This is the companion repository for the e-book: "Bluetooth 5 & Bluetooth Low Energy: A Developer's Guide"
In this repository, you will find a few different folders:
- Ellisys sniffer captures: Capture files that the reader can view in the Ellisys Analyzer Software and analyze to get a better understanding of Bluetooth Low Energy and Bluetooth 5.
- Gateway: Source code for the "Gateway" device, which is part of the book's Main Project (Home Automation) exercise (for the nRF52840 chipset).
- HelloWorld with Security: A simple BLE "Hello World" example with added Security (LE Secure Connections, MITM protection, Numeric Comparison) (for the nRF52840 chipset). This example has not been migrated to the new 15.2.0 nRF5 SDK yet. It still uses SDK v 14.2.0.
- HelloWorld: A simple BLE "Hello World" example (for the nRF52840 chipset).
- HelloWorld nRF52832: A simple "Hello World" example implemented for the nRF52832 chipset.
- Main Project SES files: Main Project Segger Embedded Studio (SES) Solution and Project files. (for the nRF52840 chipset)
- Remote Control: Source code for the "Remote Control" device, which is part of the book's Main Project (Home Automation) exercise (for the nRF52840 chipset).
- Video Tutorials PDFs: PDFs for the Video Tutorials (video tutorials included only with the Accelerator and Ultimate bundles).
- nRF5_SDK_current: nRF5 SDK snapshot (version 15.2.0).
- nRF5_SDK_14.2.0_17b948a: Previous version of the SDK (14.2.0).
The FIRST and ONLY practical Bluetooth Low Energy developer guide!
Stop reading books that sound good on paper, but leave you wondering how to get started with development!
This 300+ page e-book will guide you through building a complete Home Automation project while learning the basics and advanced aspects of Bluetooth 5 and Bluetooth Low Energy development. You also get access to the full source code used to build the project as well as 11 Video Tutorials.
The book covers the following topics:
- Basics of Bluetooth Low Energy and Bluetooth 5
- Utilizing Bluetooth 5 to achieve 2x speed, 4x range, and 8x advertising capacity
- Designing your GATT, GAP and optimizing the different system parameters
- Tutorials for using the essential tools for developing for Bluetooth Low Energy
- Achieving optimum power consumption and battery life
- Debugging device communication and connections
- Practical examples using the Nordic nRF52840 chipset (using SDK v 15.2.0)
- Complete source code for building the Main Project for the book
- 11 Video tutorials including: using the nRF Sniffer, the Ellisys Bluetooth Tracker, the Nordic Power Profiler Kit, and others.
To get a FREE sample chapter or purchase the book, visit this site:
The source code in this repository includes mixed/multiple Licenses:
- Code written by Novel Bits is licensed under the MIT License.
- Code taken from Nordic Semiconductor's example code and SDK is licensed under Nordic's License statements.