This is a Application to show how to use various Phoenix packages from My Packages and the Elixir Kenya community
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
- PhxIzitoast
- AtEx - Africastalking
- Mpesa Elixir
1. PhxIzitoast
This is a Phoenix Elixir IziToast Notification wrapper., A JavaScript Notifications Toast Library.
Navigate to localhost to view the toasts
Code sample found at /controllers/page_controller.ex
def index(conn, _params) do
|> PhxIzitoast.success("Success", "This is a Success message", position: "center")
|> PhxIzitoast.warning("Warning", "This is a warning Message", position: "bottomRight")
|> PhxIzitoast.error("Error", "This is an Error", position: "bottomLeft")
|>"Notice", "This is a Notice", position: "topRight")
|> PhxIzitoast.message("I am a Message, Peace")
|> render("index.html")
2. AtEx - dev
An API Wrapper for the Africas Talking API The wrapper is still under dev,
iex> AtEx.send_sms(%{to: "+254724540039", message: "Yes Bana"})
"SMSMessageData" => %{
"Message" => "Sent to 1/1 Total Cost: ZAR 0.1124",
"Recipients" => [
"cost" => "KES 0.8000",
"messageId" => "ATXid_96e52a761a82c1bad58e885109224aad",
"number" => "+254724540039",
"status" => "Success",
"statusCode" => 101
To generate the response, you can use the function AtEx.USSD.build_response/1
or AtEx.USSD.build_response/2
iex> AtEx.USSD.build_response("What do you want to order", ["Chips & Sausage", "Burger & Chips", "Rice & beans"])
{:ok, "CON What do you want to order\n1. Chips & Sausage\n2. Burger & Chips\n3. Rice & beans" }
Look at /controllers/api/ussd_controller.ex
for a sample USSD app
3. Mpesa Elixir
This is wrapper for Daraja Mpesa STK implementation(Lipa na Mpesa Online)
iex> Mpesa.make_request(10, "254724540039", "reference", "description")
"CheckoutRequestID" => "ws_CO_010320202011179845",
"CustomerMessage" => "Success. Request accepted for processing",
"MerchantRequestID" => "25558-10595705-4",
"ResponseCode" => "0",
"ResponseDescription" => "Success. Request accepted for processing"
{:error, "Invalid Access Token"}
Happy coding, Star before Fork 😊💪💯
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- Source: