLBDD=1 increases computation and memory usage slighlty, because a union over all the BDD encoding the position at each ply is iteratively performed and kept alive. Set only if you are intersted in the number of nodes required to encode all positions, not just the position counts.

Some examples to demonstrate flags:


    • ./build/count.out 29 7 6: uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 28.50 %, finishes in ~6300 seconds.
    • ./build/count.out 28 7 6: uses <16 GB RAM, fill-level: 56.99 %, finsihes in ~6900 seconds.

    • ./build/count.out 27 7 6: uses <8 GB RAM, triggers IN_OP_GC 3 times, finishes in ~10800 seconds.

    • ./build/count.out 29 7 6 uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 44.43 %, finsihes in ~10100 seconds.
    • ./build/count.out 28 7 6 uses <16 GB RAM, fill-level: 88.86 %, finishes in ~11700 seconds.

    • ./build/count.out 29 7 6 uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 48.21 %, finishes in ~8000 seconds.

    • ./build/count.out 29 7 6 uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 75.40 %, finishes in ~12800 seconds.

    • ./build/count.out 29 7 6 uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 0.17 %, finishes in ~70 seconds.

If this takes too long on your computer you may try:

    • ./build/count.out 26 6 6: uses <4 GB RAM, fill-level: 60.02 %, finishes in in ~980 seconds.

Solving Connect-4

Compile with make solve. Options:

  • IN_OP_GC
  • SAVE_BDD_TO_DISK: whether to save the strong solution as BDD to disk (default: 1)

Run with ./build/solve.out log2_tablesize width height.

If SAVE_BDD_TO_DISK=1, then for each ply three files will be generated. One BDD that is sat for won positions, one for drawn, and one for lost positions. These files will be stored in the solution_w{WIDTH}_h{HEIGHT} folder. For information on other options, see previous section.

Some example runs:

  • make solve COMPRESSED_ENCODING=1
    • ./build/solve.out 29 6 6: uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 51.79 %, finishes in ~7700 seconds.
    • ./build/solve.out 24 6 4: uses <1 GB RAM, fill-level: 12.87 %, finishes in ~35 seconds.
    • ./build/solve.out 24 5 5: uses <1 GB RAM, fill-level: 14.22 %, finishes in ~40 seconds.
    • ./build/solve.out 29 6 6: uses <32 GB RAM, fill-level: 90.00 %, finishes in ~15400 seconds.
    • ./build/solve.out 28 6 6: uses <16 GB RAM, fill-level: 90.00 %, finishes in ~8500 seconds.
    • ./build/solve.out 31 7 6: uses <128 GB RAM, fill-level: 90.00 %, finishes in ~168000 seconds. (See results section for output and Zenodo)

Win-Draw-Loss Query

To query the solution generated with solve.out build the wdl.out program with make wdl. Options:

  • WIDTH: the width of the Connect4 board
  • HEIGHT: the height of the Connect4 board

The options have to be set to be compatable with the solutoin generated with solve.out. Same encoding + same height and width.



Output of ./build/wdl_w7_h6.out solution_w7_h6/ 332

input move sequence: 332
Connect4 width=7 x height=6
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .  stones played: 3
 . . . o . . .  side to move: o
 . . x x . . .  is terminal: 0
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Overall evaluation = 1 (forced win)

move evaluation:
  0   1   2   3   4   5   6 
 -1   1  -1  -1   1  -1  -1 

 1 ... move leads to forced win,
 0 ... move leads to forced draw,
-1 ... move leads to forced loss

Bestmove search

To find the move that leads to the fastest win or slowest loss compile with make bestmove Options:

  • WIDTH: the width of the Connect4 board
  • HEIGHT: the height of the Connect4 board

The options have to be set to be compatable with the solutoin generated with solve.out. Same encoding + same height and width.


