Marcos Conceição, Annie Silva & Quézia Santos, 2020
This notebook estimates Brazil climate types from 11 years (2009-2019) of hourly measures from 561 meteorological stations. The original dataset station time series per year were downloaded from Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) portal at Dados Históricos - INMET.
The series were compiled into a new dataset, with mean temperature, humidity, precipitation, pressure, and wind speed, as well as their dispersion (standard deviation metric was used) in a year. All these variables are given along with station coordinates, state and Brazil region on each row.
The motivation of this notebook is comparing climate clusters calculated from these dataset to Peel, et. al. (2007) results in their article: Updated world map of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification.
- Dataset integrity check;
- Recovery of missing data (weighted KNN regression);
- Data visualization (weighted KNN regression interpolation);
- Principal component analysis of numeric columns;
- K-means cluster analysis (elbow and silhouette methods in the original and principal components domain);
- Cluster analysis and characterization (weighted KNN classification);
- Drawing schematic variable maps (weighted KNN classification);
- Misc.: trying to use region categorical data;
from os import listdir
from os.path import join, basename
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
from io import StringIO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.ticker as mplticker
import as crs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import as shpreader
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
from shapely.vectorized import contains
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, DBSCAN
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor, KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_samples, silhouette_score
mpl.rc('image', cmap='viridis')
abc = [chr(i) for i in range(97,123)]
ABC = [i.upper() for i in abc]
odf = pd.read_csv('inmet_2009_2019_yearly.csv')
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | region | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
0 | -15.789444 | -47.925833 | NE | RN | SANTA CRUZ | 65.450729 | 887.287915 | 113.008965 | 21.527390 | 2.324405 | 16.636954 | 2.060525 | 56.675536 | 3.434736 | 1.117212 |
1 | -15.599722 | -48.131111 | NE | BA | BARREIRAS | 63.415417 | 888.740947 | 131.155556 | 21.908385 | 2.318807 | 15.382483 | 1.644735 | 44.732468 | 3.314155 | 1.329252 |
2 | -15.939167 | -50.141389 | SE | SP | ARIRANHA | 62.718272 | 954.701575 | 111.373788 | 25.655920 | 1.086215 | 16.226072 | 1.781967 | 69.084993 | 4.065550 | 1.061130 |
3 | -3.103333 | -60.016389 | S | RS | BAGE | 74.779010 | 1004.262176 | 167.319125 | 27.768980 | 1.452776 | 13.432962 | 2.381811 | 69.886715 | 2.598391 | 0.799783 |
4 | -6.650278 | -69.866944 | S | PR | VENTANIA | 70.680097 | 997.946723 | 185.486389 | 25.537133 | 0.782401 | 13.597679 | 2.583953 | 77.443203 | 3.126108 | 0.804853 |
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
lat | 561.0 | -15.563160 | 8.301153 | -33.741667 | -22.235278 | -15.935278 | -8.666389 | 4.477500 |
lon | 561.0 | -48.173564 | 7.358577 | -72.786667 | -52.601111 | -48.131111 | -42.677222 | -29.316667 |
H | 561.0 | 72.265137 | 7.939112 | 49.935607 | 67.231196 | 72.696740 | 78.343855 | 90.559963 |
P | 561.0 | 967.169377 | 37.722145 | 763.268354 | 943.495954 | 973.575495 | 998.794695 | 1016.121159 |
R | 561.0 | 102.945187 | 41.417317 | 4.500000 | 76.619646 | 101.207163 | 127.616667 | 267.916667 |
T | 561.0 | 23.646605 | 3.230790 | 10.703426 | 21.689522 | 24.229970 | 26.198640 | 30.865950 |
V | 561.0 | 1.996727 | 0.951947 | 0.110801 | 1.343852 | 1.857584 | 2.521674 | 7.096284 |
sH | 561.0 | 15.483323 | 2.558783 | 4.706832 | 14.311998 | 16.090670 | 17.085667 | 20.625819 |
sP | 561.0 | 2.376282 | 1.138982 | 1.254278 | 1.801416 | 2.066448 | 2.646520 | 14.873817 |
sR | 555.0 | 65.429450 | 20.821090 | 1.944544 | 52.339593 | 64.542666 | 77.467709 | 175.008928 |
sT | 561.0 | 3.730761 | 0.740771 | 0.995349 | 3.303974 | 3.839485 | 4.252713 | 5.347374 |
sV | 561.0 | 1.233317 | 0.370071 | 0.190752 | 0.992499 | 1.191666 | 1.417120 | 3.881263 |
# column groups:
coord_cols = ['lon', 'lat']
dsc_cols = ['region', 'state', 'station']
cat_cols = ['NE', 'N', 'CO', 'S', 'SE']
num_cols = [c for c in odf.columns if c not in (lat_lon+dsc_cols+cat_cols)]
['H', 'P', 'R', 'T', 'V', 'sH', 'sP', 'sR', 'sT', 'sV']
null_mask = odf.isnull().T.any()
n_null = null_mask.sum()
print(f"Number of rows with null values: {n_null} ({n_null/odf.shape[0]:.0%}).")
Number of rows with null values: 6 (1%).
