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Merge pull request #22 from mannylopez/use-astronomical-constant
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Use astronomical constant
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mannylopez authored Jun 8, 2024
2 parents ff5f07b + cbd366e commit 2f013f2
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,054 additions and 613 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions Sources/TinyMoon/TinyMoon+AstronomicalConstant.swift
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@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
// Created by manny_lopez on 6/6/24.

import Foundation

// MARK: - TinyMoon + AstronomicalConstant

extension TinyMoon {

enum AstronomicalConstant {
static let radians = Double.pi / 180

// ε Epsilon
// The obliquity of the ecliptic. Value at the beginning of 2000:
static let e = 23.4397

static let perihelion = 102.9372

static let astronomicalUnit = 149598000.0

static func degreesToRadians(_ degrees: Double) -> Double {
degrees * radians

static func radiansToDegrees(_ radians: Double) -> Double {
radians * (180 / Double.pi)

/// δ The declination shows how far the body is from the celestial equator and
/// determines from which parts of the Earth the object can be visible.
/// - Parameters:
/// - longitude: in radians
/// - latitude: in radians
/// - Returns: Declination, in radians
/// Formula based on
/// and
/// and
internal static func declination(longitude: Double, latitude: Double) -> Double {
let e = AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(AstronomicalConstant.e)
return asin(sin(latitude) * cos(e) + cos(latitude) * sin(e) * sin(longitude))

/// α The right ascension shows how far the body is from the vernal equinox, as measured along the celestial equator
/// - Parameters:
/// - longitude: in radians
/// - latitude: in radians
/// - Returns: Right ascension, in radians
/// Formula based on
/// and
/// and
internal static func rightAscension(longitude: Double, latitude: Double) -> Double {
let e = AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(AstronomicalConstant.e)
return atan2(sin(longitude) * cos(e) - tan(latitude) * sin(e), cos(longitude))

// MARK: Moon methods

/// Get the position of the Moon on a given Julian Day
/// - Parameters:
/// - julianDay: The date in Julian Days
/// - Returns: Tuple with δ declination (in radians), α rightAscension (in radians), and distance (in kilometers)
/// Formula based on
/// and
/// and
internal static func moonCoordinates(julianDay: Double) -> (declination: Double, rightAscension: Double, distance: Double) {
let daysSinceJ2000 = daysSinceJ2000(from: julianDay)
let L = AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(218.316 + 13.176396 * daysSinceJ2000) // Geocentric ecliptic longitude, in radians
let M = AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(134.963 + 13.064993 * daysSinceJ2000) // Mean anomaly, in radians
let F = AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(93.272 + 13.229350 * daysSinceJ2000) // Mean distance of the Moon from its ascending node, in radians

let longitude = L + AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(6.289 * sin(M)) // λ Geocentric ecliptic longitude, in radians
let latitude = AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians(5.128 * sin(F)) // φ Geocentric ecliptic latitude, in radians
let distance = 385001 - 20905 * cos(M) // Distance to the Moon, in kilometers

let declination = declination(longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude)
let rightAscension = rightAscension(longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude)

return (declination, rightAscension, distance)

/// Get Moon phase
/// - Parameters:
/// - julianDay: The date in Julian Days
/// - Returns: Tuple containing illuminatedFraction, phase, and angle
/// - illuminatedFraction: Varies between `0.0` new moon and `1.0` full moon
/// - phase: Varies between `0.0` to `0.99`. `0.0` new moon, `0.25` first quarter, `0.5` full moon, `0.75` last quarter
/// Formula based on
/// and
/// and
internal static func getMoonPhase(julianDay: Double) -> (illuminatedFraction: Double, phase: Double, angle: Double) {
let s = sunCoordinates(julianDay: julianDay)
let m = moonCoordinates(julianDay: julianDay)