Output of ./build/bestmove_w7_h6.out solution_w7_h6/ 332

input move sequence: 332
Connect4 width=7 x height=6
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .  stones played: 3
 . . . o . . .  side to move: o
 . . x x . . .  is terminal: 0
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Overall evaluation = 1 (forced win)

Computing distance to mate ...      
Position is 1 (win in 37 plies)
Best move is 4

n_nodes = 600314 in 0.004s (171506.525 knps)

move evaluation:

 x ... forced win in x plies,
 0 ... move leads to forced draw,
-x ... forced loss in x plies
±x ... search in progress (lower bound on final x)

  0   1   2   3   4   5   6 
 -4  37  -4  -4  37  -4  -4 
n_nodes = 5524605 in 0.022s (255009.459 knps)

best move: 1 with win in 37 plies

Connect4 width=7 x height=6
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .  stones played: 4
 . . . o . . .  side to move: x
 . o x x . . .  is terminal: 0
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Generating Openingbook

The bestmove search can be sped up by creating an openingbook by evaluating all positions at a given ply (default = 8). Compile with make openingbook. Options:

  • WIDTH: the width of the Connect4 board
  • HEIGHT: the height of the Connect4 board

The options have to be set to be compatable with the solutoin generated with solve.out. Same encoding + same height and width.

Run with generate_openingbook_w{WIDTH}_h{HEIGHT}.out folder n_workers.
For example generate_openingbook_w6_h6.out solution_w6_h6/ 4 creates the openingbook with 4 threads.

It may be beneficial to do multi-processing as well.
For this execute python3 probe/ folder width height n_workers.
It will spawn n_workers / 4 processes.

The openingbook is stored as .csv where the position key (see position_key function in src/connect4/probe/board.c) is mapped to game score: 100 - ply for win in ply moves and -100 + ply for loss in ply moves. If a position is not contained in the opening book it is a draw.

Full Alpha-Beta Search

The bestmove search does alpha-beta pruning by leveraging the strong-solution found with solve.out.

For comparison, we also implemented an equivalent alpha-beta search that does not make use of the strong solution.

Compile with make full_ab_search.


  • WIDTH: the width of the Connect4 board
  • HEIGHT: the height of the Connect4 board
  • DTM: whether search move with respect to distance to mate (fastest win, slowest loss). Otherwise, only produces a win-draw-loss evaluation.

Run with ./build/full_ab_search_w{WIDTH}_h{HEIGHT}.out moveseq.


  • make full_ab_search WIDTH=7 HEIGHT=6 DTM=1
    • finds solution in ~130 seconds and 946,511,712 nodes
  • make full_ab_search WIDTH=7 HEIGHT=6 DTM=0
    • finds solution in ~115 seconds and 827,622,460 nodes

Scripts to Reproduce Paper

There is a paper in progress and we have added scripts to conveniently reproduce the results.

We ran all experiments on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor with 128 GB RAM.

  • python3 scripts/ RAM max_worker counts the number of unique positions for several width-height combinations and several encodings. Results are stored in results/count_positions_results. The option RAM is the amount of memory you want to use, should be a multiple of 2. And max_worker is the maximum number of parallel searches. We ran the experiment with RAM=128 and max_worker=32. This takes days to complete.
  • python3 scripts/ can be used to create summary tables of the count results.
  • python3 python3 scripts/ 7 6 29 was used to compare the BDD sizes when counting the number of unique positions for the 7 x 6 board with different encodings, once with the termination criteria and once without.
  • python3 scripts/ WIDTH HEIGHT LOG_TB_SIZE COMPRESSED_ENCODING ALLOW_ROW_ORDER can be used to compile and run the solve.out program with the specified parameters. We ran python3 scripts/ 7 6 31 1 0 to solve the 7 x 6 board with 128 GB RAM in 47 hours.
  • python3 scripts/ WIDTH HEIGHT COMPRESSED_ENCODING ALLOW_ROW_ORDER N_WORKERS can be used to conveniently generate an opening book for the strong solution obtained with the previous script. For the 7 x 6 case it took a little more than 5 hours with 32 workers.
  • python3 scripts/ can be used to inspect the statistics per ply of the strong solution.
  • python3 scripts/ was used to compress the strong solution with 7zip for upload at Zenodo. Here we did not include the redundant draw BDDs to decrease the size.
  • python3 scripts/ results/ was used to zip the logs and data results from the experiments for upload at Zenodo.


Unique Position Counts

We were able to independently verify the numbers computed by John Tromp and produce novel counts for boards up to size width + height = 14.

