This Terraform code creates a workspace in a defined VCN subnet, applied all the necessary policies for the execution against the data assets for OCI Object Store and Oracle ADW. The terraform application also uploads all the DIS Templates task, making the woerkspace readly available to be used.
- Permission to
the following types of resources in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy:dis-family
; permission toread metrics
in the compartment where the DIS workspace will be created. - Quota to create at least 1 DIS Workspace in the tenancy.
If you don't have the required permissions and quota, contact your tenancy administrator. See Policy Reference, Service Limits, Compartment Quotas.
Now, you'll want a local copy of this repo. You can make that with the commands:
git clone
cd terraform-oci-dataintegration-arch
First off, you'll need to do some pre-deploy setup. That's all detailed here.
Create a terraform.tfvars
file, and specify at least the following variables:
# Authentication
tenancy_ocid = "<tenancy_ocid>"
user_ocid = "<user_ocid>"
fingerprint = "<finger_print>"
private_key_path = "<pem_private_key_path>"
region = "<oci_region>"
compartment_ocid = "<compartment_ocid>"
# IAM Group with permissions to run create the DIS instances
DISadmingroup = "<DIS Administrator Group>"
workspace_display_name = "<DIS Workspace Display Name>" # Ex: DIS Reference Architecture v0.1"
workspace_is_private_network_enabled = "true"
workspace_subnet_id = "<ocid.subnet....>"
workspace_vcn_id = "<ocid1.vcn....>"
workspace_project_identifier = "<Project Identifier to save Template Design Artifacts>" # Ex: TEMPLATES_DEVELOPMENT"
workspace_project_name = "<Project Name>"
workspace_project_description = "<Project Descrptiom>"
workspace_project_folder_identifier = "<Folder Identifier>" # Ex: REFERENCE_PROJECT_FOLDER
workspace_project_folder_name = "<Folder Name>" #
workspace_project_folder_description = "<Folder Description>"
### Create the Resources
Run the following commands:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
### Destroy the Deployment
When you no longer need the deployment, you can run this command to destroy the resources:
terraform destroy
### Testing your Deployment
After the deployment is finished, you can access the Data Integration Workspace for the OCI Console.
This project is open source. Please submit your contributions by forking this repository and submitting a pull request! Oracle appreciates any contributions that are made by the open source community.
Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Licensed under the Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0.
See LICENSE for more details.