Viewer for .off and some .m3d formats. Convert from .off to .m3d and .m3d to off. Allows move nodes and rotate. To view requires PyGame !!
usage: INPUT [OUTPUT] [-g]
if INPUT is m3d file then OUTPUT will be .off if INPUT is .off file then the OUTPUT will be m3d -g is for view the figure of the INPUT
readFile("INPUT"): read a file and return an Element Class.
to view: someElement.view()
to move a point: someElement.vertices[v].x += 1
to rotate a point: around the Y axis: someElement.vertices[v] = someElement.vertices[v].rotateY(DEGREE,[X,Z]) where [X,Z] are the coordinates of the Y axis to rotate arround. Default is [0,0]. for X axis: same but the axis coords are [Y,Z] for Z axis: same but the axis coords are [X,Y]
to save the moved points: someElement.vertices[v].x += 1 someElement.writem3d("file.m3d")
Original Cube Rotating Code: