OpenWeatherMap Cities run through a GeoCoding Service to get additional location details.
./sql/city_list.schema.sql | MySQL Database Schema |
./sql/city_list.schema.sqlite.sql | SQLite Database Schema |
./sql/ | SQL Data ( for MySQL & SQLite ) |
./data/owm_city_list.csv | ( CSV ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
./data/owm_city_list.json | ( JSON ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
./data/owm_city_list.txt | ( TXT ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
./data/owm_city_list.xls | ( XLS ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
./data/owm_city_list.xlsx | ( XLSX ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
./data/owm_city_list.xml | ( XML ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
./data/owm_city_list.yml | ( YML ) GeoCoded OpenWeatherMap Cities |
Each city contains the following data:
owm_city_id |
Open Weather Map's City ID |
owm_city_name |
Open Weather Map's City Name |
owm_latitude |
Open Weather Map's City Latitude |
owm_longitude |
Open Weather Map's City Longitude |
owm_country |
Open Weather Map's Country Code |
locality_short |
Google GeoCoded locality ( Short Name ) |
locality_long |
Google GeoCoded locality ( Long Name ) |
admin_level_1_short |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_1 ( Short Name ) |
admin_level_1_long |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_1 ( Long Name ) |
admin_level_2_short |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_2 ( Short Name ) |
admin_level_2_long |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_2 ( Long Name ) |
admin_level_3_short |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_3 ( Short Name ) |
admin_level_3_long |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_3 ( Long Name ) |
admin_level_4_short |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_4 ( Short Name ) |
admin_level_4_long |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_4 ( Long Name ) |
admin_level_5_short |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_5 ( Short Name ) |
admin_level_5_long |
Google GeoCoded administrative_area_level_5 ( Long Name ) |
country_short |
Google GeoCoded country ( Short Name ) |
country_long |
Google GeoCoded country ( Long Name ) |
postal_code |
Google GeoCoded postal_code |
See Googles GeoCoding Service for details on what each piece of data means.