Standard Performance Evaluation of Ancestral Reconstruction through Simulation
SPEARS was developed and coded by Heather Manching under the guidance of Dr. Randall J. Wisser. This work was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Grant Nos. 2011-67003-30342 and 2018-67011-28052 from the USDA-NIFA. We thank Dr. Chaozhi Zheng for support in operating RABBIT.
Here we introduce SPEARS, a pipeline for simulation-based performance appraisal of ancestral haplotype inference. SPEARS determines the reliablability of inferred ancestral haplotype maps. It can be used to assess the performance of a new method or tool and to examine expectations for conceived or existing population designs.
Simulations are used to generate genome-wide haplotype maps for many individuals. This truth data is retained but also modified (in the pipeline) to mimic sparse genotype data that enters the standard multi-step process of imputation and haplotype reconstruction. Comparing the expected data to the inferred data allows the results to be benchmarked.
We developed SPEARS to allow for start-to-finish analysis of a given population through simulation with SAEGUS, imputation with MaCH, and ancestral haplotype reconstruction with RABBIT. Performance appraisal is based on four metrics of accuracy: ancestral assignment accuracy, genotype assignment accuracy, switch-error rate (haplotype phasing) and the correlation in crossover counts.
We have provided parent test data with 10,000 markers (test_parent_key_vcf.txt) that can be used for running through the pipeline quickly. We have also included a parent data set with 47,078 markers (used for manuscript, parent_key_vcf.txt), although this takes longer to run. These scripts need to be run in order.
This script is specific for the multiparent population described in the manuscript. It takes a user supplied genetic map and pedigree information and generates genotype and parent-of-origin data for 1000 random individuals from the last generation in the pedigree. It follows the tutorial for SAEGUS available on github. Output includes two files: 1) known_GT.csv (this include genotypes for all sampled progeny in the format: "0/0","0/1","1/0","1/1" and is required input for 2_SAEGUS_to_MACH_format.R) and 2) known_parent_of_origin.csv (origin of each allele for each marker in each individual and is required input for 7_Calculate_OVD_SPEARS_Metrics.R). It needs to be customized based on user's population.
- Required Input Files
- Parent Key Data (example: parent_key_vcf.txt): Tab-delimited text document formatted with the following headers in this order: snpID, chr, POS, cM, F_MISS, REF, ALT, parent1, parent2, parent3, ... , parentn
- Header Descriptions
- snpID: numerical assignment to each marker (ordered by chr and POS) can skip numbers, but should be consecutive numbers based on chr and POS
- chr: numeric assignment to the chromosome for each marker
- POS: physical position of each marker (in bp)
- cM: cM for each marker
- REF: Reference allele for each marker
- ALT: Alternate allele for each marker
- F_MISS: A number between 0 and 1 that corresponds to the proportion of progeny at a given marker with missing data (1 is completely missing, 0 is all individuals have genotype data)
- parent1 ... parentn: columns corresponding to the parents of the population. Column names can be any character name (founder1, parent1, CML10, etc...). Genotypes in each founder column are bi-allelic vcf format and must be homozygous (0/0 or 1/1).
- 2_SAEGUS_to_MACH_format.R
Takes output from (formatted as described above) and reformats for use in MaCH. User defines all parameters in this script as follows: wd (working directory), sd (name of GT output from SAEGUS), ld (name of parent-of-origin output from SAEGUS), fd (name of parent data key), chrom (total number of chromosomes), popID (ID assigned to population for MACH input), sn (total number of progeny), rsq (R-square threshold for MACH output), and g_error (global genotyping error). These parameters are outputted in a file (user_input.txt) that will be referenced in all downstream scripts. It also outputs known GT data (reformatted from SAEGUS output, known_GT2.csv, required input for 7_Calculate_OVD_SPEARS_Metrics.R). Creates a subfolder in the working directory called MaCH and within this subfolder creates a folder for each chromosome. In each chromosome folder, it creates the 4 input files required by MaCH for imputation: 1) parents_chrom_n.haplos, 2) parents_chrom_n.snps, 3) progeny_chrom_n.dat, 4) progeny_chrom_n.PED.
- Required Input Files
- Simulated GT output (from (example: known_GT.csv)
- Formatted with headers: ind_id, markers as: 1_1 (snpID 1, allele 1), 1_2 (snpID 2, allele 2) ... n_1, n_2 (for n number of markers). Column names for each marker/allele can be formatted as any character name as long as each marker is in order based on chromosome and position and each allele for each marker are next to each other (example: marker1_a1, marker1_a2, marker2_a1, marker2_a2 would also be appropriate headers).
- Parent Key Data (example: parent_key.txt): see description in
- Simulated GT output (from (example: known_GT.csv)
Takes output from 2_SAEGUS_to_MaCH_format.R and performs imputation using MaCH. This is a two-step process (step1: estimate model parameters, step2: perform imputation). See MaCH tutorial for details on user requirements. This script runs 1000 iterations (-r 1000). Iterates through all chromosomes, but needs to be customized based on user's number of chromosomes
- Required Input Files
- Output from 2_SAEGUS_to_MACH_format.R
- parents_chrom_c.haplos: parent haplotypes for each chromosome n.
