(Prometheus recommended, but not required)
Robusta is both an automations engine for Kubernetes, and a multi-cluster observability platform.
Robusta is commonly used alongside Prometheus, but other tools are supported too.
By listening to all the events in your cluster, Robusta can tell you why alerts fired, what happened at the same time, and what you can do about it.
Robusta can either improve your existing alerts, or be used to define new alerts triggered by APIServer changes.
Robusta's behaviour is defined by rules like this:
- on_prometheus_alert:
alert_name: KubePodCrashLooping
- logs_enricher: {}
- slack
In the above example, whenever the KubePodCrashLooping
alert fires, Robusta will fetch logs from the right pod and attach them to the alert. The result looks like this:
Robusta also supports alert-remediations:
Over 50 types of automations and enrichments are built-in »
- Install our python cli:
python3 -m pip install -U robusta-cli --no-cache
- Generate a values file for Helm:
robusta gen-config
- Install Robusta with Helm:
helm repo add robusta https://robusta-charts.storage.googleapis.com && helm repo update
helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml
- Enhanced Prometheus Alerts: All your Prometheus alerts are transformed with better structure, labels, and priority details.
- Enrichment: Receive alerts with graphs from Prometheus, application logs, Kubernetes events and more without any extra configuration.
- Alert Routing: Send alerts to different teams based on the namespace, alert type or even on a different chat app all together.
- Automatic Remediation: Want to run a bash script when an alert is triggered? How about creating a new Job and gathering some data? Done!
- Resolve Jira Tickets: Enriched Jira tickets are created for specific alerts, if the issue is resolved they are marked resolved automatically.
- Integrations: Get everyday alerts on Slack, and weekly application efficiency reports via email. Use Robusta's 15+ integrations to bring enriched alerts directly to your teams.
Interested? Learn more about Robusta
- Slack - robustacommunity.slack.com
- Twitter - @RobustaDev
- LinkedIn - robusta-dev
- Jobs - jobs@robusta.dev
- Email Support - support@robusta.dev
Robusta is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for more information.
We add new features regularly. Stay up to date by watching us on GitHub.