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | region | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
25 | -4.250556 | -69.935000 | N | PA | MARABA | 74.939670 | 1002.812203 | 12.000000 | 25.435670 | 0.419304 | 12.604709 | 2.320246 | NaN | 3.895292 | 0.662865 |
26 | -4.530000 | -71.617500 | NE | PB | SAO GONCALO | 88.724039 | 1000.832506 | 208.100000 | 25.919704 | 0.474727 | 13.882481 | 2.110240 | NaN | 3.072027 | 0.677580 |
28 | -0.414444 | -65.017500 | CO | MT | CAMPO NOVO DOS PARECIS | 78.281039 | 1006.630500 | 99.142857 | 26.235277 | 0.110801 | 13.027858 | 1.907361 | NaN | 3.222528 | 0.394585 |
125 | -2.700000 | -44.850000 | SE | MG | AIMORES | 84.654529 | 1009.107984 | 133.000000 | 26.512966 | 0.703665 | 11.308528 | 1.577510 | NaN | 2.694260 | 0.931435 |
227 | -12.430000 | -64.420000 | SE | SP | PIRACICABA | 65.002010 | 997.499012 | 23.750000 | 25.161809 | 1.370702 | 17.065660 | 2.428062 | NaN | 4.685472 | 1.091545 |
343 | 3.358889 | -59.823889 | CO | GO | JATAI | 69.594292 | 1001.142434 | 136.250000 | 27.462531 | 2.466772 | 12.884847 | 1.810201 | NaN | 2.725816 | 1.167248 |
Data is missing in the sR column (yearly standard deviation of monthly precipitation).
inf_mask = ~np.isfinite(odf[num_cols]).T.any()
n_inf = inf_mask.sum()
print(f"Number of rows with infinite values: {n_inf} ({n_inf/odf.shape[0]:.0%}).")
Number of rows with infinite values: 0 (0%).
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | region | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV |
No infinite values.
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | region | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
25 | -4.250556 | -69.935000 | N | PA | MARABA | 74.939670 | 1002.812203 | 12.000000 | 25.435670 | 0.419304 | 12.604709 | 2.320246 | NaN | 3.895292 | 0.662865 |
26 | -4.530000 | -71.617500 | NE | PB | SAO GONCALO | 88.724039 | 1000.832506 | 208.100000 | 25.919704 | 0.474727 | 13.882481 | 2.110240 | NaN | 3.072027 | 0.677580 |
28 | -0.414444 | -65.017500 | CO | MT | CAMPO NOVO DOS PARECIS | 78.281039 | 1006.630500 | 99.142857 | 26.235277 | 0.110801 | 13.027858 | 1.907361 | NaN | 3.222528 | 0.394585 |
125 | -2.700000 | -44.850000 | SE | MG | AIMORES | 84.654529 | 1009.107984 | 133.000000 | 26.512966 | 0.703665 | 11.308528 | 1.577510 | NaN | 2.694260 | 0.931435 |
227 | -12.430000 | -64.420000 | SE | SP | PIRACICABA | 65.002010 | 997.499012 | 23.750000 | 25.161809 | 1.370702 | 17.065660 | 2.428062 | NaN | 4.685472 | 1.091545 |
343 | 3.358889 | -59.823889 | CO | GO | JATAI | 69.594292 | 1001.142434 | 136.250000 | 27.462531 | 2.466772 | 12.884847 | 1.810201 | NaN | 2.725816 | 1.167248 |
We must interpolate missing data via regression. We will use weighted KNN for this. Our inputs will be coordinates and all other variables, while our outputs will be precipitation standard deviation.
input_cols = [c for c in coord_cols+num_cols if c != 'sR']
X = odf[~null_mask][input_cols]
y = odf[~null_mask]['sR']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=1/4)
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(9, weights='distance'), y_train)
ŷ_test = knn.predict(X_test)
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, ŷ_test))
relerr = rmse/y_test.mean()
print(f'RMSE = {rmse} ({relerr:.2%})')
RMSE = 11.467757546248682 (17.81%)
X_null = odf[null_mask][input_cols]
ŷ_null = knn.predict(X_null)
print('Regression values for sR:')
print(*ŷ_null, sep='\n')
Regression values for sR:
Now we will replace the NaNs in odf to create our modified dataframe, df:
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | region | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
25 | -4.250556 | -69.935000 | N | PA | MARABA | 74.939670 | 1002.812203 | 12.000000 | 25.435670 | 0.419304 | 12.604709 | 2.320246 | NaN | 3.895292 | 0.662865 |
26 | -4.530000 | -71.617500 | NE | PB | SAO GONCALO | 88.724039 | 1000.832506 | 208.100000 | 25.919704 | 0.474727 | 13.882481 | 2.110240 | NaN | 3.072027 | 0.677580 |
28 | -0.414444 | -65.017500 | CO | MT | CAMPO NOVO DOS PARECIS | 78.281039 | 1006.630500 | 99.142857 | 26.235277 | 0.110801 | 13.027858 | 1.907361 | NaN | 3.222528 | 0.394585 |
125 | -2.700000 | -44.850000 | SE | MG | AIMORES | 84.654529 | 1009.107984 | 133.000000 | 26.512966 | 0.703665 | 11.308528 | 1.577510 | NaN | 2.694260 | 0.931435 |
227 | -12.430000 | -64.420000 | SE | SP | PIRACICABA | 65.002010 | 997.499012 | 23.750000 | 25.161809 | 1.370702 | 17.065660 | 2.428062 | NaN | 4.685472 | 1.091545 |
