Check this file to view current driver support progress for SINUX F1: PROGRESS-SINUX-F1
sudo apt install wget unzip build-essential git bc swig libncurses-dev libpython3-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt install python3-distutils
git clone
Notice: Root permission is not necessery for build firmware.
Caution: Apply defconfig will reset all buildroot configurations to default values.
Generally, you only need to apply it once.
cd buildroot-sinux
make sisoog_sinux_f1_defconfig
If you have a multicore CPU, you can try
make -j ${YOUR_CPU_COUNT}
WARNING: Please be careful when running the following commands, as you might destroy essential data or disk.
dd if=buildroot-sinux/output/images/sysimage-sdcard.img of=/dev/sd? status=progress
- Recompile U-Boot when you direct edit U-Boot sourcecode.
- Recompile Kernel when you direct edit Kernel sourcecode.
- Emulate target rootfs by chroot.