// Geocentric elongation of the Moon from the Sun
let phi = acos(sin(s.declination) * sin(m.declination) + cos(s.declination) * cos(m.declination) * cos(s.rightAscension - m.rightAscension))
// Selenocentric (Moon centered) elongation of the Earth from the Sun
let inc = atan2(astronomicalUnit * sin(phi), m.distance - astronomicalUnit * cos(phi))
let angle = atan2(cos(s.declination) * sin(s.rightAscension - m.rightAscension), sin(s.declination) * cos(m.declination) - cos(s.declination) * sin(m.declination) * cos(s.rightAscension - m.rightAscension))

let illuminatedFraction = (1 + cos(inc)) / 2
let phase = 0.5 + 0.5 * inc * (angle < 0 ? -1 : 1) / Double.pi

return (illuminatedFraction, phase, angle)

// MARK: Solar methods

/// The mean anomaly for the sun
/// - Parameters:
/// - julianDay: The date in Julian Days
/// - Returns: Mean anomaly for the sun, in radians
/// Formula based
/// and
internal static func solarMeanAnomaly(julianDay: Double) -> Double {
let daysSinceJ2000 = daysSinceJ2000(from: julianDay)
return AstronomicalConstant.degreesToRadians((357.5291 + 0.9856002 * daysSinceJ2000))

/// The ecliptic longitude λ [lambda] shows how far the celestial body is from the vernal equinox, measured along the ecliptic
/// - Parameters:
/// - solarMeanAnomaly: in radians
/// - Returns: Ecliptic longitude, in radians
/// Formula based on
/// and
/// and
internal static func eclipticLongitude(solarMeanAnomaly: Double) -> Double {
let center = degreesToRadians((1.9148 * sin(solarMeanAnomaly) + 0.02 * sin(2 * solarMeanAnomaly) + 0.0003 * sin(3 * solarMeanAnomaly))) // Equation of center
let perihelionInRadians = degreesToRadians(perihelion)
return solarMeanAnomaly + center + perihelionInRadians + Double.pi

/// Get the position of the Sun on a given Julian Day
/// - Parameters:
/// - julianDay: The date in Julian Days
/// - Returns: Tuple with δ declination (in radians) and α rightAscension (in radians)
/// Formula from
/// and
internal static func sunCoordinates(julianDay: Double) -> (declination: Double, rightAscension: Double) {
let solarMeanAnomaly = solarMeanAnomaly(julianDay: julianDay)
let eclipticLongitude = eclipticLongitude(solarMeanAnomaly: solarMeanAnomaly)

let declination = declination(longitude: eclipticLongitude, latitude: 0)
let rightAscension = rightAscension(longitude: eclipticLongitude, latitude: 0)

return (declination, rightAscension)

// MARK: Julian day methods

/// The number of Julian days since 1 January 2000, 12:00 UTC
/// `2451545.0` is the Julian date on 1 January 2000, 12:00 UTC, aka J2000.0
internal static func daysSinceJ2000(from jd: Double) -> Double {
jd - 2451545.0

/// The Julian Day Count is a uniform count of days from a remote epoch in the past and is used for calculating the days between two events.
/// The Julian day is calculated by combining the contributions from the years, months, and day, taking into account constant offsets and rounding down the result.
/// - Note: This version does not use hours or minutes to compute the Julian Day, so it will only return up to one decimal point of accuracy.
internal static func lessPreciseJulianDay(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) -> Double {
var newYear = year
var newMonth = month
if month <= 2 {
newYear = year - 1
newMonth = month + 12
let a = Int(newYear / 100)
let b = Int(a / 4)
let c = 2 - a + b
let e = Int(365.25 * Double(newYear + 4716))
let f = Int(30.6001 * Double(newMonth + 1))
return Double(c + day + e + f) - 1524.5

