Qt HPGL plotting software
Localplot is a small Qt tool we're writing to bridge the gap between Inkscape and our old USCutter vinyl cutter.
This program currently caters to a single plotting/cutting system: USCutter MH871-MK2.
Our makerspace has one of the aforementioned vinyl cutters, and it's a fantastic community tool that works quite nicely.. When the software plays along. Right now we're using an ancient WinXP era driver program that's perpetually stuck in trial mode, it's a less-than-ideal situation.
We've tried the alternatives, all one of them. There's a pretty hard absence of free and open source programs that can drive plotters, which I find crazy considering that the HPGL protocol is older than digital dirt.
So we're here, creating a small utility which accepts .hpgl files from Inkscape, and then drives a vinyl cutter with them. Right now it does the bare minimum to make the magic happen, but I look forward to making this into a fully-fledged layout and arrangement tool.
Issue when using USB->serial adapters
If there's a feature you'd like to see, tell us and we'll look into it.
If there's a bug, tell us and we'll (try to) remove it.
If there's not a bug, tell us and we'll add one.