Fetches data from the Open Weather Map API and uses Python for wrapping.
You will need a valid OpenWeatherMap API key to allow responses, this script will not work without one.
You can signup for a free API key on the Open Weather Map website
Change settings in the Config file to your own API-KEY, location and units.
Only requires requests, which you can simply download with pip.
pip install requests==3.4
>>> from weather import Weather
>>> weather = Weather()
>>> weather.get_temperature()
(20, 20, 21)
>>> weather.get_description()
'clear sky'
>>> from weather import update_weather
>>> print(update_weather())
"Current temp": 21,
"Min temp": 18,
"Max temp": 25,
"Wind": 2.6,
"Pressure": 1016,
"Humidity": 60,
"Description": "clear sky",
"Sunrise": "05:51:20",
"Sunset": "22:18:43",
"City": "London",
"Country": "UK"
>>> from forecast import WeatherForecast
>>> forecast = WeatherForecast()
>>> print(forecast.get_forecasts())
"1": {
"Day": "Fri",
"Temp_max": 28.47,
"Temp_min": 12.38,
"Description": "clear sky"
"2": {
"Day": "Sat",
"Temp_max": 28.75,
"Temp_min": 18.32,
"Description": "clear sky"
"3": {
"Day": "Sun",
"Temp_max": 29.79,
"Temp_min": 16.83,
"Description": "clear sky"
"4": {
"Day": "Mon",
"Temp_max": 31.39,
"Temp_min": 18.79,
"Description": "clear sky"
If you want to contribute or find anything wrong, please create a Pull request, or issue adressing the change, or issue.
- Magnus Øye - magnusoy
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details