/// Calculates the Julian Day (JD) for a given Date
/// - Parameters:
/// - date: Any Swift Date to calculate the Julian Day for
/// - Returns: The Julian Day number, rounded down to four decimal points
/// The Julian Day Count is a uniform count of days from a remote epoch in the past and is used for calculating the days between two events.
/// The Julian day is calculated by combining the contributions from the years, months, and day, taking into account constant offsets and rounding down the result.
/// - Note: Uses hour, minute, and seconds to calculate a precise Julian Day
internal static func julianDay(_ date: Date) -> Double {
var calendar = Calendar.current
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0) ?? calendar.timeZone
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second], from: date)

let year = components.year,
let month = components.month,
let day =,
let hour = components.hour,
let minute = components.minute,
let second = components.second
else {
fatalError("Could not extract date components")

/// Used to adjust January and February to be part of the previous year.
/// `14` is used to adjust the start of the year to March. Will either be `0` or `1`.
let a = (14 - month) / 12
/// The Julian Day calculation sets year 0 as 4713 BC.
/// To avoid working with negative numbers, `4800` is used as an offset.
let y = year + 4800 - a
/// Adjusts the month for the Julian Day calculation, where March is considered the first month of the year.
let m = month + 12 * a - 3

/// Calculate Julian Day Number for the date
/// - `153`: A magic number used for month length adjustments.
/// - `365`, `4`, `100`, and `400`: These relate to the number of days in a year and the correction for leap years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
/// `32045` is the correction factor to align the result with the Julian Day Number.
let jdn = Double(day) + Double((153 * m + 2) / 5) + Double(y) * 365 + Double(y / 4) - Double(y / 100) + Double(y / 400) - 32045

/// Calculate the fraction of the day past since midnight
/// `1440` is the number of minutes in a day, and `86400` is the number of seconds in a day
let dayFraction = (Double(hour) - 12) / 24 + Double(minute) / 1440 + Double(second) / 86400
let julianDayWithTime = jdn + dayFraction
let roundedJulianDay = (julianDayWithTime * 10000).rounded() / 10000

return roundedJulianDay
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions Sources/TinyMoon/TinyMoon+ExactMoon.swift
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// Created by manny_lopez on 6/7/24.

import Foundation

// MARK: - TinyMoon + ExactMoon

extension TinyMoon {

/// The `ExactMoon` object for a specific date and time.
/// This object represents the precise moon phase for a given date and time, without prioritizing major moon phases (new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter) over others. It provides a more detailed and accurate representation of the moon's phase, suitable for applications requiring precise lunar data.
/// Use `exactMoonPhase` when the specificity of the lunar phase is critical to your application, such as in astronomical apps or detailed lunar tracking that rely on precise moon phase calculations.
/// - Note: Unlike `moonPhase`, which may prioritize major moon phases occurring at any point within a 24-hour period, `exactMoonPhase` focuses on the exact lunar phase at the given moment.
/// For example, given that the full moon occurs on `August 19, 2024 at 13:25 UTC` and the date we query for is `August 19, 2024 at 00:00 UTC`, this object will return `.waxingGibbous` because that is a more accurate representation of the moon phase at `00:00 UTC` time.
public struct ExactMoon: Hashable {

init(date: Date, phaseFraction: Double) { = date
self.exactMoonPhase = ExactMoon.exactMoonPhase(phaseFraction: phaseFraction)
self.exactName = exactMoonPhase.rawValue
self.exactEmoji = exactMoonPhase.emoji

public let exactMoonPhase: MoonPhase
public let exactName: String
public let exactEmoji: String
public let date: Date

internal static func exactMoonPhase(phaseFraction: Double) -> MoonPhase {
if phaseFraction < 0.02 {
return .newMoon
} else if phaseFraction < 0.23 {
return .waxingCrescent
} else if phaseFraction < 0.27 {
return .firstQuarter
} else if phaseFraction < 0.48 {
return .waxingGibbous
} else if phaseFraction < 0.52 {
return .fullMoon
} else if phaseFraction < 0.73 {
return .waningGibbous
} else if phaseFraction < 0.77 {
return .lastQuarter
} else if phaseFraction < 0.98 {
return .waningCrescent
} else {
return .newMoon

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