If you are not using Windows, download the chromedriver from https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads and place it to project directory
Create config.py in project directory
student_id = 'YOUR STUDENT ID'
password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
# The browser window will not be displayed when True
headless = False # True or False
# Check interval(second)
interval = 60 * 5
# Start the telegram bot when True
start_bot = False
# Start a conversation with the @BotFather and create a bot using the "/newbot" command
telegram_bot_token = 'TOKEN'
# Send '/start' to the bot in telegram to get your user id
my_user_id = 12345678
- Run spider.py
transcript_selenium_spider is intended for academic purposes. Use at your own risk.