A diverse collection of Bash scripts for various purposes - a little bit of everything
- Cleanup Arch-based Systems: Cleans up interactivelly unused packages or files in Arch Linux-based systems.
- Common Docs Linker: Easily links common documents while preventing duplicates in the system.
- Extract ZIP Files: Extracts ZIP files located in a specified folder.
- Get System Information: Retrieves system information including kernel version and hardware details.
- Configure Git: Sets up essential Git configurations like username, email, and aliases.
- Install Apache Superset: Installs and sets up Apache Superset
- Make Bash Scripts Executable Anywhere: Allows running Bash scripts from any location in the system.
- Data Project Structure Generator: Generates a structured project directory for data-related projects.
- Run Apache Airflow on Specific Port: Checks if the desired port is available and runs Apache Airflow
- Spark Configuration Parameter Calculator: Automatically calculates Spark configuration parameters based on available hardware resources.
- Backup to multiple destinations: Backs up data to multiple specified destinations.
- Enable/Disable Webcam Modules: Enables or disables webcam modules in the system.
- Common Doc Linker: Easily create symbolic links for selected documents from a customizable list.