A Node JS application that uses MongoDB as database and it can be dockerized. You can install Mongo databese locally in your system. Create a db user and password. You can refer this link for more details : https://hevodata.com/blog/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/. You can test the application with your created user, pass as below :
mongo mongodb://localhost:27017/admin -u admin -p password MongoDB shell version v3.4.17 connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/admin MongoDB server version: 3.4.17 Server has startup warnings: ....
db.admin.distinct("name") [ "malar" ] exit bye
root@tofu1:~# mongo mongodb://localhost:27017 -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase "admin" MongoDB shell version v3.4.17 connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017 MongoDB server version: 3.4.17
exit bye
Node JS app :
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Connect to the db MongoClient.connect("mongodb://admin:password@localhost:27017/admin", function (err, db) { console.log("connected to db");
if(err) throw err;
//Write databse Insert/Update/Query code here..
}); ~