TTGO T-Controller ESP Arduino Framework code, using PlatformIO.
Clone repository and enter directory:
git clone
cd Controller
Set your Wi-Fi SSID and password - create file include/wifi.hpp
const char* wifissid = "YOUR_SSID_HERE";
const char* wifipass = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE";
WARNING: This file is in
, so it will NOT be commited to git.
Adjust COM port in platformio.ini
(COMx in Windows, /dev/ttyXXX in Linux):
upload_port = COM3
upload_speed = 115200
Plug microUSB cable into the board, and flash it:
platformio run -t upload -e serial
After upload and reboot, it should connect to WiFi and display assigned IP on OLED.
On subsequent uploads, You can set its IP in platformio.ini
upload_protocol = espota
upload_port =
And upload wirelessly using:
platformio run -t upload -e ota