The computations were run on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor with 128 GB RAM.

height\width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 5 13 35 96 267 750 2,118 6,010 17,120 48,930 140,243 402,956
2 3 18 116 741 4,688 29,737 189,648 1,216,721 7,844,298 50,780,523 329,842,064 2,148,495,091 14,027,829,516
3 4 58 869 12,031 158,911 2,087,325 27,441,956 362,940,958 4,816,325,017 64,137,689,503 856,653,299,180 11,470,572,730,124 153,906,772,806,519
4 5 179 6,000 161,029 3,945,711 94,910,577 2,265,792,710 54,233,186,631 1,295,362,125,552 30,932,968,221,097 738,548,749,700,312 17,631,656,694,578,592 420,788,402,285,901,824
5 6 537 38,310 1,706,255 69,763,700 2,818,972,642 112,829,665,923 4,499,431,376,127 178,942,601,291,926 N/A N/A N/A N/A
6 7 1,571 235,781 15,835,683 1,044,334,437 69,173,028,785 4,531,985,219,092 290,433,534,225,566 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
7 8 4,587 1,417,322 135,385,909 14,171,315,454 1,523,281,696,228 161,965,120,344,045 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
8 9 13,343 8,424,616 1,104,642,469 182,795,971,462 31,936,554,362,084 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
9 10 38,943 49,867,996 8,754,703,921 2,284,654,770,108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
10 11 113,835 294,664,010 67,916,896,758 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
11 12 333,745 1,741,288,730 519,325,538,608 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
12 13 980,684 10,300,852,227 3,928,940,117,357 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
13 14 2,888,780 61,028,884,959 29,499,214,177,403 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Representing all 7 x 6 positions in one BDD

With the compilation option FULLBDD=1 we computed that 95,124,612 BDD nodes are enough to encode all 7 x 6 Connect4 positions with the standard encoding.

This is a bit more than the 84,088,763 number of nodes which Edelkamp, S., & Kissmann, P. claimed in

Edelkamp, S., & Kissmann, P. (2008). Symbolic classification of general two-player games.
In KI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23-26, 2008. Proceedings 31 (pp. 185-192). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

With the compressed encoding it only takes 59,853,336 BDD nodes.

7 x 6 Solution

Here are some statistics for the strong solution of the 7 x 6 board from the perspective of the first player. If ply is odd, then terminal positions are won otherwise lost for the first player.

