Conditional form elements in a DRYish way
Uses jQuery, works with inputs of type "checkbox" and "radio".
Step 1: identify your triggering checkbox or radio button via id attribute.
<input type="checkbox" id="trigger" />
Step 2: add .show-when-checked to the elements you want to show when your trigger is checked (and hide when it's unchecked). Add your trigger id as data-trigger-id attribute.
<div class="show-when-checked" data-trigger-id="trigger">
Only shown when the checkbox is checked
Step 3: Include the JS file anywhere in your document
<script src="show-when-checked.js"></script>
You can optionally supply a data-animation-duration attribute to showable elements which will be passed to jQuery's hide() and show() methods; documentation found here: If the attribute is not set, the duration is 0 and there is no animation.
Your element will be visible on page load. To avoid this, use custom css (or a class like hide).