- Install VSCode
- Fetch the code
$ git clone git@github.com:stonier/maliput_examples.git
- Launch the project in the python devcontainer:
$ cd maliput_examples
$ code .
# Reopen in Container or CTRL-SHIFT-P
# Select the python devcontainer from the subsequent drop-down
# Open up a terminal (if it hasn't already)
(docker) zen@python-zen:/workspaces/maliput_examples$
# Switch to the project
$ cd maliput_py_examples
- Install dependencies
$ poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file
Package operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
• Installing maliput (0.1.6)
• Installing maliput-malidrive (0.1.4)
$ poetry shell
$ maliput-<TAB><TAB>
Open them in https://odrviewer.io/.