Tech : React Tailwind Three.js
I choose to do test and create a portfolio after Ironhack mainly for keep practicing react and discover new techniques like Tailwind and three.js
- I should adopt the mobile first design since the start. it make me loose a treamendous amount of time.
- I take exemple from Javascript Mastery on youtube for getting introduce to this two new technologies. I finish his exemple first and then delete almost everything because I prefered do it myself. I found the documentation from tailwind reaaly clear and i loose time watching that video was not needed ecxept maybe for the three.js part.
- In the other hand he (JSmastery) show me a different way to start a project and build the constant file where he store his information in a clear and clean way. I kept that approach when I start again to customize the project.
- Overall I think the previous errors was constructive, it show me why good practice exist and if I try to gain some time at the begining of a project i will surely loose way more after.
- Each section of the application was well divided in component but inside of these sections I could become more consistant creating sub-component.
- I could go over all the code I did to find repetition or inconsistency and keep improving, but I will focus now on other things (TypeScript).