Web Application to communication with LIRC ( Linux Infrared Remote Control )
- node.js
- yarn or npm
$ yarn install
And if you want to start with your computer see /install/README.md
First you need to change the device in server/controller/remoteApp.controllers.js
const device = 'YOUR_DEVICE_NAME_IN_LIRC';
And in a terminal
For dev :
$ yarn run start
For production :
$ yarn run start-prod
If think is better for production to run for memory
$ NODE_ENV=production node ./server/server
Go to http://localhost:8085.
You just need to add button on the pug template (client/src/views/index.pug)
button(type='button' class='btn btn-red' data-cmd='KEY_MUTE')
Replace KEY_MUTE by a valid command (cf your lircd.conf)
- Move client/src/sass/icomoon.scss to another directory
- Copy all favico to the server root with webpack
Copyright © 2015 Marc Foletto Released under the GPL-3.0 license.