rqirc is a irc gateway for the RedQueen network.
- Create config/production.json and use 'export NODE_ENV=production'
- Change anything from config/default.json
docker run -d -e NODE_CONFIG="$(cat config/production.json)" makerslocal/rqirc
- config - options from config file
- client - client connection information
- colors - set irc colors
- debugSend(msg) - print message to debugchannel
- send(to, msg, actionable) - send irc message
- irc.rqevent.on('msg.command', function(msg))
msg = {
'channel' : channel
'command' : command,
'nick' : sender.nick,
'message' : message
- mqtt.send
function(topic, message)
- mqtt.subscribe('topic')
- data is in format of sender
- go in
directory - subscribed to events on mqtt
- messages are received in a format the mqtt publisher decides.
- config - config management
- nodejs - I mean?
- internet-relay-chat - irc library
- eventemitter2 - better event emitter