This repository and the role associated are deprecated in favor of the Manala Ansible Collection
You will find informations on its usage on the collection repository
❗ Report issues and send Pull Requests in the main Ansible Role repository ❗
This role will deal with the setup of Cron.
It's part of the Manala Ansible stack but can be used as a stand alone component.
Using ansible galaxy cli:
ansible-galaxy install manala.cron
Using ansible galaxy requirements file:
- src: manala.cron
Name | Type | Description |
`cron restart | Service | Restart cron service |
Name | Default | Type | Description |
manala_cron_install_packages |
~ | Array | Dependency packages to install |
manala_cron_install_packages_default |
['cron'] | Array | Default dependency packages to install |
manala_cron_files_exclusive |
false | Boolean | Files exclusivity |
manala_cron_files_dir |
'/etc/cron.d' | String | Files dir path |
manala_cron_files_defaults |
{} | Array | Defaults cron files parameters |
manala_cron_files |
[] | Array | Cron files collection |
user: foo # Override default "root" user
- file: app
user: foo # Default jobs user
FOO: foo
# ⚠️ In this example, you must **explicitly** set the minute option to `0` to have the job run at a specific hour,
# otherwise the default value `*` will run it _every minute_ for an hour.
- command: php /srv/app/bin/console app:foo:bar
minute: 0
hour: 7
- command: php /srv/app/bin/console app:foo:bar
user: bar # Override default jobs user
minute: 0
hour: 7
# Deprecated
- name: foo-bar
job: php /srv/app/bin/console app:foo:bar
minute: 0
hour: 7
# Template based
- file: template
template: my/cron.j2
# Raw content based
- file: content
config: |
0 7 * * * root cd /srv/app && bin/console app:bar:bar
# Ensure file is absent
- file: absent
state: absent # "present" by default
# Ignore file
- file: ignore
state: ignore
# Flatten files
- "{{ my_custom_files_array }}"
- hosts: servers
- role: manala.cron
Manala (http://www.manala.io/)