- Print packing slips or any kind of labels for orders which are not sent. The default template prints the grid with basic order information for printing small labels, however the template is easily customizable to print A4 slips too (see usabe below).
- Run
$ composer require mangoweb-sylius/sylius-packing-slips-plugin
. - Register
in your Kernel. - Import
in the routing.yml.
resource: "@MangoSyliusPackingSlipsPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /admin
You can override package slips template.
- Create symlink from .env.dist to .env or create your own .env file
- Develop your plugin in
- See
for useful commands
After your changes you must ensure that the tests are still passing.
- Easy Coding Standard
- PHPStan
This library is under the MIT license.
Developed by manGoweb.