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executable file
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Running in a Kubenetes cluster

Create a kubernetes secret for the Contrast License

The Contrast License is used by all of the containers to decrypt the encrypted artifacts on startup. Also, TeamServer uses the license for assess/protect entitlements.

NOTE: The Contrast License needs to be generated recently (after June 11th, 2020) so it includes the updated format the container expects.

kubectl create secret generic contrast-license --from-file=license=<path to contrast.lic>

Depoying Contrast Teamserver & MySQL in kubernetes

Deploying the Contrast MySQL service (TeamServer database)

  1. Create kubernetes secrets for the Contrast database password

      kubectl create secret generic contrast-database --from-literal=password="default1"
  2. Deploy the Contrast PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim

      kubectl apply -f mysql-pv.yaml
  3. Deploy the Contrast MySQL deployment and service configuration

      kubectl apply -f mysql.yaml

Deploying the Contrast server service (TeamServer)

  1. Deploy the Contrast deployment and service configuration

      kubectl apply -f contrast.yaml

Deploying Contrast Teamserver with Remote MySQL database

WARNING: It is not recomended to point the Teamserver containers at your production database. Should you wish to point the container at a pre-production database, ensure you are using the exact same version of the Teamserver for the image. Otherwise you may inadvertanly upgrade your database schema causing problems for your normal EOP installations.

  1. Create kubernetes secret for the password used to access the MySQL database

      kubectl create secret generic contrast-database --from-literal=password="default1"
  2. Open the k8s/contrast.yaml file to edit the jdbc strings

  • Configure the CONTRAST_JDBC_URL for the containers & initContainers sections
  • Configure the CONTRAST_JDBC_USER if it differs from the default


            - name: CONTRAST_JDBC_URL
              value: "jdbc:mysql://<ADD MySQL DNS HERE>:3306/contrast"
            - name: CONTRAST_JDBC_PASS
                  name: contrast-database
                  key: password
            - name: CONTRAST_JDBC_USER
              value: "contrast"

Deploying the Contrast server service (TeamServer)

  1. Deploy the Contrast deployment and service configuration

      kubectl apply -f contrast.yaml

Load Balancer examples

NOTE To run more than 1 Contrast server, configuring sticky sessions is required. See traefiks example for enabling sticky sessions.

  • Example load balancer you can apply the ingress configuration

       kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
  • The following can also be used to quickly expose the contrast service

       kubectl expose deployment contrast --type=LoadBalancer --name=contrast-lb

    Then run kubectl get services to get the EXTERNAL-IP and PORT(S)

  • Alternatively, if running in a cloud, the Contrast service can be forwarded to a local port Port-forwarding with Kubernetes

NOTE: K9s is a great choice for managing and interacting with pods and services

Accessing the Contrast UI

Once the Contrast pod is ready, the UI can be accessed through 8080 once this is exposed or through another load balancer. The UI should be accessible through http://localhost:8080/Contrast

Additional configuration options

Helpful commands

Interacting with Contrast pods in k3s cluster

# List all pods
kubectl get pods

# Get logs for a specific pod (from the output of the above command)
kubectl logs <pod name>

# Get logs for pods with the contrast-mysql label
kubectl logs -l app=contrast-mysql

# Get logs for pods with the contrast label
kubectl logs -l app=contrast

# Tail logs for pods with the contrast label
kubectl logs -f -l app=contrast

# Exec into the pod
kubectl exec -it <pod name> bash
