This repository contains the code used to control by means of model-free Reinforcement Learning an airborne wind energy system used for electric energy production. The physical model is based on the "yo-yo configuration" proposed by Canale et al., 2009.
First of all, the C++
has to be compiled, by executing the command:
make x86 #to compile on standard x86 systems
make m1 #to compile on Apple silicon macs
make parallel #to enable parallel loading of turbulent flow data (on x86 only)
Constant and linear wind patterns are generated algorithmically on-the-go, while the turbulent flow data (~14GB) can be downloaded by typing the following command in the env
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=15u4cvvwuiFLsNw6VlbYSLADoMQReszOn" -O flow.tgz && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt
Learning can be performed by running the command:
Execution specifications:
: number of training episodes;wind_type
: kind of wind pattern to use, eitherconst
: duration in time of each algorithmic iteration;critic_lr
: learning rate of the critic neural network;actor_lr
: leatning rate of the actor neural network;save_dir
: main folder where results and weight of trained actor and critic are saved;test_episodes
: number of test episodes;range_actions
: actions variation in each step, for instance --range_actions=2,1 means that the attack angle can vary only of 2 in each step, and the bank angle can vary only of 1
Suggested parameters for execution:
Constant Wind:
python3 --episodes=2000 --wind_type=const --step=0.1 --critic_lr=0.0001 --actor_lr=0.0001
Linear Wind:
python3 --episodes=2000 --wind_type=lin --step=0.1 --critic_lr=0.0007 --actor_lr=0.0007
Turbulent Wind:
python3 --episodes=2000 --wind_type=turbo --step=0.1 --critic_lr=0.0008 --actor_lr=0.0008
After the learning preocess, a test is automatically performed; it can be perfored afeter using the execution specification:
: same used in the training;step
: same value used in the training;save_dir
: main folder where the "net" folder is saved;test_episodes
: number of test episodes;range_actions
:same value used in the training;
To use the pretrained models:
Linear Wind:
python3 --wind_type=lin --save_dir=trained_linear
Turbulent Wind:
python3 --wind_type=turbo --save_dir=trained_turbo
kite Library and Interface Authors:
TD3 Implementation:
Project developed in the group of prof. Antonio Celani (QLS@ICTP, Trieste)