This script can be used to distribute many jobs, each consisting of a console command, on a cluster of machines.
Uses SSH to launch commands and copy files. Supports authentication via password, plain-text key and encrypted key.
Configuration is done via JSON files.
Example of jobs configuration:
"local_preparation": [
"create_folders": [
"jobs": [
"commands": [
"date >> datetime.log"
"required_files": [
{"local_path": "message.txt", "remote_path": "message.txt"}
"return_files": [
{"local_path": "datetime.log", "remote_path": "datetime.txt"}
"id": "job_1"
Example of workers configuration:
"workers": [
{"no_cpu": 2, "hostname": "", "username": "nir", "password": null, "private_key_file": "~/.ssh/id_nir"}, // private key authentication if private key is plain
{"no_cpu": 1, "hostname": "", "username": "seba", "password": "unguessable", "private_key_file": "id_seba"}, // private key authentication if private key is password protected
{"no_cpu": 4, "hostname": "", "username": "marco", "password": "more_unguessable", "private_key_file": null} // password authentication
Run this command to install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt