always remember data structure and algorithm are both connected
All the Code in here is in Python
and i have separate repo on Python as well if you don't understand this
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Q1- what is Data Structure ?
A1- Structure of the Data, can be anything, most commonly use are:
- string ( any character )
- number/integer ( any number )
- boolean ( true and false )
- null ( kinda hard to explain - let's say value is nothing - type is specified - not true in some cases )
- undefined ( same as null but value is not been removed or never specified )
- object ( combination of other data types )
- array ( list of data together - different type of data can be in one array )
Q2- what is algorithm ?
A2- Algorithm is in simple a step to do anything, like a recipe to cake, but what it do with data so in this situation we can say algorithm is the way to step of code you write to achieve the business logic.
Q3- what is time complexity ?
A3- The amount of time an algorithm wll take to complete - it will measure with Big O.
Q4- what is n ?
A4- n is usually use for length of the data.
Q5- what is big O ?
A5- Big O describe as performance of an algorithm. it usually describe worst-case scenario of the algorithm
Q6- what is big O(n) - {o of n} ?
A6- O(n) or {o of n} is when algorithm run the length of the array
- note: both example are using liner search
- eg-1: find the number 3
- equation-1: list = 9, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1
- why it's O(n)-1: in this scenario list will run and check every number until it will find 3 and the worst case it will be the end and best it will be the first but we have to follow worst so it will be O(n)
- solution-1: we will go through every number and check if this number is 3 and if yes then we will return it otherwise move to next number
- equation-1: list = 9, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1
- eg-2: find smallest number of the array of number
- equation-1: list = 9, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1
- why it's O(n)-1: in this scenario list will run maximum the number of the array and check every number one by one to find minimum number and this is O(n)
- solution-1: well solution will go something like this you save the first value in a variable then compare it wil second value and if the value is less then second value then update the variable value and in both cases move to next until list end and in the end return the value of the variable
- equation-1: list = 9, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1
Q7- what is O(1) - {O of 1} ?
A7- O(1) of {O of 1} - is when you have to run only one cycle to get the result also know as constant time. like in O(n) - n is the length which will define how many time the process will run same here O(1) - 1 is telling that the process will only run 1 time. it will work only with few situation, let's say you have an object or an array
- eg-1: O(1) with an hashmap(object)
- equation-1: hashmap = { name: "Mohammad Moiz Ali", age: 23 }
- why it's O(1)-1: in this kind of hashmap you can just use hashmap name with the name of the kay - ( || hashmap['name']) and you will get your result, so as you can we we don't have to go through the complete object and look for every key like in O(n) and it's only possible because we are using an hashmap (which is an object in most of the cases) - and you will only use one cycle and get the response so it's O(1)
- equation-1: hashmap = { name: "Mohammad Moiz Ali", age: 23 }
- eg-1: O(1) with an array
- equation-1: list = 9, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1
- why it's O(1)-1: you can only apply O(1) in an array when you want on which index you want to go like if you want second index you can say something like this list[1] = (array usually start with 0 so first index is 0 and second is 1) and here you can also look it's again just one cycle so that's why it's O(1)
- equation-1: list = 9, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1
- note: O(1) will only work in this 2 situation with specific needs and specific data types (and that's why we say in the start that data structure and algorithm are connected because if data will in different form then you can't use O(1))
Q8- what is O(log n) ?
A8- O(log n) is when you will eliminate half of the length in every cycle - a common example is binary search - I know answer is not self explanatory but if you understand binary search we can understand O(log n) easily
- their are tow requirement to implement O(log n)
- list should be sorted
- your requirement is to find something
- if we the root of the length of the list we know how much a O(log n) will run like if list length is 16 then O(log n) will run only 4 time in worst scenario
- in mathematical terms we can say:
log2(16) = 4
or2x = 16
wherex is 4
Q9- what is Binary Search ?
A9- Binary Search in simple term is divide by 2 and check until you find your value (only work with sorted array) - you take a sorted value and your goal is to find the number (let's say it's 100) so you start with the middle value (length of the list divide by 2) and check if the value you are looking is same of not and if it then stop, you got the solution otherwise check if the value (that you are looking) is smaller or larger then the middle value if it's smaller then move to right side otherwise move to left and repeat the process until you find the value
- equation-1 list = 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 23, 35, 60, 100, find=100
- requirements: first the list should be sorted, second you need to find some value not do sorting or other kind of stuff
- why it's a binary search: you check the requirement does you want to find a value or not and if yes you check if array is sorted and if both things match you can apply binary search
- solution-1 first we count list length which is 10 so we get the value of 5th value which is 9 and check if it's 100 then we know it's not then we will move our focus on the right side (10, 23, 35, 60, 100) and count the length which is 5 now so we go check the 3 member value of the list which is 35 again it's less then 100 so we again focus on the right side (60, 100) and now we only have two value left and repeat the process and check 60 and again 60 is less then 100 so we check the last value (100) and if it's match then we will return the last value
Q10- what is O(n^2) - { O n square } ?
A10- O(n^2) - { O n square } - in simple words for every element check each element - and a nested loop is also a O(n^2) time complexity.
- the maximum number of cycle it will run will be the square of n - so if n is 10 worst it will go for 100
- example-1: you have to sort an array without creating a new array so what you will do, let's say your list is (9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 8, 4, 2, 6, 0). so you check the first value and keep if to it's place and you move to second and compare if first value if less then second then you switch second value to first place and if not keep it in the second place (7, 9, 5, 3, 1, 8, 4, 2, 6, 0), next you match the third value with second and if its less then second you compare if with first, if it's greater then second you will keep it in third place if its bigger then first and less then second you add it in second and current second will be become first and if value is less then first then it will become first and current first and second will become second and third (5, 7, 9, 3, 1, 8, 4, 2, 6, 0) and you will repeat this process until the end
- example-2: you get two list, list1 is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and list2 is (9, 7, 5, 3, 1) and now your task is to return same value in both array - what you can do is take first value from list1 and compare it will every value present in list2
- in mathematical term we can say n2 = (10)2 = 10 X 10 = 100
Q11- what is insertion sort ?
A11- insertion sort - imagine you have a list as 6, 5, 3, 1, 8, 7, 2, 4. so in insertion sorting you will take first value and check before it nothing so you put it there, now move to second number and you see, 5 is less then 6 so you move 5 before 6, next move to third number and see 3 is less then 6 and again less then 5 as well, so you move 3 in the top and repeat the process for each number.
- time complexity: O(n^2)
Q12- What is an Object ?
A12- any real world thing can be a object. in depth, imagine you have a car and your car have few properties and method. like color is a property and your car color is blue and start is a method which will start the car. so you can write it something like this
car_color = 'Blue'
def car_start():
print('Start the car...')
and now If you bought another car you maybe handle this like this (let's make first car as car1)
car1_color = 'Blue'
def car1_start():
print('Start the car...')
car2_color = 'Black'
def car2_start():
print('Start the car...')
here you can see both car have same values and same function(method) so either creating a separate variable for each we can just create an object group all car property together
car1 = {
color: 'Blue'
def start():
print('Start the car...')
car2 = {
color: 'Blue'
def start():
print('Start the car...')
here you can see everything about the car wrap inside the object (which make it easy to manage)
Q13- What is a Class ?
A13- Class is a blue print of an object. (let's continue last example) you have 5 cars now so you have to create 5 object and write all code again and again. and it's not efficient so what we do we create a class and then create object from this class (the benefit is we don't have to write start method every time and provide the color and that's all)
class Car:
__init__(self, color):
self.color = color
def start(self):
print('Start the car...')
car1 = Car('blue')
car2 = Car('black')
car3 = Car('white')
car4 = Car('black')
car5 = Car('white')
here you can see all we create 5 cars and only provide color variable and start will be inheritance to all those cars and look how simple and clean it become
Q14- What is public, protected, and private in Classes ?
