- AppiumBase is a complete framework for Mobile Application automation and testing with pytest.
- The API simplifies Appium's out-of-the-box API, leading to cleaner, maintainable code.
- Includes advanced features such as Auto start appium server, Strong Base Class and cloud providers support.
You can easily install AppiumBase from pypi:
pip install appiumbase
You need to specify desired capabilities to run your tests. Here is an example of capability file for android.
desired_cap = {
"appPackage": "com.your.app",
"appActivity": "com.yourapp.MainActivity",
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "12",
"deviceName": "MyDeviceName",
"udid": "123456"
You can save the capability file either in py or in the json file.
Run your test case with the following command
pytest --cap-file=desired_cap.py
AppiumBase supports running your test cases on LambdaTest and BrowserStack. We need to pass --lt for LambdaTest and --bs for BrowserStack.
pytest --lt --cap-file=desired_cap_lt.py
pytest --bs --cap-file=desired_cap_bs.py
LambdaTest Capability files:
desired_cap = {
"user": "your_username",
"accessKey": "your_access_key",
"app": "lt://APPID",
"platformName": "Android",
"deviceName": "Google Pixel 3",
"platformVersion": "10",
"build": "Build 1.0.12",
"name": "Login_Test",
"isRealMobile": True
For more information check https://www.lambdatest.com/support/docs/desired-capabilities-in-appium/
BrowserStack Capability files:
desired_cap = {
# Set your access credentials
"browserstack.user": "your_username",
"browserstack.key": "your_key",
# Set URL of the application under test
"app": "bs://APPID",
# Specify device and os_version for testing
"device": "Xiaomi Redmi Note 7",
"os_version": "10.0",
# Set other BrowserStack capabilities
"project": "My Project",
"build": "Android 1.0.12 All Test Cases",
"name": "UI_Test Android_1",
# Set Specific capabilities regarding test
'autoAcceptAlerts': 'true',
For more information check https://www.browserstack.com/docs/app-automate/appium/getting-started/python