343 | 3.358889 | -59.823889 | CO | GO | JATAI | 69.594292 | 1001.142434 | 136.250000 | 27.462531 | 2.466772 | 12.884847 | 1.810201 | NaN | 2.725816 | 1.167248 |
df = odf.copy()
df.loc[null_mask, 'sR'] = ŷ_null
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | region | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
25 | -4.250556 | -69.935000 | N | PA | MARABA | 74.939670 | 1002.812203 | 12.000000 | 25.435670 | 0.419304 | 12.604709 | 2.320246 | 27.423606 | 3.895292 | 0.662865 |
26 | -4.530000 | -71.617500 | NE | PB | SAO GONCALO | 88.724039 | 1000.832506 | 208.100000 | 25.919704 | 0.474727 | 13.882481 | 2.110240 | 91.800611 | 3.072027 | 0.677580 |
28 | -0.414444 | -65.017500 | CO | MT | CAMPO NOVO DOS PARECIS | 78.281039 | 1006.630500 | 99.142857 | 26.235277 | 0.110801 | 13.027858 | 1.907361 | 76.096084 | 3.222528 | 0.394585 |
125 | -2.700000 | -44.850000 | SE | MG | AIMORES | 84.654529 | 1009.107984 | 133.000000 | 26.512966 | 0.703665 | 11.308528 | 1.577510 | 79.060893 | 2.694260 | 0.931435 |
227 | -12.430000 | -64.420000 | SE | SP | PIRACICABA | 65.002010 | 997.499012 | 23.750000 | 25.161809 | 1.370702 | 17.065660 | 2.428062 | 29.067268 | 4.685472 | 1.091545 |
343 | 3.358889 | -59.823889 | CO | GO | JATAI | 69.594292 | 1001.142434 | 136.250000 | 27.462531 | 2.466772 | 12.884847 | 1.810201 | 68.967816 | 2.725816 | 1.167248 |
Checking again for missing data yields:
null_mask = df.isnull().T.any()
n_null = null_mask.sum()
print(f"Number of rows with null values: {n_null} ({n_null/df.shape[0]:.0%}).")
Number of rows with null values: 0 (0%).
brazil_shape_file = "/mnt/hdd/home/tmp/fisica_meio_ambiente/gadm36_BRA_shp/gadm36_BRA_0.shp"
states_shape_file = "/mnt/hdd/home/tmp/fisica_meio_ambiente/gadm36_BRA_shp/gadm36_BRA_1.shp"
brazil_shapes = list(shpreader.Reader(brazil_shape_file).geometries())
states_shapes = list(shpreader.Reader(states_shape_file).geometries())
projection = crs.PlateCarree()
all_extents = {}
all_extents['left'] = -75
all_extents['right'] = -27
all_extents['bottom'] = -35
all_extents['top'] = 6
all_extents_tuple = [all_extents[d] for d in ['left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top']]
{'left': -75, 'right': -27, 'bottom': -35, 'top': 6}
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=projection)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, fc='sandybrown', ec='black')
ax.add_geometries(brazil_shapes, projection, ec='none', fc='yellowgreen')
ax.add_geometries(states_shapes, projection, ec='black', fc='none')
ax.scatter(df['lon'], df['lat'], marker='x', c='black', zorder=np.inf)
ax.set_extent(all_extents_tuple, crs.PlateCarree())
CAICO station: São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago.
df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['region'], prefix='', prefix_sep='', )
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | CO | N | NE | S | SE | |
0 | -15.789444 | -47.925833 | RN | SANTA CRUZ | 65.450729 | 887.287915 | 113.008965 | 21.527390 | 2.324405 | 16.636954 | 2.060525 | 56.675536 | 3.434736 | 1.117212 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | -15.599722 | -48.131111 | BA | BARREIRAS | 63.415417 | 888.740947 | 131.155556 | 21.908385 | 2.318807 | 15.382483 | 1.644735 | 44.732468 | 3.314155 | 1.329252 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | -15.939167 | -50.141389 | SP | ARIRANHA | 62.718272 | 954.701575 | 111.373788 | 25.655920 | 1.086215 | 16.226072 | 1.781967 | 69.084993 | 4.065550 | 1.061130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
3 | -3.103333 | -60.016389 | RS | BAGE | 74.779010 | 1004.262176 | 167.319125 | 27.768980 | 1.452776 | 13.432962 | 2.381811 | 69.886715 | 2.598391 | 0.799783 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
4 | -6.650278 | -69.866944 | PR | VENTANIA | 70.680097 | 997.946723 | 185.486389 | 25.537133 | 0.782401 | 13.597679 | 2.583953 | 77.443203 | 3.126108 | 0.804853 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
coord_cols = ['lon', 'lat']
dsc_cols = ['state', 'station']
cat_cols = ['NE', 'N', 'CO', 'S', 'SE']
num_cols = [c for c in df.columns if c not in (lat_lon+dsc_cols+cat_cols)]
coords = df[lat_lon]
X_num = df[num_cols]
X_cat = df[cat_cols]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
0 | 65.450729 | 887.287915 | 113.008965 | 21.527390 | 2.324405 | 16.636954 | 2.060525 | 56.675536 | 3.434736 | 1.117212 |
1 | 63.415417 | 888.740947 | 131.155556 | 21.908385 | 2.318807 | 15.382483 | 1.644735 | 44.732468 | 3.314155 | 1.329252 |
