In this project I implemented algorithms and data structures for k-nearest neighbour searches, using a naive and Kd-tree based approaches. In my implementation of each approach the following operations can be done:
- Create an empty algorithm/data structure
- Search for the k-nearest neighbours of a query of coordinates and category.
- Add a point to the set of points.
- Remove a point from the set of points.
In the naive implementation, no data structure are used to assist searches. Each time there is a neighbour neighbour query, the naive algorithm will compute all pairwise distances from query, then choose the (k) nearest ones.
In this implementation a Kd-tree was used to answer nearest neighbour searches.
S <category> <x-coordindates> <y-coordinates> <k>
– searches for the k nearest neigh- bours to query (x,y), for the specified category. If no nearest neighbours, return empty list.A <id> <category> <x-coordinates> <y-coordinates>
– adds a new point (x,y) to the point set of specified category. If point exists already (id, category, both coordinates all match), return false.D <id> <category> <x-coordinates> <y-coordinates>
– delete a point (x,y) with id from the point set of specified category. Id, category and coordinates must match for delete to proceed. If fail to delete, return false.C <id> <category> <x-coordinates> <y-coordinates>
– check if a point (x,y) is in the point set of specified category. Id, category and coordinates must match for check to be success.
Data generator files are also provided which will make test datasets for you to use.
To compile, from the directory where is, execute:
javac *.java
To run, from the directory where is, execute:
java NearestNeighFileBased [approach] [data filename] [command filename] [output filename]
- approach is one of “naive” or “kdtree”;
- data filename is the name of the file containing the intial set of points;
- command filename is the name of the file with the commands/operations;
- output filename is where to store the output of program.