- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with awsbuilder
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module builds loadbalancer, application servers installs security groups.
If applicable, this section should have a brief description of the technology the module integrates with and what that integration enables. This section should answer the questions: "What does this module do?" and "Why would I use it?"
If your module has a range of functionality (installation, configuration, management, etc.) this is the time to mention it.
Require: Following security groups to be in VPC
- security group with tags name = ssh
- security group with tags name = monitoring ;
Server where is builder running must have IAM role of admin for account(or any account with permissions to manage EC2 and vpc) to witch VPC belongs
Builds flowing security groups:
$dp_app_servers = {
b1adp => {
servername => 'b1adp.coresuite.com',
ipaddress => '',
port => '8443',
instance_type => undef,
security_group => undef,
image_id => undef,
availability_zone => undef,
subnet => undef,
disksize => undef,
b1bdp => {
servername => 'b1bdp.coresuite.com',
ipaddress => '',
port => '8443',
instance_type => undef,
security_group => undef,
image_id => undef,
availability_zone => undef,
subnet => undef,
disksize => undef,
$dp_lb_servers = {
l1adp => {
servername => 'l1adp.coresuite.com',
ipaddress => '',
port => '8443',
instance_type => 'm3.medium',
security_group => undef,
image_id => undef,
availability_zone => undef,
subnet => undef,
disksize => undef,
$dp_db_servers = {
d1adpmc => {
servername => 'd1adpmc.coresuite.com',
ipaddress => '',
port => '8443',
instance_type => 'm3.large',
security_group => undef,
image_id => undef,
availability_zone => undef,
subnet => undef,
disksize => undef,
Is only example how to use puppet aws module - you need to modify it to meet your reqiurements