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Containerized Teamserver (BETA)

Kubernetes Deployments

please see the README here

Running in Docker Compose

Although not used to deploy containers in a production environment, Docker Compose is a great tool for a simplified container-based deployment for development and testing.

Installing Docker Compose

Docker Compose is already included with Docker for Mac, but additional installation options are provided in the official documentation.

Setup License

NOTE: The Contrast License needs to be generated recently (after June 11th, 2020) so it includes the updated format the container expects.

export CONTRAST_LICENSE=$(cat contrast-06-30-2021.lic)

OR by using your HUB credentials in the docker-compose.yaml:


Starting the Compose services

All of the Compose services can be started with a single command:

To run in detached mode:

docker-compose up -d

To run in active mode

docker-compose up

Teamserver can be accessed on http://locahost:8080/Contrast

Changing the Contrast UI version

To utilize specific versions of the Contrast UI, the following line in the docker-compose.yaml file can be updated.




See the following link for a list of availible versions:

Configuring JVM OPTIONS

JVM options can be added/updated via the /conf/jvm.options file. This file will get mounted under /opt/contrast/conf in the container

Configuration Contrast Property settings

To updating Contrast property settings for supported values can be done in /conf/

Example of some properties that can be set here:

Configuring distributed mysql

You can also just run the Teamserver container without Mysql and point to an existing Mysql server.

WARNING: It is not recomended to point the Teamserver containers at your production database. Should you wish to point the container at a pre-production database, ensure you are using the exact same version of the Teamserver for the image. Otherwise you may inadvertanly upgrade your database schema causing problems for your normal EOP installations.

  1. First comment out the Mysql container and dependancies in the docker-compose.yaml file.
  # contrast-database:
  #   image: mysql:8.0.30
  #   command: --log-bin-trust-function-creators=ON
  #   environment:
  #     - MYSQL_DATABASE=contrast
  #     - MYSQL_USER=contrast
  #     - MYSQL_PASSWORD=default1!
  #   ports:
  #     - '3306'


    # depends_on:
    #   - contrast-database
  1. Then update the Mysql connection details:

MySQL running on your local System:

# FOR Localhost MySQ
- CONTRAST_JDBC_URL=jdbc:mysql://host.docker.internal:3306/contrast
- CONTRAST_JDBC_USER=<enter user>
- CONTRAST_JDBC_PASS=<enter password>

MySQL running on RDS:

- CONTRAST_JDBC_URL=jdbc:mysql://
- CONTRAST_JDBC_USER=<enter user>
- CONTRAST_JDBC_PASS=<enter password>

Checking the state of the running containers

To check the status of the containers you can run docker-compose ps:

$ docker-compose ps

                 Name                               Command                  State                     Ports               
mysql:8.0.21                       --log ...   Up   >3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
contrast:lastest                            ./ /us ...   Up (healthy)>8080/tcp, 8443/tcp 

In the example output above, you will see the port mappings from local ports to container ports. In this case, TeamServer is listening on local port 32775.

Tailing logs

The container logs can be tailed by tailing all logs for all containers docker-compose logs -f or for an individual service docker-compose logs -f contrast

Once the containers have finishing initializing, you can invoke APIs and access the TeamServer UI in the same way as the kubernetes example, but with the ports referenced in the output of the docker-compose ps command.

Cleaning up

To clean up, you can stop and remove the running containers:

docker-compose rm -s