- all_scores: All scores obtained from the models in the same folder.
- data: Datasets used, containing only Summer data.
- models: Cache of the trained models.
- model.backup: When a loading is interrupted, the model try to train again, so if that new training is canceled, the cache will be overwrited, leaving slight variations in the scores.
- precalcs: Precalculate data from the dataset, this 'precalcs' are only for test and is not used in this study, but it's necessary to the properly work of the code.
- tuning.done: Tuning done with Hyperas. For each model have 3 files:
- .py: Code with the configuration to start the tuning. the arguments <HyperLSTM | preSQP> < Number of runs >
- i.e: file.py HyperLSTM 35
- .temp.txt: The output of the corresponding .py
- .txt: The tail of the corresponding .temp.txt
- .py: Code with the configuration to start the tuning. the arguments <HyperLSTM | preSQP> < Number of runs >
- work: This is the main folder. All .py files must be in this folder to work properly, also the ozone_forecasting_multi-task notebook.
- Optimizer: Adam.
- Learning Rate: 0.001
- B1: 0.9
- B2: 0.999