2 | 62.718272 | 954.701575 | 111.373788 | 25.655920 | 1.086215 | 16.226072 | 1.781967 | 69.084993 | 4.065550 | 1.061130 |
3 | 74.779010 | 1004.262176 | 167.319125 | 27.768980 | 1.452776 | 13.432962 | 2.381811 | 69.886715 | 2.598391 | 0.799783 |
4 | 70.680097 | 997.946723 | 185.486389 | 25.537133 | 0.782401 | 13.597679 | 2.583953 | 77.443203 | 3.126108 | 0.804853 |
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_num_sc = scaler.fit_transform(X_num)
X_num_sc = pd.DataFrame(X_num_sc, columns=X_num.columns)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
0 | -0.859100 | -2.119518 | 0.243202 | -0.656529 | 0.344526 | 0.451254 | -0.277475 | -0.418074 | -0.399973 | -0.314016 |
1 | -1.115694 | -2.080964 | 0.681733 | -0.538497 | 0.338640 | -0.039444 | -0.642855 | -0.990809 | -0.562896 | 0.259466 |
2 | -1.203584 | -0.330812 | 0.203686 | 0.622482 | -0.957326 | 0.290533 | -0.522261 | 0.177027 | 0.452350 | -0.465696 |
3 | 0.316927 | 0.984194 | 1.555663 | 1.277104 | -0.571918 | -0.802018 | 0.004858 | 0.215473 | -1.530000 | -1.172534 |
4 | -0.199828 | 0.816624 | 1.994694 | 0.585682 | -1.276761 | -0.737588 | 0.182493 | 0.577848 | -0.816975 | -1.158821 |
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
0 | -0.859100 | -2.119518 | 0.243202 | -0.656529 | 0.344526 | 0.451254 | -0.277475 | -0.418074 | -0.399973 | -0.314016 |
1 | -1.115694 | -2.080964 | 0.681733 | -0.538497 | 0.338640 | -0.039444 | -0.642855 | -0.990809 | -0.562896 | 0.259466 |
2 | -1.203584 | -0.330812 | 0.203686 | 0.622482 | -0.957326 | 0.290533 | -0.522261 | 0.177027 | 0.452350 | -0.465696 |
3 | 0.316927 | 0.984194 | 1.555663 | 1.277104 | -0.571918 | -0.802018 | 0.004858 | 0.215473 | -1.530000 | -1.172534 |
4 | -0.199828 | 0.816624 | 1.994694 | 0.585682 | -1.276761 | -0.737588 | 0.182493 | 0.577848 | -0.816975 | -1.158821 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
556 | 1.268879 | 0.537686 | 1.878261 | 0.605842 | -1.092457 | -0.743612 | -0.129558 | 0.019685 | -0.826425 | -1.065737 |
557 | 1.273288 | 0.535748 | 0.439134 | 0.580666 | -0.658392 | -0.696672 | -0.083038 | 2.096679 | -0.620182 | -0.911984 |
558 | 0.511917 | 0.444931 | 0.090893 | 0.579791 | -0.508183 | -0.910329 | -0.128260 | 0.614093 | -0.487119 | -0.690716 |
559 | 1.488055 | 0.682439 | 1.542413 | 0.537639 | -0.623750 | -0.913525 | -0.129164 | 0.998415 | -0.596789 | -0.743686 |
560 | 1.197882 | 0.524749 | 0.596082 | 0.324406 | -1.091953 | -0.416265 | 0.804788 | 0.154000 | -0.095601 | -1.480717 |
561 rows × 10 columns
extents = {}
extents['left'] = -75
extents['right'] = -31
extents['bottom'] = -35
extents['top'] = 6
extents_tuple = [extents[d] for d in ['left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top']]
{'left': -75, 'right': -31, 'bottom': -35, 'top': 6}
variables = ['T', 'H', 'P', 'R', 'V']
stds = ['s' + c for c in variables]
T, H, P, R, V = [df[[c for c in df.columns if c.startswith(var)]].mean(axis=1)
for var in variables]
sT, sH, sP, sR, sV = [df[[c for c in df.columns if c.startswith(var)]].mean(axis=1)
for var in stds]
def knn_map(coords, labels, extents=None, div=None,
k=6, weighted=True,
cmap=None, n_cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None,
scat_coords=True, marker='o', ms=11, mec='black', mfc='black',
title=None, cbar_label=None,
fig=None, ax=None, figsize=(8,8),
add_cbar=True, label_names=None):
def get_n_lon_lat(div):
if div is None:
n_lon = n_lat = 200
elif isinstance(div, int):
n_lon = n_lat = div
n_lon, n_lat = div
return n_lon, n_lat
def get_extents(extents):
if isinstance(extents, dict):
elif extents is None:
extents = {'left':-180, 'right':180, 'bottom':-90, 'top':90}
extents = {lim: extents[i] for i, lim in
enumerate(['left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'])}
return extents
coords = np.asarray(coords)
labels = np.asarray(labels)
extents = get_extents(extents)
extents_tuple = [extents[lim] for lim in ['left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top']]
n_lon, n_lat = get_n_lon_lat(div)
lon_int_ax = np.linspace(extents['left'], extents['right'], n_lon)
lat_int_ax = np.linspace(extents['bottom'], extents['top'], n_lat)
lon_int_grid, lat_int_grid = np.meshgrid(lon_int_ax, lat_int_ax)
coords_int = np.stack([arr.ravel()
for arr in (lon_int_grid, lat_int_grid)],
weights = 'distance' if weighted else 'uniform'
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, weights=weights), labels)
n_classes = knn.classes_.size
cmap =, n_classes)
except ValueError:
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k, weights=weights), labels)
