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Project: Instanews App.

About this project

You can see this project on-line, going to Instanews App

Goals of the site

This site has been created to learn how to create a one-page, responsive website that allows a user to filter top news story categories via the New York Times API. HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY and GIT.

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Technology used

HTML5 | CSS3 | Gulp | Sass (CSS Preprocessors) | JQuery | AJAX | API's | CSS animation | Jquey animation | Mobile First | Git | Github | FontFace |

Personal Learnings

  1. JQuery
  2. JS
  3. Ajax, JSON and APIs
  4. Gulp
  5. Sass syntax
  6. Animation with Jquery and CSS/Sass

Link to the files on Github

Media Query Mobile First Break Points

  • 425px

  • 600px

  • 1200px

Device Screenshots

Mobile Device

Tablet Device

Desktop Device

Dead Line for the project

  • 25-Oct-2018

Project developed by

[Marga Omar] (