PHP 5.3+ library that provides a simple and flexible way to load custom mapping data for Doctrine 2.3+ projects.
It supports Yaml, Xml and Annotation drivers which will be chosen depending on currently used mapping driver for your domain objects.
Credits to DoctrineExtensions, which big part of the code was inspired or extracted from.
This library is useful if you need read some data from Doctrine mapping files.
Imagine you have developed a DataGrid library and you need to know which properties should be exposed. You can easily create your own mapping in order to mark some properties for hidding and read before being rendered. This is a perfect case where this library can help you.
Doctrine provides several different ways for specifying mapping metadata:
- Docblock Annotations
For each mapping metadata you want to support, you are going to create a driver for loading the relevant metadata that you need. Fortunately, this library does almost all the job for you and in the most of cases you need only read the data and store in the array that will be returned at the end.
Reading Doctrine's metadata is simple as:
use DMR\Mapping\Reader;
$reader = new SimpleReader($manager); // or AgnosticReader($registries);
$data = $reader->read('Acme\Model\User', 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
// or $reader->read($user, 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
Are you serious? Absolutely. Keep reading.
DMR is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"dmr/dmr": "0.1.*-dev"
And run composer to update your dependencies:
$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar update
In order to read the desired information in the Doctrine's mapping files, you need to implement a driver for each mapping type that should be supported. The library will try to find the drivers in the namespace Your\Extension\Mapping\Driver
. If any driver correspondent to the current mapping type used by Doctrine is found, the library will try to load the Annotation driver as fallback (if not found, an exception will be thrown).
This is a suggestion for your project structure:
namespace Acme\Doctrine\YourExtension\Mapping;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation;
* @Annotation
final class Encode extends Annotation
public $type = 'md5'; // default value
public $secret;
namespace Acme\Doctrine\YourExtension\Mapping\Driver;
use DMR\Mapping\Driver\AbstractAnnotationDriver;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
class Annotation extends AbstractAnnotationDriver
const ANNOTATION = 'Acme\Doctrine\YourExtension\Mapping\Encode';
public function read(ClassMetadata $classMetadata, array &$metadata)
$class = $classMetadata->getReflectionClass();
foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
$encode = $this->reader->getPropertyAnnotation($property, self::ANNOTATION);
if ($encode == null) {
$field = $property->getName();
$metadata['field'] = $field;
$metadata['type'] = $encode->type;
$metadata['secret'] = $encode->secret;
namespace Acme\Doctrine\YourExtension\Mapping\Driver;
use DMR\Mapping\Driver\Xml as BaseXml;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
class Xml extends BaseXml
public function read(ClassMetadata $classMetadata, array &$metadata)
$mapping = $this->getMapping($classMetadata->name);
if (!isset($mapping->field)) {
foreach ($mapping->field as $mapping) {
if (!isset($mapping->encode)) {
// Required for object document mapping
$field = $this->getAttribute($mapping, 'fieldName') ?: $this->getAttribute($mapping, 'name');
$metadata['field'] = $field;
$metadata['type'] = $this->getAttribute($mapping->encode, 'type') ?: 'md5';
$metadata['secret'] = $this->getAttribute($mapping->encode, 'secret');
namespace Acme\Doctrine\YourExtension\Mapping\Driver;
use DMR\Mapping\Driver\File;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml as YmlParser;
class Yaml extends File
public function read(ClassMetadata $classMetadata, array &$metadata)
$mapping = $this->getMapping($classMetadata->name);
if (!isset($mapping['fields'])) {
foreach ($mapping['fields'] as $field => $fieldMapping) {
if (!isset($fieldMapping['encode'])) {
$metadata['field'] = $field;
$metadata['type'] = isset($fieldMapping['encode']['type']) ? $fieldMapping['encode']['type'] : 'md5';
$metadata['secret'] = $fieldMapping['encode']['secret'];
protected function loadMappingFile($file)
return YmlParser::parse($file);
Note: The following examples use the ORM mapping as reference but ODM is also supported.
namespace Acme\Model;
use Acme\Doctrine\YourExtension\Mapping as Ext;
* @ORM\Entity
class User
* @Ext\Encode(type="sha1", secret="xxx")
* @ORM\Column(length=64)
private $password;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""
<entity name="Acme\Model\User">
<field name="password" type="string">
<encode type="sha1" secret="xxx" />
type: sha1
secret: xxx
type: string
Reading the data is pretty simple. Currently there are two metadata readers available:
uses an implementation of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager
to get the necessary resources used by reader to read the class's metadata. Note that you can just read objects managed by the manager passed to the reader constructor.
use DMR\Mapping\Reader;
// $manager should be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager
$reader = new SimpleReader($manager);
$data = $reader->read('Acme\Model\User', 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
// or $reader->read($user, 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
The above example will output:
array(3) {
'field' =>
string(8) "password"
'type' =>
string(4) "sha1"
'secret' =>
string(3) "xxx"
uses a Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry
to get the necessary resources used by reader to read the class's metadata. The advantage of this implementation over the SimpleReader
is that this one automatically guesses the manager based on the given object so that you can read the metadata's from an entity or a document in a transparent way.
use DMR\Mapping\Reader;
// $registries should be an array of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry
$reader = new AgnosticReader($registries);
$data = $reader->read('Acme\Entity\User', 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
$data = $reader->read('Acme\Document\User', 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
// or $reader->read($user, 'Acme\Doctrine\ExtensionNamespace');
The above example will output:
array(3) {
'field' =>
string(8) "password"
'type' =>
string(4) "sha1"
'secret' =>
string(3) "xxx"
That's it!
DMR's tests covers 100% of the code.
The tests were written using PHPUnit.
In order to run the tests, some libraries used in the tests cases must be installed before:
$ cd dmr
$ php composer.phar install --dev
In the DMR root directory:
$ phpunit --coverage-text
Is it green?
Please provide feedback! We want to make this library useful in as many projects as possible. Please raise a Github issue, and point out what you do and don't like, or fork the project and make suggestions. No issue is too small.