n_classes = None
cmap =, n_cmap)
labels_int = knn.predict(coords_int)
mask = ~contains(brazil_shapes[0],
masked =, mask)
masked_grid = masked.reshape((n_lon, n_lat))
if ax is None:
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.OCEAN, zorder=0)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, zorder=1, fc='sandybrown', ec='black')
ax.add_geometries(states_shapes, projection, zorder=3, fc='none', ec='black')
pcol = ax.pcolormesh(lon_int_grid, lat_int_grid, masked_grid,
zorder=2, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
if add_cbar:
if n_classes is not None:
boundaries = np.arange(0, n_classes+1)
values = boundaries[:-1]
ticks = values + 0.5
cbar = plt.colorbar(pcol,
if label_names:
cbar = plt.colorbar(pcol, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
if cbar_label is not None:
if title is not None:
if scat_coords:
if n_classes is not None:
for c in knn.classes_:
c_idx = labels==c
ax.scatter(coords[c_idx,0], coords[c_idx,1], zorder=4,
marker=marker, s=ms, alpha=.4,
ec=mec, fc=cmap(c/n_classes))
ax.scatter(coords[:,0], coords[:,1], zorder=4,
marker=marker, s=ms, alpha=.4,
ec=mec, fc=mfc)
ax.set_extent(extents_tuple, projection)
gl = ax.gridlines(crs=projection, draw_labels=True,
linewidth=1, color='white', alpha=.2, linestyle='--')
# low pressure <--> clouds; high pressure <--> open sky
# low pressure <--> greys; high pressure <--> blues
N = 200
blues =,1, N))
greys_r =,1, N))
grey_blue = np.concatenate([greys_r, blues])
grey_blue = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(grey_blue)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
knn_map(coords, T, extents, ax=axes.flat[0], cbar_label=r'Temperature ($^{\circ}C$)', cmap='RdBu_r')
knn_map(coords, H, extents, ax=axes.flat[1], cbar_label=r'Humidity (%)', cmap='Spectral')
knn_map(coords, P, extents, ax=axes.flat[2], cbar_label=r'Pressure (mB)', cmap=grey_blue)
knn_map(coords, R, extents, ax=axes.flat[3], cbar_label=r'Precipitation (mm)', cmap='Blues')
knn_map(coords, V, extents, ax=axes.flat[4], cbar_label=r'Wind (m/s)', cmap='viridis')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
scmap = 'plasma'
knn_map(coords, sT, extents, ax=axes.flat[0], cbar_label=r'Temperature ($^{\circ}C$)', cmap=scmap)
knn_map(coords, sH, extents, ax=axes.flat[1], cbar_label=r'Humidity (%)', cmap=scmap)
knn_map(coords, sP, extents, ax=axes.flat[2], cbar_label=r'Pressure (mB)', cmap=scmap, vmax=6)
knn_map(coords, sR, extents, ax=axes.flat[3], cbar_label=r'Precipitation (mm)', cmap=scmap)
knn_map(coords, sV, extents, ax=axes.flat[4], cbar_label=r'Wind (m/s)', cmap=scmap, vmax=2)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | CO | N | NE | S | SE | |
198 | -6.639722 | -51.956944 | MT | SAO FELIX DO ARAGUAIA | 78.815797 | 987.867897 | 150.508333 | 26.198640 | 1.588278 | 15.884453 | 12.501164 | 63.103013 | 3.499945 | 1.064278 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
364 | -22.373889 | -44.703056 | MS | COXIM | 82.125538 | 763.268354 | 142.672222 | 10.703426 | 2.847170 | 16.117948 | 14.873817 | 78.407102 | 3.436498 | 1.593999 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
547 | -17.297222 | -54.837222 | RS | SANTA ROSA | 69.673177 | 945.576353 | 93.764280 | 24.352213 | 1.771318 | 15.911930 | 14.622271 | 58.606179 | 3.909244 | 1.286402 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
pca = PCA()
X_pca_full = pca.fit_transform(X_num_sc)
X_pca_full = pd.DataFrame(X_pca_full, columns=np.arange(1, X_num.columns.size+1))
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
0 | -0.847106 | 0.981557 | -0.052871 | -1.698452 | 0.598127 | 1.091698 | -0.507021 | -0.145552 | 0.247912 | -0.308904 |
1 | -0.873402 | 0.710085 | 0.442283 | -1.934483 | 0.516722 | 1.030901 | -1.189185 | 0.338872 | -0.247735 | -0.316662 |
2 | -0.673966 | -0.644175 | -1.163536 | -0.506441 | -0.688486 | 0.752904 | -0.071223 | 0.400870 | -0.164245 | -0.019472 |
3 | 2.021792 | -1.957614 | -0.381864 | 0.140697 | -0.009066 | 0.539183 | -1.066104 | -0.219245 | 0.422579 | -0.336370 |
4 | 2.036194 | -1.260124 | -1.246281 | 0.146786 | -0.392069 | 0.878067 | -0.962455 | 0.153971 | -0.233987 | -0.584855 |
plt.xlabel('$1^{st}$ principal component')
plt.ylabel('$2^{nd}$ principal component')
plt.scatter(X_pca_full[1], X_pca_full[2], marker='.')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f77b8165290>
plt.plot(X_pca_full.columns, pca.explained_variance_ratio_, marker='o')
plt.title('Variance (%)')