A14- Well in a Class there are 3 kind of things
- public: anyone can access it
- private no one can access it
- protected only those who inherit from you
Q15- What is Inheritance ?
A15- Inheritance is as it's work in real life, if you inherit from someone you get there things, same for programming
- public attribute will be inherit
- private attribute will not inherit
- protected attribute will inherit as well
Q16- What is Polymorphism ?
A16- In short if you can treat different classes as one super class (after inheritance) its' Polymorphism. few Polymorphism are:
- overloading
- overwriting
Q17- What is Encapsulation ?
A17- Encapsulation is restricting direct access to the properties (from outside use) - common example is getter
and setter
Q18- What is array ?
A18- Array collection of data together in one.
there are 2 types of Array:
- Static Array:
- static array will have fix size (in the memory)
- Dynamic Array:
- Dynamic Array you don't need to worry about array size because there is no limitation.
Q19- What is a linked Lists ?
A19- linked Lists is something, let's say you have a note (variable) and this note have 2 this first the value and second is a pointer which will point to the second note and this process will go and this is what a linked list look like.
- the problem is you only know next value so if you want to go to x element you have to go through each element
- if size increase it will become so slow to retrieve data
- easy to insert data (just figure out the position where you want to add and then add the value)
- work fine if you work one by one
- work exactly like array
- add element
- remove element
Q20- What is Stack ?
A20- Stack is simply think that you have 3 book and you put them top of one to another, and your friend give you another book so now you have 4 book and you put fourth book top of 3 and when your friend asked for a book you grab the top one and give it to the friend, yes this is all, the concept of first in and first out.
- We have 2 method in stack
= to remove the last onepush()
= to add in the last
- stack work with collection so array or linked list
- also know as abstract data type
- some type we have
method to look what element we have in the last - stack also know as LIFO
- L = last
- I = in
- F = first
- O = out
- last in first out
Q21- What is Queue ?
A21- Queue is same as queue the only different is first value will extract first out.
- We have 2 method in queue
= to adddequeue()
= to remove
- also know as buffer
- also know as abstract data type
- queue also know as FIFO
- F = first
- I = in
- F = first
- O = out
- fist in first out
Q22- What is Hash Table ?
A22- Hash Table is just like an array with key value pair (you can understand it as an object), also know as lookup table where you look the value with the id/key
- Props:
- it's an O(1) operation so it's extremely fast
- Cons:
- no duplicate key in Hash Table (technically not a cons but i didn't find anything else)
- no orderQ
- Explain:
- when we create a hash table it will give us an array of certain size. and when you assign a key value pain in an hash table it will assign somewhere in the assign table (and this place where we assign the key-value will determine by hashing - hashing algorithm - hash function - ofter use mod - %)
- Collisions:
- let's say you use the hash function and set value of index 4 and then with second value it will again get 4 so here you can do 5 things
- Separate Chaining:
- either send to next row
- if this happen a lot it will convert O(1) to linked list O(n) and effect the fast track of hash table
- Linear Probing:
- convert existing into linked list and point the value of current to next value
Q23- What are Sets ?
A23- Sets are just like list/array in simple
- Props:
- no duplicate
- check if the value/thing is available or not or get the value
- Cons:
- no order
- no count
- Method:
- add
- remove
- clear
- union = combine 2 sets
- intersection = return same values from both sets
- difference = return different value present in first set
- symmetric difference = return different value present in both sets
- frozenset are immutable set you can't change them
- Explain:
sets work in same way as hash they hash the complete value then store them in a list in memory and the reason you can't save any value more then one is that if you hash same value twice it will give you same response and there will be no way to know to put it as first or second value and yes sets don't deal with collisions
- don't put anything in hash which is not hashable
- you can even write your own hash method for set (which vert language to language)
- Always use dynamic array over static array (if possible)
- Base Class: class use to inherit (dog inherit from animal so animal is base class)
- Derive Class: class which inherit from base class (dog inherit from animal so dog is derive class)
- Logical Length: how much element present in an array
- Physical Length: total length of the array
I start my journey using this cool stuff so shout to them: