The goal of this project create an optimized Laravel API .
- In the case of not having git in your local follow these steps
git clone
Copy the
and edit accordingly -
Pull composer packages
on the case of not having composer follow these steps
./etc/bin/php composer install
composer install
- Note in case of Ubunto :
Go an issue with ext-dg depedency
- sudo apt-get update
- php -v (check version to choose the correct php package version in my case 8.3)
- sudo apt-get install php8.3-gd
Go an issue with ext-zip
- sudo apt-get install php8.3-zip
And again
./etc/bin/php composer install
composer install
sudo APP_PORT={the port you want the site to run}
./vendor/bin/sail up
- Run the migrations
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
- Spin up the application
./vendor/bin/sail up
- if any issues on website local server plse check the local server port and also add to your env
Go to webbrowser and in http:1270.0.1:89 (example) create the public key
If MySql is returning network issue doe same port being used please do :
docker-compose down --volumes
sail up --build
- And again
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
Should be Up and running
to exit Sail just ctrl+c or
./vendor/bin/sail down