plt.xlabel('Principal component')
plt.plot(X_pca_full.columns, np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_), marker='o')
plt.title('Accumulated Variance (%)')
plt.xlabel('Principal component')
Taking 90% of variance with 5 components:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,5))
n_components = 5
X_all = pd.concat([X_num_sc, X_pca_full], axis=1)
corr = X_all.corr()
abscorr = np.abs(corr)
resp = abscorr.copy()
for i in X_pca_full.columns:
resp.loc[i,:] /= np.sum(abscorr.loc[i,:])
abscorr.loc[X_pca_full.columns[:n_components], X_num.columns],
# resp.loc[X_pca_full.columns[:n_components], X_num.columns],
annot=True, fmt='.0%',
X_pca = X_pca_full.loc[:,:5]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
0 | -0.847106 | 0.981557 | -0.052871 | -1.698452 | 0.598127 |
1 | -0.873402 | 0.710085 | 0.442283 | -1.934483 | 0.516722 |
2 | -0.673966 | -0.644175 | -1.163536 | -0.506441 | -0.688486 |
3 | 2.021792 | -1.957614 | -0.381864 | 0.140697 | -0.009066 |
4 | 2.036194 | -1.260124 | -1.246281 | 0.146786 | -0.392069 |
pca_cols = [*X_pca.columns]
df[pca_cols] = X_pca
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lat | lon | state | station | H | P | R | T | V | sH | ... | CO | N | NE | S | SE | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
0 | -15.789444 | -47.925833 | RN | SANTA CRUZ | 65.450729 | 887.287915 | 113.008965 | 21.527390 | 2.324405 | 16.636954 | ... | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | -0.847106 | 0.981557 | -0.052871 | -1.698452 | 0.598127 |
1 | -15.599722 | -48.131111 | BA | BARREIRAS | 63.415417 | 888.740947 | 131.155556 | 21.908385 | 2.318807 | 15.382483 | ... | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | -0.873402 | 0.710085 | 0.442283 | -1.934483 | 0.516722 |
2 | -15.939167 | -50.141389 | SP | ARIRANHA | 62.718272 | 954.701575 | 111.373788 | 25.655920 | 1.086215 | 16.226072 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | -0.673966 | -0.644175 | -1.163536 | -0.506441 | -0.688486 |
3 | -3.103333 | -60.016389 | RS | BAGE | 74.779010 | 1004.262176 | 167.319125 | 27.768980 | 1.452776 | 13.432962 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2.021792 | -1.957614 | -0.381864 | 0.140697 | -0.009066 |
4 | -6.650278 | -69.866944 | PR | VENTANIA | 70.680097 | 997.946723 | 185.486389 | 25.537133 | 0.782401 | 13.597679 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2.036194 | -1.260124 | -1.246281 | 0.146786 | -0.392069 |
5 rows × 24 columns
km = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
labels = km.fit_predict(X_num_sc)
colors = [f'C{c}' for c in range(km.n_clusters)]
names = list(range(km.n_clusters))
plt.xlabel('$1^{st}$ principal component')
plt.ylabel('$2^{nd}$ principal component')
for label, (name, color) in enumerate(zip(names, colors)):
indices = labels==label
_X_pca = X_pca_clip[indices]
plt.scatter(_X_pca.loc[:,1], _X_pca.loc[:,2], c=color, label=name, marker='o')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f77be15d910>
km = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
labels = km.fit_predict(X_pca)
colors = [f'C{c}' for c in range(km.n_clusters)]
names = list(range(km.n_clusters))
plt.xlabel('$1^{st}$ principal component')
plt.ylabel('$2^{nd}$ principal component')
for label, (name, color) in enumerate(zip(names, colors)):
indices = labels==label
_X_pca = X_pca_clip[indices]
plt.scatter(_X_pca.loc[:,1], _X_pca.loc[:,2], c=color, label=name, marker='o')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f77b7c210d0>
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10,10), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for k, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=3):
km = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
labels = km.fit_predict(X_num_sc)
for label in range(k):
indices = labels==label
_X_pca = X_pca_clip[indices]
ax.scatter(_X_pca.loc[:,1], _X_pca.loc[:,2],
c=f"C{label}", label=name, marker='.')
ax.set_title(f'k = {k}')
for i in range(3):
axes[2,i].set_xlabel('$1^{st}$ principal component')
axes[i,0].set_ylabel('$2^{nd}$ principal component')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10,10), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for k, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=3):
km = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
labels = km.fit_predict(X_pca)
for label in range(k):
indices = labels==label
_X_pca = X_pca_clip[indices]
ax.scatter(_X_pca.loc[:,1], _X_pca.loc[:,2],
c=f"C{label}", label=name, marker='.')