ply states (won) states (drawn) states (lost) states (total) states (terminal) nodes (won) nodes (drawn) nodes (lost) nodes (total) nodes (won+drawn+lost)
0 1 0 0 1 0 52 1 1 1 54
1 1 2 4 7 0 52 66 94 94 212
2 27 12 10 49 0 263 152 169 188 584
3 35 58 145 238 0 413 409 560 297 1,382
4 690 200 230 1,120 0 1,316 1,159 1,046 531 3,521
5 1,080 697 2,486 4,263 0 2,815 2,916 3,410 888 9,141
6 10,889 1,943 3,590 16,422 0 8,022 6,467 6,333 1,537 20,822
7 17,507 5,944 31,408 54,859 728 17,287 15,373 19,432 2,546 52,092
8 124,624 14,676 44,975 184,275 1,892 44,790 32,494 37,598 5,081 114,882
9 197,749 42,896 317,541 558,186 19,412 96,605 75,634 103,390 8,144 275,629
10 1,122,696 97,532 442,395 1,662,623 44,225 225,472 151,745 196,692 15,481 573,909
11 1,734,122 255,780 2,578,781 4,568,683 273,261 473,318 332,980 494,548 24,888 1,300,846
12 8,191,645 541,825 3,502,631 12,236,101 573,323 1,005,142 632,233 908,352 41,577 2,545,727
13 12,333,735 1,286,746 17,308,630 30,929,111 2,720,636 2,009,688 1,299,574 2,084,118 68,726 5,393,380
14 49,756,539 2,583,292 23,097,764 75,437,595 5,349,954 3,910,552 2,349,278 3,653,045 113,229 9,912,875
15 73,263,172 5,596,074 97,682,013 176,541,259 20,975,690 7,341,883 4,488,590 7,605,748 205,450 19,436,221
16 255,117,922 10,681,110 128,792,359 394,591,391 38,918,821 13,074,218 7,678,007 12,587,399 337,797 33,339,624
17 369,230,362 21,226,658 467,761,723 858,218,743 130,632,515 22,817,526 13,520,818 23,655,811 614,419 59,994,155
18 1,112,643,249 38,582,237 612,658,408 1,763,883,894 229,031,670 36,961,565 21,706,747 36,621,547 972,846 95,289,859
19 1,589,752,959 70,754,712 1,907,752,131 3,568,259,802 670,491,437 59,529,067 35,041,660 61,958,941 1,720,046 156,529,668
20 4,132,585,341 122,495,056 2,491,075,548 6,746,155,945 1,108,210,254 87,231,324 52,350,828 88,954,106 2,580,881 228,536,258
21 5,849,074,428 208,240,707 6,616,029,910 12,673,345,045 2,858,601,535 129,146,009 77,086,251 135,108,055 4,279,667 341,340,315
22 13,031,002,559 342,506,047 8,637,315,382 22,010,823,988 4,434,627,684 170,154,453 106,020,104 178,871,366 5,996,668 455,045,923
23 18,317,405,077 543,074,854 19,402,748,258 38,263,228,189 10,130,180,393 231,613,852 141,963,009 243,423,743 9,260,656 617,000,604
24 34,623,818,387 845,872,717 25,361,122,355 60,830,813,459 14,654,767,176 272,893,906 177,820,871 296,421,995 12,082,764 747,136,772
25 48,376,711,901 1,256,717,558 47,632,685,500 97,266,114,959 29,672,303,474 342,815,670 216,077,224 360,753,249 17,366,699 919,646,143
26 76,568,242,258 1,846,266,966 62,314,059,815 140,728,569,039 39,696,898,910 359,305,861 244,685,750 404,232,494 21,043,741 1,008,224,105
27 106,274,173,915 2,578,399,088 96,436,935,052 205,289,508,055 71,042,927,249 419,723,892 269,575,051 439,379,836 28,022,290 1,128,678,779
28 138,476,323,812 3,567,644,646 126,013,643,486 268,057,611,944 86,949,129,149 389,020,517 274,939,257 454,821,971 31,799,618 1,118,781,745
29 190,301,585,678 4,687,144,532 157,638,115,456 352,626,845,666 136,563,138,602 427,026,716 274,526,874 440,003,517 39,362,941 1,141,557,107
30 199,698,237,436 6,071,049,190 204,609,218,821 410,378,505,447 150,692,335,491 347,160,424 251,906,206 423,584,106 41,997,064 1,022,650,736
31 269,818,663,336 7,481,813,611 201,906,000,786 479,206,477,733 205,243,451,746 362,858,636 228,078,024 362,445,054 48,323,733 953,381,714
32 221,858,140,210 9,048,082,187 258,000,224,786 488,906,447,183 200,299,011,722 256,335,118 188,918,083 328,791,220 48,313,654 774,044,421
33 291,549,830,422 10,381,952,902 194,705,107,378 496,636,890,702 232,494,602,432 260,638,140 155,709,824 246,069,381 51,955,012 662,417,345
34 180,530,409,295 11,668,229,290 241,273,091,751 433,471,730,336 195,427,938,799 157,385,411 117,478,018 215,831,346 48,778,662 490,694,775
35 226,007,657,501 12,225,240,861 132,714,989,361 370,947,887,723 188,065,840,647 160,409,773 88,337,570 137,452,152 48,332,633 386,199,495
36 98,839,977,654 12,431,825,174 155,042,098,394 266,313,901,222 131,014,104,050 80,553,314 60,594,699 120,050,832 41,909,940 261,198,845
37 114,359,332,473 11,509,102,126 57,747,247,782 183,615,682,381 100,184,819,358 83,790,619 41,853,456 61,427,031 37,278,648 187,071,106
38 32,161,409,500 10,220,085,105 61,622,970,744 104,004,465,349 54,716,901,301 32,744,625 24,888,904 53,915,478 28,733,225 111,549,007
39 33,666,235,957 7,792,641,079 13,697,133,737 55,156,010,773 31,270,711,562 33,780,894 15,576,173 20,081,029 22,165,837 69,438,096
40 4,831,822,472 5,153,271,363 12,710,802,660 22,695,896,495 11,972,173,842 9,782,495 7,772,258 17,351,899 14,031,885 34,906,652
41 4,282,128,782 2,496,557,393 1,033,139,763 7,811,825,938 4,282,128,782 7,938,927 3,499,912 4,036,774 7,901,773 15,475,613
42 0 713,298,878 746,034,021 1,459,332,899 746,034,021 1 1,783,048 2,731,785 2,777,005 4,514,834
states (won)      2,317,028,267,398
states (drawn)      123,343,183,724
states (lost)     2,091,613,767,970
states (total)    4,531,985,219,092


C implementation to symbolically solve Connect4 game for given board size with binary decision diagrams.







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