- parents_chrom_c.snps: snps that are present in the parent data for each chromosome n.
- progeny_chrom_c.dat: snps that are present in the population that overlap with the parent snps for each chromosome n.
- progeny_chrom_c.PED: genotypes for each sample for the snps listed in progeny_chrom_n.dat.
- Output from 2_SAEGUS_to_MACH_format.R
- 4_MACH_to_RABBIT_format.R
Takes output from (specifically, the .mlgeno and .mlinfo files for each chromosome) and formats for use in RABBIT. Filters sites based on user-defined R-square threshold. Creates one input file per chromosome.
- Required Input Files
- user_input.txt
- Output from required for next step (other files are outputted see MACH for details)
- imputed_chrom_c.mlgeno: genotype data for all samples for each chromosome n.
- imputed_chrom_c.mlinfo: stats (including Rsq) for each marker, used for filtering.
- Parent Key Data
- 5_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OVD.nb
Runs the Viterbi algorithm "origViterbiDecoding" in RABBIT. This is specific for the test population described in the manuscript and needs to be modified (specifically, the popdesign field [see RABBIT tutorial and refer to Zheng et al. 2015 for calculating priors, downloading and using RABBIT]). Iterates through all chromosomes.
- Required Input Files
- Output from 4_MACH_to_RABBIT_format.R
- filtered_chrom_c_RABBIT_input.csv: an individual file for each chromosome n that includes markers that have been retained based on a minimum Rsq value (##).
- Output from 4_MACH_to_RABBIT_format.R
- 6_Calculate_OVD_SPEARS_Metrics.R
Formats RABBIT (inferred) output and compares to simulated (expected) output for calculating ancestral assignment accuracy (AAA), genotype assignment accuracy (GAA), phase assignment accuracy (PAA), and correlation between crossover counts (CCC). Creates an output file for SPEARS metrics by sample (SPEARS_by_sample_Metrics.csv) and by marker (SPEARS_by_marker_Metrics.csv, includes missing and genotyping error distributions) and results from Pearson's correlation on CO counts calculated between expected and inferred data (SPEARS_CO_Pearson_results.csv).
- Required Input Files
- user_input.txt
- Output from
- known_parent_of_origin.csv
- Output from 2_SAEGUS_to_MACH_format.R
- known_GT2.csv: known genotype matrix for all simulated samples
- Output from 5_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OVD.nb
- reconstructed_chrom_c_jointModel_OVD_summary.csv: the summary output from RABBIT.
- 7_CO_plot_script.R
Produces Figure S5 from Manuscript.
- Required Input Files
- Output from 7_Calculate_OVD_AAA_GAA_SER_CCC.R
- SPEARS_by_sample_Metrics.csv
- Output from 7_Calculate_OVD_AAA_GAA_SER_CCC.R
- 8_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OPD.nb
Runs the "origPosteriorDecoding" algorithm from RABBIT. Output from this can be used to calculate parent certainty. This is specific for the test population described in the manuscript and needs to be modified (specifically, the popdesign field [see RABBIT tutorial and refer to Zheng et al. 2015 for calculating priors]) and run for each chromosome.
- Required Input Files
- Output from 4_MACH_to_RABBIT_format.R
- reconstructed_chrom_c_RABBIT_input.csv: an individual file for each chromosome n that includes markers that have been retained based on a minimum Rsq value (##).
- Output from 4_MACH_to_RABBIT_format.R
- 9_parent_certainty_analysis
Takes output from 9_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OPD.nb and calculates the average parent certainty across all samples (the difference in probabilities between the top two parents at each marker). Can be used to compare to AAA.
- Required Input Files
- Output from 9_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OPD.nb
- reconstructed_chrom_c_jointModel_OPD_summary.csv
- Output from 9_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OPD.nb
- 10_Figure_AAA_vs_PC.R
Creates a figure that shows AAA and Parent Certainty for each chromosome. See Figure S6.
- Required Input Files
- user_input.txt
- Parent Key Data
- File containing centromere and chromosome size information (see example: chrom_coord.csv)
- Output from 9_parent_certainty_analysis (ml_diff_by_marker.csv)
- Output from 6_Calculate_OVD_SPEARS_metrics.R (SPEARS_by_marker_Metrics.csv)
- 11_Plot_RABBIT_Haplotype_Map.R
Creates a haplotype map for a single sample defined by user. See right portion of Figure S5.
- Required Input Files
- user_input.txt
- Parent Key Data
- File containing centromere and chromosome size information (see example: chrom_coord.csv)
- Output from 5_RABBIT_run_jointModel_OVD.nb
- reconstructed_chrom_c_jointModel_OVD_summary.csv: the summary output from RABBIT.