ax.set_title(f'k = {k}')
for i in range(3):
axes[2,i].set_xlabel('$1^{st}$ principal component')
axes[i,0].set_ylabel('$2^{nd}$ principal component')
max_k = 15
range_k = np.arange(2, max_k+1)
var = []
for k in range_k:
km = KMeans(k)
var = np.asarray(var)
plt.xlabel('N. Clusters')
plt.plot(range_k, var, marker='o')
plt.plot(range_k[[0,-1]], var[[0,-1]])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f77afec2450>]
def elbow_distance(x, y=None):
if y is not None:
p = np.stack([x, y], 1)
p = np.asarray(x)
ri = p[0]
rf = p[-1]
dist = np.abs(np.cross(p-ri,p-rf)/np.linalg.norm(p-ri))
return dist
dists = elbow_distance(range_k, var)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(range_k, dists, marker='o')
ax.plot(range_k[[0, -1]], [0,0])
ax.set_xlabel('N. Clusters')
ax.set_ylabel('Elbow distance')
def elbow_analysis(model, X, k_min=2, k_max=15, return_best=False):
range_k = np.arange(k_min, k_max+1)
var = np.empty(range_k.shape)
for i, k in enumerate(range_k):
var[i] = model(k).fit(X).inertia_
dist = elbow_distance(range_k, var)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4))
axes[0].set_title(r'Intra-cluster variance $\times$ N. clusters')
axes[0].plot(range_k, var, marker='o')
axes[0].plot(range_k[[0,-1]], var[[0,-1]])
axes[1].set_title(r'Distance $\times$ N. Clusters')
axes[1].set_ylabel('Elbow distance')
axes[1].plot(range_k, dist, marker='o')
axes[1].plot(range_k[[0, -1]], [0,0])
for ax in axes:
ax.set_xlabel('N. Clusters')
if return_best:
best_idx = np.argsort(dist)[::-1]
best = range_k[best_idx[:return_best]]
return best
elbow_analysis(KMeans, X_num_sc, k_min=2, k_max=20, return_best=4)
array([7, 8, 9, 6])
elbow_analysis(KMeans, X_pca, k_min=2, k_max=20, return_best=4)
array([7, 8, 6, 5])
Best results when k equals:
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
def view_cluster_silhouettes(model, X, k_min=2, k_max=5, cols=3):
range_k = np.arange(k_min, k_max+1)
plots = range_k.size
rows = int(np.ceil(plots/cols))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(4*cols,4*rows),
sharex=True, squeeze=False)
for i, k in enumerate(range_k):
ax = axes.flat[i]
ax.set_title(f'{k} clusters')
classes = np.arange(k)
labels = model(k).fit_predict(X)
sil = silhouette_samples(X, labels)
mean_sil = sil.mean()
ax.axvline(mean_sil, c='black', lw=3, alpha=.5,
label=f"mean: {mean_sil:.1%}")
pos = np.zeros(2)
for c in classes:
sil_c = np.sort(sil[labels==c])
pos[:] = pos[1], pos[1]+sil_c.size
ax.barh(np.arange(*pos), sil_c, height=1);
ax.text(-.05, pos.mean(), str(c))
fig.suptitle('Cluster Silhouettes')
for ax in axes.flat:
ax.set_ylabel('Cluster samples')
rm_cols = rows*cols - plots
for ax in axes[-1, cols-rm_cols:]:
view_cluster_silhouettes(KMeans, X_num_sc, 2, 9)
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
def silhouette(model, X, k_min=2, k_max=5):
range_k = np.arange(k_min, k_max+1)
silhouettes = np.empty(range_k.shape)
for i, k in enumerate(range_k):
classes = np.arange(k)
labels = model(k).fit_predict(X)
silhouettes[i] = silhouette_samples(X, labels).mean()
return silhouettes
def plot_silhouette(model, X, k_min=2, k_max=5, samples=5,
fig=None, ax=None):
if ax is None:
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
range_k = np.arange(k_min, k_max+1)
sils = [silhouette(KMeans, X, k_min, k_max)
for _ in range(samples)]
sils = np.stack(sils, axis=1)
sils_mean = sils.mean(axis=1)
sils_std = sils.std(axis=1)
ax.errorbar(range_k, sils_mean, sils_std, marker='o')
ax.set_title(r'Silhouette $\times$ N. clusters')
ax.set_xlabel('N. clusters')
plot_silhouette(KMeans, X_num_sc, 2, 20)
Best results:
- 3
- 5
ks = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
labels = []
label_names = []
for k in ks:
km = KMeans(k)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
k = ks[i]
knn_map(coords, labels[i], extents, k=6,
title=f'k = {k}', ax=axes.flat[i],
cmap='tab10', label_names=label_names[i],)
# axes.flat[-1].remove()
ks = [3,5,6,7]
labels = []
label_names = []
for k in ks:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection': projection})
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
k = ks[i]
knn_map(coords, labels[i], extents, k=6,
title=f'k = {k}', ax=axes.flat[i],
cmap='tab10', label_names=label_names[i],)
# axes.flat[-1].remove()
ks = [3,5,6,7]
labels = []
label_names = []
for k in ks:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
k = ks[i]
knn_map(coords, labels[i], extents, k=6,
title=f'k = {k}', ax=axes.flat[i],
cmap='tab10', label_names=label_names[i],)
# axes.flat[-1].remove()
k = 3
kmdf = df.copy()
kmdf['label'] = KMeans(k).fit_predict(X_num_sc)
knn_map(coords, kmdf['label'], extents, k=6,
title=f'k = {k}', cmap='tab10', label_names=ABC[:k],)
kmdf['label'] = kmdf['label'].apply(lambda i: ABC[i])
