Provides a simple way to get events through Cisco Spark's native websocket.
This module is useful when deploying a Cisco Spark bot behind a firewall with no way to get the traditional inbound webhooks back to the bot.
npm install ciscospark-websocket-events
This module can be used in two different ways. The first is by setting an event callback to handle the events directly in your code. The second is to define URL to the location you would like to post event data to.
The current events supported are:
- Message Created
- Membership Created
- Room Updated
Here is an example event:
"event": "created",
"resource": "messages",
"data": {
"id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL01FU1NBR0UvMzkyM2RiNDAtMTU4ZS0xMWU3LWI1OWItMjNiODI4NTFiY2Fh",
"roomId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vOTAwYjZiNTEtNDc2ZC0zMjkzLThlMTAtYmI1MTVjN2RjNDQy",
"roomType": "direct",
"text": "Hello",
"personId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS83M2YwNThiZS01MTRjLTQ5OTAtYTkyZi00MWNlY2M4NWFiMzc",
"personEmail": "",
"html": "<p><strong>Hello</strong></p>",
"created": "2017-03-30T21:17:04.628Z"
Run the sample from a terminal:
> cd ciscospark-websocket-events
> npm install
> cd tests
> SPARK_TOKEN=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX node event-callback.js
Check the code:
var SparkWebSocket = require('ciscospark-websocket-events');
var accessToken = process.env.SPARK_TOKEN;
sparkwebsocket = new SparkWebSocket(accessToken);
sparkwebsocket.connect(function (err, res){
if (!err) {
sparkwebsocket.setEventCallback(function (event){
console.log("New Event");
console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
// do something with the event
else {
console.log("Error starting up websocket: " + err);
var SparkWebSocket = require('ciscospark-websocket-events');
var accessToken = process.env.SPARK_TOKEN;
var webHookUrl = process.env.WEBHOOK_URL; // http://localhost:8080/mybot/incoming_event
sparkwebsocket = new SparkWebSocket(accessToken);
sparkwebsocket.connect(function(err, res){
if (!err) {
if (webHookUrl) {
else {
console.log("Error starting up websocket: " + err);
Run the sample from a terminal:
> cd examples
> cd botkit
> npm install
Check the BotKit code sample:
/// Setup the Cisco Spark Websocket
var SparkWebSocket = require('ciscospark-websocket-events')
var accessToken = process.env.SPARK_TOKEN
var PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000
var webHookUrl = "http://localhost:"+PORT+"/ciscospark/receive"
sparkwebsocket = new SparkWebSocket(accessToken)
if (!err) {
else {
console.log("Error starting up websocket: "+err)
//////// Bot Kit //////
var Botkit = require('botkit');
var controller = Botkit.sparkbot({
debug: true,
log: true,
public_address: "https://localhost",
ciscospark_access_token: process.env.SPARK_TOKEN
var bot = controller.spawn({
controller.setupWebserver(PORT, function(err, webserver) {
//setup incoming webhook handler'/ciscospark/receive', function(req, res) {
controller.handleWebhookPayload(req, res, bot);
controller.hears('hello', 'direct_message,direct_mention', function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'Hi');
controller.on('direct_mention', function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'You mentioned me and said, "' + message.text + '"');
controller.on('direct_message', function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'I got your private message. You said, "' + message.text + '"');
Run the sample from a terminal:
> cd examples
> cd flint
> npm install
Check the flint code sample:
// Spark Websocket Intialization
var SparkWebSocket = require('ciscospark-websocket-events')
var accessToken = process.env.SPARK_TOKEN
var PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080
var webHookUrl = "http://localhost:"+PORT+"/flint"
sparkwebsocket = new SparkWebSocket(accessToken)
if (!err)
else {
console.log("Error starting up websocket: "+err)
// Flint Bot Initialization
var Flint = require('node-flint');
var webhook = require('node-flint/webhook');
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
// flint options
var config = {
token: accessToken,
port: PORT,
removeWebhooksOnStart: true,
maxConcurrent: 5,
minTime: 50
// init flint
var flint = new Flint(config);
// say hello
flint.hears('/hello', function(bot, trigger) {
flind.debug('Flind hears /hello');
bot.say('I hear you, %s!', trigger.personDisplayName);
// add flint event listeners
flint.on('message', function(bot, trigger, id) {
flint.debug('"%s" said "%s" in room "%s"', trigger.personEmail, trigger.text, trigger.roomTitle);
if (trigger.text === '/hello') {
bot.say('"%s" said keyword in room "%s".', trigger.personEmail, trigger.roomTitle);
flint.on('initialized', function() {
flint.debug('initialized %s rooms', flint.bots.length);
// define express path for incoming webhooks'/flint', webhook(flint));
// start express server
var server = app.listen(config.port, function () {
flint.debug('Flint listening on port %s', config.port);
// gracefully shutdown (ctrl-c)
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
flint.stop().then(function() {
Cisco Spark Websockets now support web proxies!
To enable web proxy support set the following enviroment variables:
- HTTP_PROXY=(to your web proxy URL)
- NO_PROXY=localhost