table = kmdf.groupby('label').mean()[num_cols]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
label | ||||||||||
A | 78.891126 | 999.590892 | 134.563488 | 25.463026 | 1.719062 | 12.176276 | 2.112124 | 80.629794 | 2.831345 | 1.050928 |
B | 67.537362 | 963.058806 | 80.268068 | 24.651777 | 1.932012 | 16.858695 | 2.087286 | 53.624506 | 3.985026 | 1.217610 |
C | 77.397061 | 941.552781 | 127.745576 | 18.916850 | 2.482565 | 15.546690 | 3.444962 | 79.587885 | 4.067444 | 1.480972 |
k = 5
label_names = ABC[:k]
kmdf = df.copy()
kmdf['label'] = KMeans(k).fit_predict(X_num_sc)
knn_map(coords, kmdf['label'], extents, k=6,
title=f'k = {k}', cmap='tab10', label_names=label_names)
kmdf['label'] = kmdf['label'].apply(lambda i: ABC[i])
table = kmdf.groupby('label').mean()[num_cols]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
H | P | R | T | V | sH | sP | sR | sT | sV | |
label | ||||||||||
A | 77.715237 | 936.752694 | 131.557258 | 18.568221 | 2.437214 | 15.778291 | 3.504361 | 81.140906 | 4.187205 | 1.441790 |
B | 62.843136 | 973.805697 | 47.044211 | 26.302958 | 2.353962 | 16.386361 | 1.903479 | 39.708409 | 3.711818 | 1.306529 |
C | 79.260399 | 998.290966 | 150.021912 | 25.519541 | 1.286348 | 12.471095 | 2.111841 | 86.898189 | 2.953779 | 0.917065 |
D | 69.910244 | 955.436805 | 98.033751 | 23.691279 | 1.677611 | 17.076527 | 2.192721 | 61.138962 | 4.133665 | 1.165710 |
E | 77.750806 | 1004.947945 | 87.657846 | 24.114372 | 3.372434 | 11.739555 | 2.525400 | 62.867451 | 2.565787 | 1.649047 |
sdf = kmdf[num_cols+['label']].copy()
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(5)
X = coords
y = sdf['label'],y)
ŷ = knn.predict(X)
sdf['label'] = ŷ
for c in num_cols:
for l in label_names:
sdf.loc[sdf['label']==l, c] = table.loc[l,c]
variables = ['T', 'H', 'P', 'R', 'V']
stds = ['s' + c for c in variables]
T, H, P, R, V = [sdf[[c for c in sdf.columns if c.startswith(var)]].mean(axis=1)
for var in variables]
sT, sH, sP, sR, sV = [sdf[[c for c in sdf.columns if c.startswith(var)]].mean(axis=1)
for var in stds]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
knn_map(coords, T, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[0], cbar_label=r'Temperature ($^{\circ}C$)', cmap='RdBu_r')
knn_map(coords, H, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[1], cbar_label=r'Humidity (%)', cmap='Spectral')
knn_map(coords, P, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[2], cbar_label=r'Pressure (mB)', cmap=grey_blue)
knn_map(coords, R, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[3], cbar_label=r'Precipitation (mm)', cmap='Blues')
knn_map(coords, V, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[4], cbar_label=r'Wind (m/s)', cmap='viridis')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
scmap = 'tab10'
knn_map(coords, sT, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[0], cbar_label=r'Temperature ($^{\circ}C$)', cmap=scmap)
knn_map(coords, sH, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[1], cbar_label=r'Humidity (%)', cmap=scmap)
knn_map(coords, sP, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[2], cbar_label=r'Pressure (mB)', cmap=scmap, vmax=6)
knn_map(coords, sR, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[3], cbar_label=r'Precipitation (mm)', cmap=scmap)
knn_map(coords, sV, extents, k=1, n_cmap=5, ax=axes.flat[4], cbar_label=r'Wind (m/s)', cmap=scmap, vmax=2)
X_all = df[coord_cols+cat_cols+pca_cols]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
lon | lat | NE | N | CO | S | SE | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
0 | -47.925833 | -15.789444 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.847106 | 0.981557 | -0.052871 | -1.698452 | 0.598127 |
1 | -48.131111 | -15.599722 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.873402 | 0.710085 | 0.442283 | -1.934483 | 0.516722 |
2 | -50.141389 | -15.939167 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | -0.673966 | -0.644175 | -1.163536 | -0.506441 | -0.688486 |
3 | -60.016389 | -3.103333 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2.021792 | -1.957614 | -0.381864 | 0.140697 | -0.009066 |
4 | -69.866944 | -6.650278 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2.036194 | -1.260124 | -1.246281 | 0.146786 | -0.392069 |
view_cluster_silhouettes(KMeans, X_all, 2, 9)
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
elbow_analysis(KMeans, X_all, k_max=15)
plot_silhouette(KMeans, X_all, k_max=15)
range_k = [3,5,6,7]
labels = []
label_names = []
for k in range_k:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(14,10), subplot_kw={'projection':projection})
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
k = range_k[i]
knn_map(coords, labels[i], extents, k=6,
title=f'k = {k}', ax=axes.flat[i],
cmap='tab10', label_names=label_names[i],)